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A question To Ivan.


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This here. While I don't think it would be accurate to say that Ivan and NSO will become the new overlords of CN (I'm pretty sure that the current state of flux will keep that from happening), ....... I don't know whether or not he and the New Sith Order will be the next overlords of CN(That is a matter for Ivan to expound on himself)

Uhh, I think he was being sarcastic <_<

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Question 3. Is it \m/?

Edit: Former \m/ are usually the most butthurt people in this game.

That's not entirely true. For the most part we get our kicks from people who weren't even around then or took an active role in it's destruction complaining about how they miss \m/. Though ofcourse there are those members who cramp our style, but every alliance has those.

Question 7: Were you in Genmay?

Edited by Emperor Marx
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Hope? What kind of hope? Hope that they can get back to the top and re-establish their hegemony? Or hope that they can adapt to a world where they have to accept and treat others as equals?

If the former, yes. If the latter, no.

Probably this.

They were the dominating alliance for a long time, they're willing to sign a lot of treaties, and the way they handle these treaties tend to be drop them when most of their other allies want that alliance destroyed, so their allies are happy with them and they don't get destroyed honoring that treaty. Many alliances tend to not put much thought into it before signing a treaty, so once NPO is free I'm sure they'll begin signing with who they can, then once they have a large enough base of allies they can begin using their power to take out those who might get in the way. Most alliances tend to have short memories, unless people are careful NPO can manipulate the treaty web to make themselves a powerful force again, as the CN mindset often tends to be very treaty based and NPO takes advantage of it to the fullest. Until CN moves away from this mindset that one needs a treaty obligation to join a war there will always be the chance for NPO or an alliance using similar tactics to manipulate wars so they win before it even begins, and anyone that doesn't fit into their vision of how it will unfold by not operating based on the treaty web is deemed a bandwaggoner, and generally a lot of negative things are said about them. As long as it is frowned upon to fight in a war based on what you think rather than your treaties, the possibilities of NPO or a similar alliance establishing a hegemony through working the treaty web in their favor remains.

Wouldn't surprise me if one day we see a new block formed called the "New World Order", an MDAP Bloc treaty between NPO+NpO+NSO once everything is setup so they can re-establish their "Order" upon the Cyberverse, when their combined treaties putting almost all of the Nation Strength on their side. :P

Edited by Methrage
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Wouldn't surprise me if one day we see a new block formed called the "New World Order", an MDAP Bloc treaty between NPO+NpO+NSO once everything is setup so they can re-establish their "Order" upon the Cyberverse, when their combined treaties putting almost all of the Nation Strength on their side. :P

I would highly doubt that happening, especially at the MADP level.

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Wouldn't surprise me if one day we see a new block formed called the "New World Order", an MDAP Bloc treaty between NPO+NpO+NSO once everything is setup so they can re-establish their "Order" upon the Cyberverse, when their combined treaties putting almost all of the Nation Strength on their side. :P

I'm almost certain that we will never see NpO sign a treaty with NPO again.

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I always find comments like this interesting. Ivan was bombastic, yes. He was inspiring to his allies and even impressive to his enemies. He had the balls to basically speak his mind and bull his way through the political morass by throwing his weight around, even when his weight was less than impressive. And he doesn't seem to have changed all that much.

But most of the really amazing accomplishments of the NPO were because of Dilber, not Ivan.

Ivan helped build up a lot of the Pacifican pride, attitude, and determination, but Dilber was the one who turned the NPO into a political powerhouse. Dilber's work (much of it in back-rooms or behind-the-scenes) did FAR more to establish the NPO dominance over the game post-GWII than anything Ivan did. In fact, when you consider that much of the NPO's later decline corresponds to the time during which Dilber became less active, one has to wonder if the Karma War would have even happened had he still be fully in-control and on his game, or if he'd have fallen into the same sort of complacency the rest of the Order seems to have succumbed to.

Even more interestingly, one could even suggest that the current state of affairs is taking place because a number of talented individuals left the NPO during the Moldavi Rebellion, which also drove a massive wedge between the Orders, so had Ivan not returned after his GWI-era departure, the NPO might actually be in a better position today than it actually is...

Yes, Ivan's a "personality", and his personal charisma tends to draw people to his side and inspire them. But if I had to pick a single individual to take a start-up alliance and build it up to a position of political dominance, I'd probably pick Dilber, or even Sponge, long before I'd pick Ivan.

I would tend to agree with some of that, actually. Although, as never having been a member of any Order, be it Pacifica, Polaris, or Sith, I wouldn't know more of the background maneuverings that went on, but it's always good to be enlightened to such things. Though I don't think I would lessen Moldavi's impact on the game. Even if it was Dilber who helped shaped Polaris into what it was, Ivan seized the game in the early days using his "personality", as you call it, but he also isn't afraid to make large decisions that shake the game to its core.

I believe the Karma War(And, to a lesser extent, the Moldavi Rebellion) were inevitable, and could not have been avoided, regardless of -anyone's- inactivity. After the disbandment of the CoaLUEtion, Pacifica and its allies ruled over the game, forcing most alliances in a state of fear. Humans, by their nature, are prone to rebelling, as long as Pacifica would have stayed in power, as long as ANY global hegemony stayed in power, other, smaller alliances who didn't agree with their ways are prone to rebel. The Unjust War was a much less organized form of what the Karma War could have been. And the Moldavi Rebellion's inevitability might be my own opinion, but, did you -really- think Ivan would leave the game for good?

As for who I'd build an alliance around, I wouldn't mind building one around Electron Sponge nor Ivan. Both are strong leaders with strong "personalities" and are able to set goals that they can and will achieve in this game.

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For some reason I can't help but notice that the thread is titled "A question To Ivan" and yet he seems to be the only one who has yet to answer. It's life's little ironies. :P

There were a maximum of three serious answers to the question.

Everything else is the same as 90% of the forum; people mouthing off about whatever occurs to them. :)

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