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Ultimatum to Sparta

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Sanctioning was certainly a bit of an overreaction here. Good luck with the fallout. And attempting to justify this politically is more of a joke that RV's initial actions and thread.


Every day your hypocrisy bleeds through more and more.

Every day my sympathy for you fades more and more.

Good luck with your own fallout.

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Emperor Rebel Virginia was met with belligerance; he did not spread it. He has again and again demonstrated his preferance for finding a peaceful way forward, but Sparta and her ilk seem to not want that. Trying to devalue this sitaution as a "joke" doesn't change what's happening.

I am disgusted by this turn of events.

Emperor Rebel Virginia was met with belligerence because he purposefully flew the NPO AA to provoke this response. The joke is over. You're not funny.

I am disgusted by this thread.

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Yes, you've only been on top for a month (give or take) and you've already managed the turn a minor incident into a PR nightmare. Kudos.

I don't think anyone expects Sparta to become the next "super-villain" since that requires a certain panache and a good amount of resolve...

Actually, this is what happens when an alliance has principles and tries to live by them. You guys should try and find some, they're not all that bad.

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Emperor Rebel Virginia was met with belligerence because he purposefully flew the NPO AA to provoke this response. The joke is over. You're not funny.

I am disgusted by this thread.

He has already given his reasoning for doing that. You had the opportunity to appologize, agree to generous reps, and put an end to this. If it's biting you in the $@! now, you have only yourself to blame.

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Actually, this is what happens when an alliance has principles and tries to live by them. You guys should try and find some, they're not all that bad.

Are you saying your principles are to sanction small nations whenever they engage in war with you?

I have to ask, what exactly are your principles? The only thing I notice consistently from you guys is feigned outrage.

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No, they clearly don't do that. They only sanction small nations who post about their wars on the forums.


Haf, it's good to see you try and abuse your so called enemy at this point in time but be fair, this thread is a load if !@#$, 21 pages worth. You know why it has reached such ridiculous height and normally you wouldn't egg it on but with current circumstances you feel the need to.

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Are you saying your principles are to sanction small nations whenever they engage in war with you?

I have to ask, what exactly are your principles? The only thing I notice consistently from you guys is feigned outrage.

Way to cherry pick my post, I knew I could count on you for something. :awesome:

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Emperor Rebel Virginia was met with belligerence because he purposefully flew the NPO AA to provoke this response. The joke is over. You're not funny.

I am disgusted by this thread.

I am disgusted by your use of sanctions and your faux outrage. Your attempts to paint someone who attacked Spartan nations after being attacked by Sparta are a joke.

He wasn't a bully he simply continued to fight a war that was brought to him. Your original attack was justified as were his counter attacks, your sanction was not.

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those screen shots pretty much sums up the arrogance of Rebel Virginia in this issue.

I sanctioned Rebel Virginia at the request of George the Great and an MHA triumvirate. I did not sanction RV simple because of this however, I looked at the situation, RV flew an AA that Sparta was at war with, and they attacked him. This is fully justified and once again shows RV's arrogance; after doing this ridiculous act, RV decided the best reaction would be to attack the members of several alliances in what is more than justified in being called rogue action. Yes he didn't use nukes, but regardless, he is a rogue. Once I received the sanction request, I messaged RV asking why he was attack random people, giving him more than enough opportunity to explain his actions. Instead as seen above, 'boredom' was his response. Therefore, I felt it was entirely justified in sanctioning RV, especially as unlike usual, he was given the opportunity to defend himself unlike more rogues.

I apologise if people thing this is inappropriate due to me being an MHA member, and with hindsight, I should have discussed this issue with NV. However, because it's such a clear cut case of rogue activity that deserves a sanction, I failed to check, for which I again apologise.

I am more than happy to discuss this issue and give as many details as people require, so feel free to message me or find me on IRC.

Edited by Magicalbricks
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Are you saying your principles are to sanction small nations whenever they engage in war with you?

I have to ask, what exactly are your principles? The only thing I notice consistently from you guys is feigned outrage.

I'm not quite sure a character battle between TPF and Sparta is one you can win GLU.

edit: I forgot to answer the question. Our principles are that we protect our members no matter what. Publicity stunt or not, RV attacked our member. When you attack a Spartan, you attack Sparta. We will not hesitate to being any (in game) weapon we can to bear against our enemies, whether they think they are being cute or not.

Edited by Hyperion321
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Hey, I'm not the one condemning people for doing that. You are. I'm just pointing out that you did the exact same thing. Come to think of it, if that's the way you really feel, you are no better than me, are you now?

Umm, no, you were the one condemning Sparta for the sanction. You whined about the effects of the sanction on your innocent trade partners. I am merely informing you of the effects of your actions against innocent Sparta members. Also known as pointing out that you did the exact same thing, not us. Hypocrite. (Does this sound familiar to you?) And no, I would say I am definitely better then you. I don't go around switching AAs and throwing out extortionary reps for getting hit as a ghost of an alliance at war. Learn to take responsibility for your actions. My nation always has.

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I'd take my chances on that any day of the week. :awesome:

Alright, TotalFarkistan.

If only there was an ingenious and straightforward solution that could bring this whole affair to an easy close.

I think you and I will be waiting on this one for some time.

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I'd take my chances on that any day of the week. :awesome:

Please list what we've done. For every unwarranted action that Sparta has committed in belligerence against another alliance/player since...let's say the NoCB War (not counting this incident, since it is an ongoing affair)...you get 50 tech.

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There are no value judgements here, just observations and food for thought.

I sanctioned Rebel Virginia at the request of George the Great and an MHA triumvirate.

A continually discussed issue in this thread is that MHA is an alliance based on the aqua sphere and yet has excercised senatorial authority on the blue sphere. It's a matter of overstepping it seems.

I did not sanction RV simple because of this however, I looked at the situation, RV flew an AA that Sparta was at war with, and they attacked him. This is fully justified and once again shows RV's arrogance; after doing this ridiculous act, RV decided the best reaction would be to attack the members of several alliances in what is more than justified in being called rogue action. Yes he didn't use nukes, but regardless, he is a rogue.

And so every time a non-nuclear nation launches a series of wars it shall receive a senatorial sanction? That's a mighty precedent to be setting I'd wager, especially since the action suggests that this is an MHA-sponsored precedent being set. Rogue, certainly, but non-nuclear. What has occured is a major breach from established rules of conduct much like the actions undertaken by kingzog during the War of the Coalition on the Pacifican banking system.

As for Rebel Virginia's arrogance in this matter, emotion should never play into a decision of this magnitude. Arguably there are between 1 and 27,984 terribly arrogant national rulers currently resident in the Cyberverse who could be perceived as being arrogant. Shall the new mandate be "don't anger me because I can sanction you as I please"? If so, be at peace with the assumption of a potentially very arrogant stance of your own.

Once I received the sanction request, I messaged RV asking why he was attack random people, giving him more than enough opportunity to explain his actions. Instead as seen above, 'boredom' was his response. Therefore, I felt it was entirely justified in sanctioning RV, especially as unlike usual, he was given the opportunity to defend himself unlike more rogues.

You do have to admit that there was a certain lack of gravity to your communication. Had you said "I've been asked to sanction your nation - please explain why I should not do that?" or something akin it would have been treated with the proper amount of respect. Do remember, while you and certain others were aware of your status as a blue sphere senator, Rebel Virginia and many others clearly were not. It takes but a moment to include clarity so as to avoid situations like the one you, your alliance and Sparta now find themselves in.

However, because it's such a clear cut case of rogue activity that deserves a sanction, I failed to check, for which I again apologise.

Acknowledgement of a mistake is the first step toward building a better tommorrow. Though this will be overlooked, it does take courage to admit to having acted incorrectly.

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I am disgusted by your use of sanctions and your faux outrage. Your attempts to paint someone who attacked Spartan nations after being attacked by Sparta are a joke.

He wasn't a bully he simply continued to fight a war that was brought to him. Your original attack was justified as were his counter attacks, your sanction was not.

A sanction? The horror

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Please list what we've done. For every unwarranted action that Sparta has committed in belligerence against another alliance/player since...let's say the NoCB War (not counting this incident, since it is an ongoing affair)...you get 50 tech.

I am not sure why you're using the "NoCB War" here, you guys were some of the first in on our side...

Regardless of whether people like or agree with our beliefs and friends we actually have stood and fought for them here, as opposed to scurrying around the treaty web when the road starts to look rough.

You might not be a belligerent, but that does not make you honorable by any means. I'd much rather be an alliance that passionately fights for their friends and ideals and sometimes be in the wrong, than an alliance that just looks out for it's NS.

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If only there was an ingenious and straightforward solution that could bring this whole affair to an easy close.

He'll be unsanctioned as soon as he can be unsanctioned. The intent was never for the sanction to last very long. And I again thank Magical and MHA for obliging my request and apologize for the mess that has been spun out of it.

Also, sorry to ruin your fun, RV. :(


If you guys spin this anymore you're going to get dizzy and end up vomiting. :wacko:

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Umm, no, you were the one condemning Sparta for the sanction. You whined about the effects of the sanction on your innocent trade partners. I am merely informing you of the effects of your actions against innocent Sparta members. Also known as pointing out that you did the exact same thing, not us. Hypocrite. (Does this sound familiar to you?) And no, I would say I am definitely better then you. I don't go around switching AAs and throwing out extortionary reps for getting hit as a ghost of an alliance at war. Learn to take responsibility for your actions. My nation always has.

No, you are condemning me for bringing "uninvolved" nations into the joke. Then you sanction me, thereby bringing my trade partners into this. You do the math, scooter.

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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