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Bias: My alliance.

There is nothing, including new members, not discussed by our membership first.

Meh, gov affairs arn't discussed with the members too much.

I'd say out of the 30+ alliance's I have been in, Vanguard shares the most with it's membership. Then The Republic.

Edited by Chickenzilla
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Molon Labe was very good about transparency in general. Wasn't happy with the direction it was going (hence why I relocated); however, the government was overall very open with the members what that direction was. I give them props on that.

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That's because there are/were tons of spies in GGA, and nobody really cares about Nemesis right now.

*looks at surrender terms*

No, noone really cares about you.

Also, I believe everyone in Nemesis is active on the OWF.

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I can only speak for NATO but we are relatively open and I expect that to change coming up. We did have a few treaties where we were restricted from discussing issues, but the landscape is changing.

That said, unlike TOP we have a young member base. A lot of kids playing that have proven to not be able to shut their mouths a lot :P so yes a mature member base does play a huge part.

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Generally 'small' alliances will be better (and yes, TOP is a 200 member 'small' alliance). It is an important part of Grämlins that all major decisions are discussed fully with membership, as well. LSF would have to take the prize, though.

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Actually, a while ago FCC probably would have been up there. They still might be, but not sure with their new structure in place.

I know there was definitely a point when TOP was annoyed at the FCC for just how open the FCC was, while the FCC was a bit concerned about whether or not TOP leadership was passing critical information down to the membership (ie, there tended to be a bit of a disconnect between what TOP leadership and what TOP membership were saying in regards to certain decisions). For a while, there was literally nothing that a 1st day FCC member wouldn't know that a 3-year member in leadership would. I don't see how you can get more transparent than that. :P

I have no idea how much of that has changed since (either in TOP or the FCC), but I do know that you guys all seem to be getting along much better, and most of the really dogmatic supporters of total transparency in the FCC have more or less moved on to other pastures, so I'm assuming TOP loosened up a bit while the FCC got a bit tighter.

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LSF wins this hands down, I think.

I hadn't thought of it that way. You're probably right.

Let me review my own alliance history with regard to 'openness'. I should mentoin that all of these are to some extent determined by the particular time period in which I was a member:

pre-GW3 Legion - I couldn't tell you. I wasn't paying attention.

GPA - Too much, in my opinion. It seemed like there were endless arguments going on.

NoV - Apart from military matters, NoV was quite open.

SoM - SoM was small. Everybody knew just about everything.

GGA - Members were blissfully unaware. Bilrow once expressed surprise (to me) that GGA's members bothered to show up when war was declared, since forum activity was so poor.

Blackwater - Not open at all.

TTK - Not much in the way of confidential informatoin, but government members would openly discuss just about anything with members if asked.

NPO - The absolute worst in terms of knowledge of both the alliance's inner workings and goings-on around the Cyberverse.

NV - I always got the impression that everything was "need to know" but I never felt out of the loop.

LSR - A small alliance. Everybody knew just about everything.

NoR - I do my best to keep alliance members up-to-date on the kinds of discussions going on behind closed doors, in order that they may provide input if they so desire.

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That's because there are/were tons of spies in GGA, and nobody really cares about Nemesis right now.

I care about Nemesis, no matter how hard Bob fails.

Anyways, it depends. Xiph is fairly open about telling us stuff we should know, but Z is just evil.

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steodonn, I like your sig.

I care about Nemesis, no matter how hard Bob fails.

Anyways, it depends. Xiph is fairly open about telling us stuff we should know, but Z is just evil.

You sure you dont want to go out for Coffee?

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Perhaps, though I would tend to disagree. IMO, transparency in an alliance comes about though a constitution which protects it and a member base which follows the constitution, including government. That has a lot to do with the maturity level of the alliance. There are mature alliance out there that do not have transparency. But, that is due to it being written into the layout of the alliance. In order to have a very open alliance, where government and membership openly discuss and work hand in hand, you have to have democracy coupled with a mature player base.

I would have to disagree. RAD has a transparent policy. We are not democratic and we are not very mature. :P However, we feel that if the decision might affect the general alliance membership in any way, they need to be aware of it.

Our government forums haven't been posted in (besides immature threads that have nothing to do with the alliance) since the beginning of the war. Everything's been going down in the general HQ section.

Members are ready to give up their nation for the good of the alliance, and I believe they have the right to know what they're going to be sacrificing their infrastructure for.


RAD does not win this award. We are fascists, and do not tell our members ANYTHING. They simply do what they're told and drink the kool aid when they have to.

I wish I would have read the thread now... Hakai let our secret be known. <_<

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In TOP, especially during Crymson's terms, Grandmaster would post reports and updates on various issues coming up. From war talks, peace talks, discussions with other alliances or any other major issue of concern to Grand Assembly. Sometimes it would take some time but it would be reported.

This does not mean that every single action that Council of TOP does is pre-approved by the Grand Assembly, that would be probably too slow for day to day business however it means that Council is accountable and does all it can to keep the membership in the loop and aware of what they are doing.

I like it that way. As others said critical thing is that we have mature membership which is quite skilled in CN affairs and being transparent enables us to have more productive and interesting discussions. Gives us many good ideas.

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