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Wow, that is so :awesome:...I didn't know that... :P

Somewhere in the galaxy, a spaceship powered by the collective sarcasm of mankind just entered warp speed...

On an unrelated note, I still feel we place way too much credence in Spy rolls, RP really should be the deciding factor

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...stop trolling. You're not funny.
Wow, that is so :awesome:...I didn't know that... :P

I'm not trolling, I was explaining so that multiple rerolls don't need to occur.

That was a 50% spy odd in the screen shot, not a 60%. Could you roll again using a 50% spy odd?

Because of things like that.

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Somewhere in the galaxy, a spaceship powered by the collective sarcasm of mankind just entered warp speed...

On an unrelated note, I still feel we place way too much credence in Spy rolls, RP really should be the deciding factor

No system is perfect enough to avoid infiltration.

EDIT: Most roleplayers do not detail every little thing they do for their anti-spy measures. Every time someone RP's doing some form of infiltration, there will be one more layer always added on. For example, someone is entering a federal building, but the only thing mentioned is the person must have a valid ID. Say the spy gets the ID and tries to enter the building, now all of the sudden the building also has mandatory fingerprint ID to enter the building. Unless every single person details every single bit of security they have, these spy rolls are the best way to handle spy RP's.

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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No system is perfect enough to avoid infiltration.

EDIT: Most roleplayers do not detail every little thing they do for their anti-spy measures. Every time someone RP's doing some form of infiltration, there will be one more layer always added on. For example, someone is entering a federal building, but the only thing mentioned is the person must have a valid ID. Say the spy gets the ID and tries to enter the building, now all of the sudden the building also has mandatory fingerprint ID to enter the building. Unless every single person details every single bit of security they have, these spy rolls are the best way to handle spy RP's.

This is why I have the policy that at least 3 (random) measures of that kind have to be implemented on any governmental facility more important than school-organisation.


(Usually, it's a unique ID, which would be insanely hard to fake, a fingerprint scan and a retinal scan.)

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This is why I have the policy that at least 3 (random) measures of that kind have to be implemented on any governmental facility more important than school-organisation.


(Usually, it's a unique ID, which would be insanely hard to fake, a fingerprint scan and a retinal scan.)

Last time I checked the mythbusters managed to create a glove that had fingerprints on them and the fingerprint scan enabled door opened yet the company that produced those fingerprint scans claimed they were never tricked by fake fingerprints before.

As for the retinal scan, that can be done with the correct contact lens (though it would take a lot of effort to copy the correct real one).

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Last time I checked the mythbusters managed to create a glove that had fingerprints on them and the fingerprint scan enabled door opened yet the company that produced those fingerprint scans claimed they were never tricked by fake fingerprints before.

As for the retinal scan, that can be done with the correct contact lens (though it would take a lot of effort to copy the correct real one).

I have the perfect "three" measures that would be near impossible to pass.

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Last time I checked the mythbusters managed to create a glove that had fingerprints on them and the fingerprint scan enabled door opened yet the company that produced those fingerprint scans claimed they were never tricked by fake fingerprints before.

As for the retinal scan, that can be done with the correct contact lens (though it would take a lot of effort to copy the correct real one).

Or you can take a chemical and organic sample of the finger prints all in the same process as a secondary process. If certain trace organic cells are dead (they don't last very long anyways), it means it's a fake, thus is denied. Same with the secreted chemicals. If it's done with a certain material, like latex, it would be picked up and thus denied.

As for the retinal scan, you could use a corrected contact lens, but it can easily be thwarted by detecting a lens in the first place. So a secondary measure would be to remove all lenses, including contacts. Sure, you could make a new material, but it still keeps out the common day idiot.

And for I.Ds, all people should have their identification scanned onto their brains. :P The only way you could forge an ID would be to, well, steal their brain. :mellow:

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I have a question, how can we solve the problem of people threatening OOC but acting "peaceful" IC?

Nation A doesn't like what Nation B did, but wants to appear peaceful. So, Nation A goes to an OOC chat and tells Nation B if they don't do this or that, they will be nuked/at war with them IC. Nation A then approaches IC peacefully, and the deal goes through because of the OOC threats.

I do not want to name names, but I've seen this happening, and I was wondering if there was some way to stop it from happening. Perhaps an application of the "No OOC deals" rule.

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I have a question, how can we solve the problem of people threatening OOC but acting "peaceful" IC?

Nation A doesn't like what Nation B did, but wants to appear peaceful. So, Nation A goes to an OOC chat and tells Nation B if they don't do this or that, they will be nuked/at war with them IC. Nation A then approaches IC peacefully, and the deal goes through because of the OOC threats.

I do not want to name names, but I've seen this happening, and I was wondering if there was some way to stop it from happening. Perhaps an application of the "No OOC deals" rule.

Is it hard to ignore talking with someone you don't want to? We don't have any say on how people conduct themselves OOC.

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I have a question, how can we solve the problem of people threatening OOC but acting "peaceful" IC?

Nation A doesn't like what Nation B did, but wants to appear peaceful. So, Nation A goes to an OOC chat and tells Nation B if they don't do this or that, they will be nuked/at war with them IC. Nation A then approaches IC peacefully, and the deal goes through because of the OOC threats.

I do not want to name names, but I've seen this happening, and I was wondering if there was some way to stop it from happening. Perhaps an application of the "No OOC deals" rule.

Ther is nothing you can do about someone OOC words or actions except putting them on your own ignore list. As Cali said none of us can actually tell someone what to do OOC and if they don't then threaten them IC. All you can do is let your friends/allies know what the threat was and prepare best as you possibly can IC.

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Ther is nothing you can do about someone OOC words or actions except putting them on your own ignore list. As Cali said none of us can actually tell someone what to do OOC and if they don't then threaten them IC. All you can do is let your friends/allies know what the threat was and prepare best as you possibly can IC.

Except there's no realistic way to prepare IC'ly for an OOC threat.

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This is why I always make it a point to act threatening ICly and OOCly. That way, people can prepare without godmoding and are never confused. :P

Hah hah, yeah, I suppose that's one positive aspect of your attirtude... :lol1:

But their leader ALWAYS seems to have a feeling that war is on the horizon when it happens.

Now that's acceptable, if the threat was only OOC in the first place... ;)

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