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Poaching from our ranks- NSO

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I've never understood the "poaching is bad" unwritten rule. The game isn't quite an equal parallel to if Russia was to "recruit" Alaska. There is no real citizens to take into consideration....really think about it next time you deploy your military....I doubt you are getting that tight feeling in your chest over the pixel men that will be lost at war.

Let's boil this down to the reality of it. The "poaching" is only to either irritate the alliance they are aimed at...so key here being...the alliance who cares the least wins :)...or the poaching will net said alliance a bunch of members who at some point would have left their alliance anyway....maybe they have a more "war oriented" personality...then a neutral alliance isn't for them. Maybe they were a trouble maker in their current alliance and saw the writing on the wall and the invitation was a easy answer.....maybe they just wanted change for change sake and are fickle......maybe they were easily swayed....For whatever reason....think about it did you really want those people in your alliance anyway? Are you maybe really INCREASING your alliances non pixel strength without those nations in your alliance...buy cutting some dead weight or problem children.

I read the message and the only "insulting" comment I saw was the word "pathetic". Now come one guys.....it's not out of the realm to see a war oriented alliance who sees this as a game where you "ultimately go to war" think that a neutral alliance is "pathetic". I guess I wouldn't take it as an "insult" and just shrug it off as well that's their take on me...but I don't see it as an insult.

Personally I'd be sending their people messages saying:

Hey Guys! Tired of building up your nation to only see it blasted off Planet Bob! Then come over here where we have Peace, Love, and Rock and Roll!

Edited by Computra
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Are you honestly trying to convince TDO and NSO that an issue between TDO and NSO isn't over despite the fact that both TDO and NSO have agreed that it is and moved on?

I wanted clarification. Why, do you have a problem with that to Mr. Cry Baby?

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"Not really, Neutrality is the Third Path."

So you lied when you joined the New Sith Order?

CN Forum Name: Franz Ferdinand

Ruler Name: Franz Ferdinand

Nation Name: L252beck

Link to Nation: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=184514

What alliance you are coming from, if any: NES

ZI Status: None

Recruited by: Nobody

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

Through passion, I gain strength.

Through strength, I gain power.

Through power, I gain victory.

Through victory, my chains are broken.

The Order shall set me free.

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Also, if you considered TDO to be "wishy washy" then why did you try to recruit their members?

We wanted to remove the people who didn't fit in, the closet impassioned who would do well with us.

So it's not much fun when people turn your comical logic around and use it against you is it? I still can't believe that you actually typed and then clicked "Add Reply" when you posted your train of thought that justified these actions.

Bawww, someone forgot to study consequentialism in philosophy class. Allow me to explain: the difference between my argument was that it analyzed the relatively direct foreseeable consequences that can be derived from the actions involved, while that other fellow's comment was a claptrap of long drawn out chain of causality, relying on unforseeable consequences, unlikely reactions, and other strange conditions.

Since surely that was not enough to impart understanding unto you, I will break down his scenario for you.

1. NSO recruits from TDO.

2. Recruitment is successful, many leave. Even members from the 300 or so nations under 4k NS which we didn't send messages to. (We don't like to prey on those who are new to the game, much.)

3. All the people we recruit for some reason just drop all their on going tech deals.

4. TDO, including the 300 or so tech dealing nations we didn't message, mysteriously stops tech dealing with Gre as well. Presumably, this is because they have been demoralized.

5. Gre's finance guys give up and don't look for new tech sellers.

6. No tech sellers approach Gre to fill the gap- evidently, they have become pariahs of the world of tech dealing.

7. The loss of tech sellers mildly harms their economy.

8. War on the NSO.

Now, that's a lot of steps. My argument didn't rely on long, drawn out, and entirely unlikely chains of causality. Nor did it rely on uncharacteristic reactions from outside parties or intervening actors. Because my argument did not rely on all those things that other fellow's did, it was legit. Indeed, the sort of logic being used against my own could justify anything, because (as I insinuated previously) going beyond the lines of argumentation which I used allows you to blame a whole strange purely hypothetical confluence of unlikely events on one only barely related event.

To use a physical example, I'm saying it is okay to defend yourself from a murderer because it keeps you from being murdered. You are saying it is bad, because the physical actions you take in defense of yourself surely will lead to a great and disastrous hurricane in Indonesia vis a vis the butterfly effect.

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I've never understood the "poaching is bad" unwritten rule. The game isn't quite an equal parallel to if Russia was to "recruit" Alaska. There is no real citizens to take into consideration....really think about it next time you deploy your military....I doubt you are getting that tight feeling in your chest over the pixel men that will be lost at war.

Let's boil this down to the reality of it. The "poaching" is only to either irritate the alliance they are aimed at...so key here being...the alliance who cares the least wins :)...or the poaching will net said alliance a bunch of members who at some point would have left their alliance anyway....maybe they have a more "war oriented" personality...then a neutral alliance isn't for them. Maybe they were a trouble maker in their current alliance and saw the writing on the wall and the invitation was a easy answer.....maybe they just wanted change for change sake and are fickle......maybe they were easily swayed....For whatever reason....think about it did you really want those people in your alliance anyway? Are you maybe really INCREASING your alliances non pixel strength without those nations in your alliance...buy cutting some dead weight or problem children.

I read the message and the only "insulting" comment I saw was the word "pathetic". Now come one guys.....it's not out of the realm to see a war oriented alliance who sees this as a game where you "ultimately go to war" think that a neutral alliance is "pathetic". I guess I wouldn't take it as an "insult" and just shrug it off as well that's their take on me...but I don't see it as an insult.

Personally I'd be sending their people messages saying:

Hey Guys! Tired of building up your nation to only see it blasted off Planet Bob! Then come over here where we have Peace, Love, and Rock and Roll!

It wasn't against any unspoken rules in the distant past, in fact it was fairly commonplace.

The idea that it was somehow "wrong" or against convention came about through several long periods of peace where multiple parties were looking for anything that would constitute an aggressive act.

The fact that it has become so ingrained into the culture speaks volumes on the futility of the most recent war. The supposed attempts to overthrow one convention while upholding the methods by which those conventions were enforced will bode ill for the Cyberverse in the future, in my opinion.

What good is it to remove a supposed despot if you aren't going to challenge or change any of the laws he put in place?

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Unhappyly I'm too late to reply some people who want play a relevant paper in this matter just trying to warmongering and spreading lies about NpO position in this case. If you hate us just say it, don't hide your hate behind lies, idiot comparations and veiled treats.

Eitheir is funny to NSO and NpO being compared to NPO. I think this is time to really invite them to Frostbite.


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I don't see why they wouldn't just apologize. They already did to another alliance and it looks like they're going to give some sort of apology by the time this situation ends.

edit: wasn't caught up when I posted this

Edited by Joe Kremlin
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