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Everything posted by ramneta

  1. Not really. NSO hasn't gained any of TDO members since their recruitment spree. However a new alliance did break off and took with it some of our members. Maybe Fallen Fool is also right and that some members left after hiding from the Karma war, which is unfortunate, since we are not a bomb shelter. I cannot confirm this however. If you join TDO make sure you join for the right reasons.
  2. I think there are major miss conceptions regarding neutrality. First off, neutrality is not the same as pacifism. We don't care if the rest of CN goes to war. There is no "world peace" doctrine. We do not mess with other alliances and ask in return to not mess with us. What is so inherently wrong with that? If you like wars join an aggressive alliance. But there will always be neutrals, because there will always be people who want it, just as there will always be people who want democracy, dictatorships, PZI, EZI, or anything else. Luckily for the OP I do not see neutrlity happening on a large scale anytime soon, or ever for that matter, and I couldn't care less. Personally, I stay in TDO because I like the community and the culture. It suits me. If it doesn't suit you then don't join, or leave. Whatever. Edit: spelling
  3. Best of luck. Not that you need it.
  4. This issue is closed as far as I'm concerned. Oh well, back to radio silence.
  5. Because it is an impingement on our sovereignty and just plain out spam. The big question is, how do you feel about other alliances mass recruiting your members? I think you will find an answer there.
  6. Our members know their options. I am not aware of anyone leaving as of now. And if they do, Its unlikely they will join NSO.
  7. I will say this once more. It is not only the recruiting aspect of the message that enraged us. It was the insulting content. Although we view simple recruiting as an aggressive act as well. But not as half as bad as what NSO actually did.
  8. It is not done yet. But I do not think that you will see any substantial TDO posting so long as back channels are used.
  9. No. It means we are discussing the matter. And since you are not a party (and neither am I), you still do not know what the outcome will be.
  10. NSO/TDO affairs are now going on in back channels. Hopefully agreement can be reached.
  11. 1. He said it was poor judgment. 2. He said it will not happen again. Those were the two most important parts for me.
  12. Thanks for the apology. Hopefully it will be accepted by the wider senate, as I believe it should.
  13. Then how do you explain the insults against my alliance? Was this a simple recruitment PM? The respect you show others is the respect you show yourself. At least in my mind. And you show none. Edit: for the record: your assumptions are correct. No one left our alliance, and if they will they will certainly not go to NSO. What are you trying to accomplish here?
  14. As I said before. More then recruiting it is the insulting content of their message.
  15. I don't think people here get it. It is not just the recruiting. Its the disrespectful content of the message they sent. If it were a simple recruiting message "informing" neutrals of their "options" it wouldn't be as bad. It would still be stepping on our sovereignty. I'm pretty sure NSO wouldn't like others alliances "informing" their members. Reading the posts it seems that NSO actually wants us to attack them. Behind every bully there is a coward. They are so insecure they cannot make the first move. So when and if we attack they can go hide behind their mummy (forstbite). That said, I have nothing but respect to other forstbite signatories and understand their commitment. Unfortunately I am but one senator in The Democratic Order. So like everyone here I'm curious as to how this plays out.
  16. Lol, it's funny to see you know nothing about TDO. But keep up the pomp. And don't forget to embrace the "dark side" Muhahahaha. Enjoy your silliness
  17. Some people here don't get neutrality. Being neutral does not imply being pacifist, and indeed we are not pacifists. TDO is a great community. Its a way of life. Apparently most our members think the same as non have left our alliance due to the insulting recruiting message from NSO. It has only enraged our members, and rightfully so. I'm willing to see all my pixels burns to preserve our way of life, if need be. What ever you think of this all, I think we can all agree here that NSO made a "classy" move.
  18. I recruited over 200 nations into TDO and was also the Minister of Recruitment a few months back. Frankly I'm surprised you didn't get a message from TDO. Although they would probably get a low score in your ranking system
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