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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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So I say good luck in the future. The standard is now set that if you are even allied to someone at some point that you are just as responsible for their actions as a soverign alliance as you are for your own. That any past wrong is never forgiven. That many past wrongs you had little to do with will be laid at your doorstep and used as justification to destroy you.

Where have you been? Not here on Digiterra, surely, else you'd know that all of these standards you seem so concerned about were set by the NPO themselves long ago. Hypocrisy much?

Edited by Azhrarn
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I'm using Karma as any of the indiviual alliances in Karma, not as the whole. Eventually, you will declare on one another for various reasons. What happens then? White peace? Or these type of terms, except worse. Something makes me think the latter. ;)

This is a great point to argue because we cannot contradict it because it hasn't happened yet.

All that can really be said is, how many alliances received white peace or close to it this war?

That is all.

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There is no 'next' for karma, after this war is over there will be no Karma, Karma is a label of convenience to categorize those alliances who fought against NPO and their allies.

I have sat back and read this for days now, all the while I see Sparta fighting many times more wars than the the rest of "karma" makes me wonder if this just isn't a stall tactic so that sparta takes themselves down from the # 1 spot they have for now.

As for the terms, they seems to have been set so that NPO would not accept, thus allowing for sparta to spend more resources on their wars while the rest sit back and grow.

I see a precedent set now for the "karma" nations for the next time they are at war. Because what goes around comes around.

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You know what would suck? If people dug through your history and brought up every single thing you did, ignoring any justification and simply saying "You are evil". How would that feel? I don't mind it that much, but I'm also not 100% sane, so my feelings might not be trustworthy.

Have you met Halflinger? :v:

SF has had its own cheering section for a while. Our skeletons aren't exactly hidden. Nor are they comparably numerous. As far as RIA or me personally, go ahead. I'd be interested to see what dirt if any there is. It's not something I come across very often.

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I have sat back and read this for days now, all the while I see Sparta fighting many times more wars than the the rest of "karma" makes me wonder if this just isn't a stall tactic so that sparta takes themselves down from the # 1 spot they have for now.

As for the terms, they seems to have been set so that NPO would not accept, thus allowing for sparta to spend more resources on their wars while the rest sit back and grow.

I see a precedent set now for the "karma" nations for the next time they are at war. Because what goes around comes around.

What terms did your alliance receive?

Thanks for playing.

Edit: For those of you who don't know, minimal terms with no reparations, limits on nukes.

Edited by Penlugue Solaris
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This is a great point to argue because we cannot contradict it because it hasn't happened yet.

All that can really be said is, how many alliances received white peace or close to it this war?

That is all.

I'm not arguing, I am predicting based on actions so far.

I, for one, liked my white peace by our ebil Spartan overlords. :v

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I have sat back and read this for days now, all the while I see Sparta fighting many times more wars than the the rest of "karma" makes me wonder if this just isn't a stall tactic so that sparta takes themselves down from the # 1 spot they have for now.

As for the terms, they seems to have been set so that NPO would not accept, thus allowing for sparta to spend more resources on their wars while the rest sit back and grow.

I see a precedent set now for the "karma" nations for the next time they are at war. Because what goes around comes around.

Are you sayin we're out to get Sparta? :lol1:

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I'm not arguing, I am predicting based on actions so far.

I, for one, liked my white peace by our ebil Spartan overlords. :v

Well, what actions were you predicting it based off of? The white peace given to all but the most serious of offenders and those who started the war?

If someone in Karma starts a war for reasons like this, attacking in the middle of peace negotiations, then they deserve harsh terms just like NPO will receive. Declaring offensive wars for no good reason deserves a negative backlash, and that's why white peace is unreasonable in this situation from any standpoint. Taking into account past terms, we get this.

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Have you met Halflinger? :v:

SF has had its own cheering section for a while. Our skeletons aren't exactly hidden. Nor are they comparably numerous. As far as RIA or me personally, go ahead. I'd be interested to see what dirt if any there is. It's not something I come across very often.

RIA is an honorable and peaceful alliance, and I don't think you guys have any skeletons in your closet other than perhaps some erotic literature by Leo that violates several Geneva conventions.

Edited by James Dahl
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Sparta signed off on the GR peace terms, therefore Sparta is responsible for them. At least you didn't say NPO was directly responsible for them like others have in this thread.

Not surprising that they are since NPO is currently being blamed for terms that Sponge admitted were levied at least partially to spite NPO.

I will say it hardly surprises me that Sparta did little in the war vs GR, it appears to be the case in this war as well.

Also, after reading Delta's post, why did so much of Karma deny they were plotting anything at all in the early days of the war?

They acted like this literally sprang to life when OV was attacked with no forethought.

I posted then that I really didn't believe that Sparta/TOP/Gram/MHA etc would just spring into something that wasn't well laid out with a near assured victory.

From Delta's post plenty of now ex-Q members were actively plotting against their allies while they were in Q. I was told I was foolish for suggesting it when I posted something to that effect in one of the ex-Q DOW threads.

In part of his summary Delta mentioned TPF going into peace mode, we did, when it became clear from the level of anger and hate being directed at NPO during the weeks leading up to the war that something was going to happen. We'd been on war alert for a long time before that due to the tone that was becoming very evident on these forums.

That said, this is likely my last statement in this thread. Just hundreds of posts of basically the same thing.

I'm sure the next 20 pages will be much of the same.

"NPO is responsible for every bad thing that ever happened on Bob. Even when alliances fighting on the Karma side commited the acts, it was only because NPO forced them to."

"NPO is responsible for both the horrible terms that GOONs used to give people and the horrible terms Sponge gave the GOONs. "

"The NPO never were truly defending themselves, never looking out for the best interest of their members, they never had a vaild CB, they were simply oppressing everyone. LUE, NAAC, FAN, GATO, Gold, etc were all church ladies that made the The Democratic Order look like war mongering, political spinmasters. "

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Sparta signed off on the GR peace terms, therefore Sparta is responsible for them. At least you didn't say NPO was directly responsible for them like others have in this thread.

Not surprising that they are since NPO is currently being blamed for terms that Sponge admitted were levied at least partially to spite NPO.

I will say it hardly surprises me that Sparta did little in the war vs GR, it appears to be the case in this war as well.

You are a quite thick skulled man, and I am done trying to get through it. I will just state that GR when I left it months ago had nothing against Sparta still, and still quite a bit against Valhalla/GGA.

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Have you met Halflinger? :v:


Quite apart from feeling the usual annoyance at you spelling my name wrong (heh), I've never dredged up anything about you, Delta. Actually I kinda like you, for what it's worth.

Even if you got my name wrong :v:

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This is a great point to argue because we cannot contradict it because it hasn't happened yet.

All that can really be said is, how many alliances received white peace or close to it this war?

That is all.

well in that logic

Sparta takes over CN Junary 1st 2010 and ultimatly DOW's every existing alliance including "none" and destroys them all ultimatly destroys CN :)

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well in that logic

Sparta takes over CN Junary 1st 2010 and ultimatly DOW's every existing alliance including "none" and destroys them all ultimatly destroys CN :)

It could happen.

Odds that it will? Extremely small, but you cannot disprove what hasn't happened yet.

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You are a quite thick skulled man, and I am done trying to get through it. I will just state that GR when I left it months ago had nothing against Sparta still, and still quite a bit against Valhalla/GGA.

We never really harbored nor do harbor any ill will against Sparta(except maybe Dark Wizard, but he's him and all :P ). Mostly it was playful banter and whatnot.

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The NPO never were truly defending themselves, never looking out for the best interest of their members, they never had a vaild CB, they were simply oppressing everyone. LUE, NAAC, FAN, GATO, Gold, etc

Have Moo put his signature on this and you just might have the start of a halfway decent apology. ;)

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It could happen.

Odds that it will? Extremely small, but you cannot disprove what hasn't happened yet.

you my friend are my hero for the logic you have inside that little black stick man's brain O.O

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It could happen.

Odds that it will? Extremely small, but you cannot disprove what hasn't happened yet.

I am a actually a flying faerie unicorn monster and not the High Priest of the Great Old Ones, Lord of Madness, whose physical manifestation shall herald the end of mankind.

Odds that it's true? Extremely small, but you cannot disprove what hasn't been proven yet.

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I am a actually a flying faerie unicorn monster and not the High Priest of the Great Old Ones, Lord of Madness, whose physical manifestation shall herald the end of mankind.

Odds that it's true? Extremely small, but you cannot disprove what hasn't been proven yet.

I would say infinitesimally small.

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I don't see the point in offering peace terms. Just wreck them until they deserve white peace... If FAN can last that long then surely the mighty NPO can, right? I understand peace terms are more profitable but you should know that these terms won't be accepted and the point is to keep them down anyway, so why not just stay at war. Also 194 pages? Oh my!

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It's time for the negotiators to actually listen to their members and grant white peace to Pacifica instead of following up with this farce.

I'm going to make a suggestion. Go back and read this insightful post.

If Karma's members were polled with regard to the kind of terms they would like to see, Moo would be on his way to McDonald's.

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Quite apart from feeling the usual annoyance at you spelling my name wrong (heh), I've never dredged up anything about you, Delta. Actually I kinda like you, for what it's worth.

Even if you got my name wrong :v:

iPhone auto-correct is annoying like that. :v:

And that was more of an SF (especially GOD) thing than it was about me personally.

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