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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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I wonder if you meant this to be ironic.
NpO would not exist in anything but name had your wish come true.

Man, you guys sure lay it on thick.

Funny, I was the one that got banned for it on the forum. It wasn't a joke then and I still don't think it would have been a bad thing back then.


What do you want, I am a big dreamer. Not to go to far off topic :P but the Two sister alliances coming back together, instead of the way they would have ended up would be a lot better then where we both have ended up in less then a year.

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NPO/NpO would still be standing strong, IMO.
As a unified entity perhaps, but I'm not sure if their combined foreign affairs position would be much different then NPO's currently. After all they would have presumably been run by the same team which led NPO to where it is today.
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Funny, I was the one that got banned for it on the forum. It wasn't a joke then and I still don't think it would have been a bad thing back then.


What do you want, I am a big dreamer. Not to go to far off topic :P but the Two sister alliances coming back together, instead of the way they would have ended up would be a lot better then where we both have ended up in less then a year.

I was half-assuming you were joking. The fact that you were serious is... You really don't get it, do you.

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Funny, I was the one that got banned for it on the forum. It wasn't a joke then and I still don't think it would have been a bad thing back then.


What do you want, I am a big dreamer. Not to go to far off topic :P but the Two sister alliances coming back together, instead of the way they would have ended up would be a lot better then where we both have ended up in less then a year.

Provided it was on NPO's terms and under NPO's rule, of course.

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I'm starting the Xiphosis for NPO Viceroy campaign. Who's with me?

If you need any artwork for this, send me a message. I don't usually do much art work unless it's for myself, however for such a good cause, I'd put that aside.

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I was half-assuming you were joking. The fact that you were serious is... You really don't get it, do you.

I really hope you have stopped trying and are only throwing stale popcorn at them. By this page, its just a moo point.

Don't worry Xiphosis, you still have my vote.

And Xiphosis...


You have my sword.

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1. So in the largest alliance, you are going to punish all of them for the actions of a few? How noble.

2. I think it was the right thing; ES was pushy and eventually people pushed back. it was Karma essentially. :D BTW, what do you think the UJW was about? they didn't like ES because ES was being an $@! towards them. They wanted him taken down a few notches or gone.

3. Actions are subjective. What is bad for one alliance is seen as good for another. For example, much of CN thinks Karma doing what they are doing is good. However, NPO and allies think it is bad. And that's exactly what some of these "crimes" boil down to.

4. So do I. that;s why I've been quite busy the last few days pointing out flaws in arguments and logical reasoning.

1. The vast majority of the alliance has been involved in NPO's actions. Even if they were not making the decisions, they were still aiding and abbetting them. To quote NPO, the members "vote with their feet".

2. ES had been kicked out of the alliance and emperor position before the war started. Polar made every possible effort to reform actually, but the NPO did not want reformation, they wanted NpO to get a beatdown. NpO WAS trying to fix things when they were declared on.

3. If actions are subjective, then you cannot say anything KARMA is doing is wrong, because from their perspective its right. As such, every argument you have ever made(and will ever make) over NPO's or KARMAs actions being right or wrong is also pointless. Results provide us with a way to measure the situation, however. NPO should have known how KARMA would take this. KARMA's stance has always been to win the war on their terms and not allow NPO to be in control of the negotiations. This hurts their chances of getting any leeway with terms.

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Funny, I was the one that got banned for it on the forum. It wasn't a joke then and I still don't think it would have been a bad thing back then.


What do you want, I am a big dreamer. Not to go to far off topic :P but the Two sister alliances coming back together, instead of the way they would have ended up would be a lot better then where we both have ended up in less then a year.

Foot meet mouth.

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The power divide is so great that even without the additional terms on the reps, NPO will be struggling to gain a power base to become the superpower it was before this war. If the alliances comprising Karma have any ability to come together again, the NPO won't be a threat to them for quite awhile.


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Considering the effect of my word chioce, I'm going to join the GGA now, they're going to let me do the announcements ^_^

Xiph for NPO Viceroy! :awesome:

But no really, you aren't anywhere as bad at this as GGA. At least you actually thought about what led to your poor word choice.

Since that's true, I wouldn't suggest joining GGA. I hear bad things happen to people with brains over there. :v:

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As a unified entity perhaps, but I'm not sure if their combined foreign affairs position would be much different then NPO's currently. After all they would have presumably been run by the same team which led NPO to where it is today.

At the time both FA were good, I am sure that it would take some work get it right. I never said that it would be NPO's team.

I was half-assuming you were joking. The fact that you were serious is... You really don't get it, do you.

Don't get what? I was there.

Provided it was on NPO's terms and under NPO's rule, of course.

I never said that, did I?

Foot meet mouth.

LOL "Please, call me Doitzel." what are you implying

Edited by Lord Strider
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