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Poaching from our ranks- NSO

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Come back when you arn't speaking out of your rear end. If you read the thread, you'd know we've been talking and thus far both of us have been pleased with the solution.

You mean the whole thread I read?

The one with going through private channels to apologize for something you guys don't see as wrong and still not a single word of "Whoops, our bad" in seriousness?

Your private apologies mean nothing to the CN world at large when you write things with such a horrible taste to them.

Maybe you should stop talking out of your fake-apology giving read end?

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Maybe an NSO member can field this question as it has been eating at me. If recruiting from neutrals is no big and deal and you want to break free from the mold, be special, etc., then why was an apology given to the GOP? It seems odd that when it comes to the identical situation with TDO that you defend your actions but when approached by the GOP you apologized for your actions. That doesn't all seem to add up for me.

The only reason I can see for this disrespect (and let's be honest here, it is) towards TDO would be that you believe they didn't exhaust private channels before making this public. Given, that could be a good enough reason to be belligerent. Though on the other hand, you guys have repeatedly said in this thread that you want the "wild west" standard of gaming back and don't want to live by the hegemonic norms. Private channels are a large portion of those hegemonic norms and if anything is "wild west", calling you out in public is.

Does someone want to clarify the things above for me?

You know, that's a good point. Any one from the NSO wanna take a shot at his question?

Edited by kulomascovia
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You mean the whole thread I read?

The one with going through private channels to apologize for something you guys don't see as wrong and still not a single word of "Whoops, our bad" in seriousness?

Your private apologies mean nothing to the CN world at large when you write things with such a horrible taste to them.

Maybe you should stop talking out of your fake-apology giving read end?

I can feel the Dark Side in you.

Give in to your hate. Strike out in anger.

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You mean the whole thread I read?

The one with going through private channels to apologize for something you guys don't see as wrong and still not a single word of "Whoops, our bad" in seriousness?

Your private apologies mean nothing to the CN world at large when you write things with such a horrible taste to them.

Maybe you should stop talking out of your fake-apology giving read end?

We went over this. After the talks with Dark Council, UJA, GOP, and GPA we thought it was resolved. GPA and GOP pressed the issue further, so they got a response. TDO did not press the issue further until they created this here topic. So until now, we had no reason to assume it was not resolved with TDO.

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You mean the whole thread I read?

The one with going through private channels to apologize for something you guys don't see as wrong and still not a single word of "Whoops, our bad" in seriousness?

Your private apologies mean nothing to the CN world at large when you write things with such a horrible taste to them.

Maybe you should stop talking out of your fake-apology giving read end?

I don't care about what the CN World thinks, just that TDO and the other alliances involved (those that were sent messages) are pleased with how the situation was solved. If you asked anyone I know, they'd tell you I am perhaps one of the most sincere persons in CN. I don't do fake.

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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I can feel the Dark Side in you.

Give in to your hate. Strike out in anger.

More of strike out in boredom/amusement at the idiocy that I've seen from the NSO posters in here.

I mean come on. You personally can't even give the same respect to a neutral that stood up to you when you gave them the run around that you claim to have given to one that just laid down infront of you.

Good job.

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I don't care about what the CN World thinks, just that TDO and the other alliances involved (those that were sent messages) are pleased with how the situation was solved. If you asked anyone I know, they'd tell you I am perhaps one of the most sincere persons in CN. I don't do fake.

How do you explain your governmental support of the actions and the lack of denial that they were improper or indecent then?

In fact, many of your members continue(d?) to support the actions well into this thread so I guess I for one, in an attempt to also not be fake in the slightest, find it hard to believe that suddenly a change of heart occurred in the past 12 hours or so and NSO has realized that its actions were actually not as justifiable as once were thought.

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NSO thought it was right to do this.

TDO thought it was right to respond in this way.

Guess what everyone? No one is wrong in this situation. There is no right and wrong in this game (unless you go against admin ooc break the game rules). For all those that say "what makes this right / wrong" it is quite simple. You are asking the wrong question, you should be asking, "Who makes this right / wrong?" This whole argument stems back to the Pacifican era when "Might Makes Right" was over abused and game wide policies went into the unwritten rulebook.

The whole point of the karma war was for a change. That change is what we are seeing today. The change is giving alliances the right to act as they please and be totally right in their actions.

I have to give it up to NSO to show everyone these changes and I also give it up to TDO to prove the other side of my point.

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NSO/TDO affairs are now going on in back channels. Hopefully agreement can be reached.

That basically means you are OK with people trying to poach your members. It is noted.

Congratulations NSO for pulling this off :P

Edited by kriekfreak
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More of strike out in boredom/amusement at the idiocy that I've seen from the NSO posters in here.

I mean come on. You personally can't even give the same respect to a neutral that stood up to you when you gave them the run around that you claim to have given to one that just laid down infront of you.

Good job.

I honestly have no idea what you are even talking about.

Good job. *rollseyes*

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The whole point of the karma war was for a change. That change is what we are seeing today. The change is giving alliances the right to act as they please and be totally right in their actions.

Poaching members and slamming alliances that haven't done anything wrong wasn't in the pamphlet I got when I fought for Karma. Maybe it was in the small print.

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NSO thought it was right to do this.

TDO thought it was right to respond in this way.

Guess what everyone? No one is wrong in this situation. There is no right and wrong in this game (unless you go against admin ooc break the game rules). For all those that say "what makes this right / wrong" it is quite simple. You are asking the wrong question, you should be asking, "Who makes this right / wrong?" This whole argument stems back to the Pacifican era when "Might Makes Right" was over abused and game wide policies went into the unwritten rulebook.

The whole point of the karma war was for a change. That change is what we are seeing today. The change is giving alliances the right to act as they please and be totally right in their actions.

I have to give it up to NSO to show everyone these changes and I also give it up to TDO to prove the other side of my point.

I have to disagree with you. Recruiting members from an alliance will always be an infringement upon an alliance's sovereignity. even if it is a trait of the NPO era, it is possibly a somewhat positive. If members wish to leave that's fine, but to be coaxed into leaving is another matter. I will reiterate also, many parts of that message in the OP should be incredibly offensive to TDO, that's quite possibly the worst factor of this affair.

Edited by Phetion
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What? I don't give a damn about your tech deals with gremlins.

This is probably the most asinine comment I have seen in this thread.

Well being Gre and all i do give a damn about my tech deals if that makes me asinine oh well.

My comment was in regard to the post by one of your members (Heggo) which was the first asinine thing in this thread both because of the faulty logic and misuse of philosophical concepts.

I think ill let Bullet Tooth Tony do the speaking for me about this situation.

Bullet Tooth Tony: So, you are obviously the big dick. The men on the side of ya are your balls. Now there are two types of balls. There are big brave balls, and there are little mincey !@#$%^ balls.

Bullet Tooth Tony: Now, dicks have drive and clarity of vision, but they are not clever. They smell !@#$% and they want a piece of the action. And you thought you smelled some good old !@#$%, and have brought your two little mincey !@#$%^ balls along for a good old time. But you've got your parties muddled up. There's no !@#$% here, just a dose that'll make you wish you were born a woman. Like a prick, you are having second thoughts. You are shrinking, and your two little balls are shrinking with you. And the fact that you've got "Replica" written down the side of your guns...

Bullet Tooth Tony: And the fact that I've got "Desert Eagle point five O"...

Bullet Tooth Tony: Written down the side of mine...

Bullet Tooth Tony: Should precipitate your balls into shrinking, along with your presence. Now... $%&@ off!

Edited by King Chill I
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