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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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You are not the police, and thus have no authority to do so.

During the Pax Pacifica you were the police. Guess what, there's a new sheriff in town.

lol, sorry everyone.

Serious reply: When a person does not understand even the most basic things about how the world works, it is better for them to keep quiet and learn rather than to continually embarrass themselves by speaking up.

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A brief note on the PR stunt argument. Many people will argue that KARMAs side had done it for awhile and I will admit, many allainces in Karma have tried PR campaigns, the thing is PR campaigns never really change the current situation, they generally just help for future situations. Sure, the next time Karma has to decide how to punish an alliance(Read:never as they are disbanding after this) they will think twice about giving terms the public considers harsh. But in the current situation they would be losing face majorly if they changed the terms now that they have publically been called out, so these terms won't get better.

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Would any NPO sympathizers like to respond to this letter? I'd really like an answer, and I don't want to PM you all, as that would just be annoying.

I would say nothing is worse than forcing an alliance to disband, Viceroyship really depends on who it is, I mean Xiphosis as viceroy of Pacifica would be :gag: , while others, less so. And I hear that the ToS make viceroys mostly ineffective, not that they are straight-up against it.

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that you don't know the difference between attacked and attached? :lol1:

1. This isn't taunting. It's letting the world know what was demanded and

2. Several Pacificans talked about how they would do things differently. They're mainly saying that they felt their actions were the right thing to do at the time.

3. Not really. It says that Pacifica's spirit won't be broken no matter what. That it won't roll over and give you whatever you want. Might not be what you want, but they don't care because they have faith in NPO and each other.

4. I would argue that keeping up with what you consider to "PR stunt" for 200 pages means you should be penalized as well. If you were so against this thread, why bother reading or responding to it?

I'm the TypoNinja, my fingers have a mind of their own.

1. The OP is arguable so i'll let that slide, but over 200 pages theres more than enough examples of people simply mouthing off, James and his 'vindictive coalition' is a good example. Good attempt at a tag line I'll give him that, but re-branding your opponents with unflattering names isn't the best way to go about convincing them they should be nicer to you.

2. Then they are frankly delusional, those directly involved could give you a far better point for point about each war than I could, but to pull an action out of my $@! randomly, how much of CN thinks it was 'the right thing to do' when Polaris got screwed over?

3. They are sending the message that defeat has not changed them, that their actions will not change, since this war was about actions taken by the NPO that managed to piss off pretty much everybody else on the planet, its a bad message to send.

4. I get my jollies contradicting other peoples poor attempts at propaganda.

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I would say nothing is worse than forcing an alliance to disband, Viceroyship really depends on who it is, I mean Xiphosis as viceroy of Pacifica would be :gag: , while others, less so. And I hear that the ToS make viceroys mostly ineffective, not that they are straight-up against it.

Ok, thank you kind person.

You heard it here folks, karma is, in fact, NOT worse than what NPO has allowed to do. Thank you and good day.

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Bob has just become a extremely fun and exciting place, for the first time since year 1 (OOC 2006) anything can happen, nothing is predictable and great drama is in the air, NPO can no longer dictate, the present coalition of Karma while impressive in there actions against NPO will not remain a cohesive organization after NPO capitulates which will create a power vacuum that many will maneuver to fill. IMO we are heading into the most fun and exciting period since fall/winter of year one.

I think people are missing the point I was making when I said this wasn't any fun. I wasn't implying that recent actions or events had MADE Planet Bob un-fun. It was more a realization that it has NEVER been fun. The reasons are many:

1. People are taking this crap SERIOUSLY. I mean like, life-or-death seriously. This applies both to baawing and to gushing about the New World Order. The truth is, I don't think people had completely "figured things out" back in Year 1. It really wasn't until the first full-scale Great War broke out that the current mentality emerged. And frankly, I don't think it's possible to go back to those mythical early days.

2. I'm not alliance leadership, nor would I ever want to be that involved in my alliance - I simply don't have the time or the inclination. The pinnacle of my commitment lies in tech-farming, the occasional IRC chat, and attacking at update. I wouldn't know the first thing about this political maneuvering, and frankly, I'm starting to not care anymore.

3. This vacuum won't last long, and pretty soon, people will be whining and complaining about the new people in charge. It might be different people complaining, but it will, in essence, be the same BS that I find irritating about the game today. If anything, Karma takes things even more seriously than NPO does. Ugly words will be exchanged, alliances will be on full alert all the time, being in an alliance will STILL feel like a second job, and the whole experience of CN will still be the same - perhaps even more of the same than it was before (if that makes sense). Bonus points if a few schmucks decide to launch a DDoS attack on the enemy forums.

4. I don't see how this maneuvering will lead to anything other than more !@#$%^&* and contrived pseudo-drama manufactured by people with nothing better to do. About 50% of OWF (and 90% of this thread) consists of cookie-cutter stock arguments at about the level of sophistication of "NO U!" Then there's that long, wordy signature that lists NPO's crimes and talks about them like they were describing Nazi Germany. Yeah, that's my idea of fun right there. It's the same crappy soap opera with new actors.

Forgive me for not sharing everyone else's enthusiasm. Perhaps I'm just in a cynical mood right now. Maybe it's just the summer classes I'm taking. At present, I have obligations to certain friends of mine to stay in the game for at least a few more weeks. After that, whether or not I stay depends on what kind of mood I'm in.

Edited by Doge Rex Dart
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I would say nothing is worse than forcing an alliance to disband

So along that line of thinking, and keeping in mind the alliances (and keeping in mind that it is indeed plural) NPO has either directly or indirectly had a hand in seeing disband, shouldn't NPO be gracious to receive any terms at all?

Edited by Captain Flinders
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Xiphosis as viceroy of Pacifica would be :gag: , while others, less so.

Well, if that sort of thing is to happen, the Viceroy will need to be someone with a bit of experience on the Red Team. Someone with even limited experience in re-making the image of an alliance a lot of people have/had negative feelings toward. Someone who even has a bit of experience in the Red Senate.

Does such a person exist? For Pacifica's sake I hope they can find a Savior with those credentials.

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Well, if that sort of thing is to happen, the Viceroy will need to be someone with a bit of experience on the Red Team. Someone with even limited experience in re-making the image of an alliance a lot of people have/had negative feelings toward. Someone who even has a bit of experience in the Red Senate.

Does such a person exist? For Pacifica's sake I hope they can find a Savior with those credentials.

So New Reverie?

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Probably because it's the funniest thread CN has seen since Dephire got fired.

I actually came for the logical arguments B)

So along that line of thinking, and keeping in mind the alliances (and keeping in mind that it is indeed plural) NPO has either directly or indirectly had a hand in their disbandment, shouldn't NPO be gracious to receive any terms at all?

No. They demand everyone still do something about it. Oh wait.

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I already did. i stated the one sentence summary was one-sided. This thread is two-sided, to say the least.

How is it one-sided? This thread was designed to play to public sympathy over the terms given and when shown these terms are no worse that anything the NPO has handed out you resort to the "you are as bad as we are" meme.

In order to gain public sympathy you either need to have a history of leniency and fairness to hold up as a contrast to your alleged poor treatment, show that you were an unwilling alliance drawn into conflict via treaties and not the aggressor that started the conflict or, better still, both.

Sadly, the NPO falls over on all counts so the attempt to gain sympathy is a waste of time other than givng the usual hangers-on another platform to complain from.

No matter how much you complain or how loudly you complain, the facts of the matter do not change. NPO has a long history of vindictive terms handed to enemies whether they started the war or were dragged in via treaties. The NPO started this war and lost. They now stand at the mercy of those that have defeated them much the same as those the NPO defeated in the past stood before them. The NPO never showed mercy or respect for fairness, ethics or community. So, why do you expect it to be shown when the NPO now stands before Karma seeking peace?

You have shown nothing other than some sort of belief that the NPO is somehow entitled to be let off lightly where others who did far less to warrant punishment or nothing at all have been more heavily punished in the past than the NPO has been here.

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Well, if that sort of thing is to happen, the Viceroy will need to be someone with a bit of experience on the Red Team. Someone with even limited experience in re-making the image of an alliance a lot of people have/had negative feelings toward. Someone who even has a bit of experience in the Red Senate.

Does such a person exist? For Pacifica's sake I hope they can find a Savior with those credentials.

Hey, it's just like you're...

I see what you're doing :ph34r:

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I would say nothing is worse than forcing an alliance to disband, Viceroyship really depends on who it is, I mean Xiphosis as viceroy of Pacifica would be :gag: , while others, less so. And I hear that the ToS make viceroys mostly ineffective, not that they are straight-up against it.

I'm flattered by the vote of confidence son.

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Were you around during the noCB wars? NPO and NpO forums were not the best showings of camaraderie, just ask koona and umbrae.
Dark times, and the beginning of me spiraling towards rock bottom :P

On the flip side however, that was around the time you and I attempted to take AirMe's soul hostage :awesome:

I got banned from the forums after posting :P Good times.
Which is understandable since at the time you were advocating Polar surrender its foreign affairs sovereignty to Dilber and NPO :P

I wonder what would have happened if Sponge or Grubby had actually done that...

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Well, if that sort of thing is to happen, the Viceroy will need to be someone with a bit of experience on the Red Team. Someone with even limited experience in re-making the image of an alliance a lot of people have/had negative feelings toward. Someone who even has a bit of experience in the Red Senate.

Does such a person exist? For Pacifica's sake I hope they can find a Savior with those credentials.

This post right here wins something. I'm not sure what yet, but something.

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Dark times, and the beginning of me spiraling towards rock bottom :P

On the flip side however, that was around the time you and I attempted to take AirMe's soul hostage :awesome:

Which is understandable since at the time you were advocating Polar surrender its foreign affairs sovereignty to Dilber and NPO :P

I wonder what would have happened if Sponge or Grubby had actually done that...

NPO/NpO would still be standing strong, IMO.

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I'm the TypoNinja, my fingers have a mind of their own.

1. The OP is arguable so i'll let that slide, but over 200 pages theres more than enough examples of people simply mouthing off, James and his 'vindictive coalition' is a good example. Good attempt at a tag line I'll give him that, but re-branding your opponents with unflattering names isn't the best way to go about convincing them they should be nicer to you.

2. Then they are frankly delusional, those directly involved could give you a far better point for point about each war than I could, but to pull an action out of my $@! randomly, how much of CN thinks it was 'the right thing to do' when Polaris got screwed over?

3. They are sending the message that defeat has not changed them, that their actions will not change, since this war was about actions taken by the NPO that managed to piss off pretty much everybody else on the planet, its a bad message to send.

4. I get my jollies contradicting other peoples poor attempts at propaganda.

1. So in the largest alliance, you are going to punish all of them for the actions of a few? How noble.

2. I think it was the right thing; ES was pushy and eventually people pushed back. it was Karma essentially. :D BTW, what do you think the UJW was about? they didn't like ES because ES was being an $@! towards them. They wanted him taken down a few notches or gone.

3. Actions are subjective. What is bad for one alliance is seen as good for another. For example, much of CN thinks Karma doing what they are doing is good. However, NPO and allies think it is bad. And that's exactly what some of these "crimes" boil down to.

4. So do I. that;s why I've been quite busy the last few days pointing out flaws in arguments and logical reasoning.

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I'm flattered by the vote of confidence son.

Well, it couldn't be said that you're a moral crusader and a big fan of pacifica :(

It's a vote of confidence in that if you were the leader of karma, we'd be f*cked.

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Well, if that sort of thing is to happen, the Viceroy will need to be someone with a bit of experience on the Red Team. Someone with even limited experience in re-making the image of an alliance a lot of people have/had negative feelings toward. Someone who even has a bit of experience in the Red Senate.

Does such a person exist? For Pacifica's sake I hope they can find a Savior with those credentials.

I don't know anyone with those credentials. It sounds like Pacifica is screwed.

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