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Ultimatum to Sparta

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He'll be unsanctioned as soon as he can be unsanctioned. The intent was never for the sanction to last very long. And I again thank Magical and MHA for obliging my request and apologize for the mess that has been spun out of it.

So, you admit that this whole sanctioning affair was just a shallow display of muscle, and now you do not even have the resolve to follow through with your actions? Is that what you are trying to tell me?

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those screen shots pretty much sums up the arrogance of Rebel Virginia in this issue.

I sanctioned Rebel Virginia at the request of George the Great and an MHA triumvirate. I did not sanction RV simple because of this however, I looked at the situation, RV flew an AA that Sparta was at war with, and they attacked him. This is fully justified and once again shows RV's arrogance; after doing this ridiculous act, RV decided the best reaction would be to attack the members of several alliances in what is more than justified in being called rogue action. Yes he didn't use nukes, but regardless, he is a rogue. Once I received the sanction request, I messaged RV asking why he was attack random people, giving him more than enough opportunity to explain his actions. Instead as seen above, 'boredom' was his response. Therefore, I felt it was entirely justified in sanctioning RV, especially as unlike usual, he was given the opportunity to defend himself unlike more rogues.

I apologise if people thing this is inappropriate due to me being an MHA member, and with hindsight, I should have discussed this issue with NV. However, because it's such a clear cut case of rogue activity that deserves a sanction, I failed to check, for which I again apologise.

I am more than happy to discuss this issue and give as many details as people require, so feel free to message me or find me on IRC.

You have a senate position due to votes received from members of the blue team whilst you were NV. There is no precedent that I can remember on blue for sanctioning non-nuclear rogues, let alone outside of the blue team. You have abused the trust that has been placed in you by those that elected you to the senate to serve the interests of others. The sanction should be removed with immediate effect. Your attempted justification of this action is laughable and somewhat disingenuous. I thought I knew you better than this but obviously I was wrong.

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No, you are condemning me for bringing "uninvolved" nations into the joke. Then you sanction me, thereby bringing my trade partners into this. You do the math, scooter.

Yes, I acknowledged this in my post. Everyone was dead sure this was hilarious, including yourself, until you were sanctioned. If you weren't sanctioned they would have continued to be dead sure this was hilarious. You kind of just conceded my point, didn't you? :ph34r:

Like I said, if your trade partners need temporary trades for these few days that you will be sanctioned, then have them message me in-game and I will find them a temp trade.

I am not sure why you're using the "NoCB War" here, you guys were some of the first in on our side...

Regardless of whether people like or agree with our beliefs and friends we actually have stood and fought for them here, as opposed to scurrying around the treaty web when the road starts to look rough.

You might not be a belligerent, but that does not make you honorable by any means. I'd much rather be an alliance that passionately fights for their friends and ideals and sometimes be in the wrong, than an alliance that just looks out for it's NS.

Our ideals were not the same, and like TBB said in his retirement thread on the Q forums which you had access too, you guys all ready knew that. :P

How about that UJP, eh?

If you think we're looking out for our own NS, which you can certainly think since you obviously don't like us, you're wrong.

Besides, we still made our moves before the war started. It was definitely clear what side we would fall on.

Edited by George the Great
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No, you are condemning me for bringing "uninvolved" nations into the joke. Then you sanction me, thereby bringing my trade partners into this. You do the math, scooter.

Am I MHA? Am I Sparta? Or are you just not thinking?

Get your facts right. I had no involvement with this sanction. I'm watching from the sidelines. It is a sanction. The horror of it all.

You attacked a Sparta nation who had nothing to do with your attack. If it is as they say, Sparta gov didn't even, you just happened to show up and got declared on for not being very bright with your choice of AA. Innocent nation. You attacked first. Sparta replied. I am merely pointing out that you are whining about the effects on your trade partners , what about this innocent Sparta nation?

Also, lol, try getting your reps while sanctioned. ;)

Edited by Gamemaster1
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Am I MHA? Am I Sparta? Or are you just not thinking?

Get your facts right. I had no involvement with this sanction. I'm watching from the sidelines. It is a sanction. The horror of it all.

You attacked a Sparta nation who had nothing to do with your attack. If it is as they say, Sparta gov didn't even, you just happened to show up and got declared on for not being very bright with your choice of AA. Innocent nation. You attacked first. Sparta replied. I am merely pointing out that you are whining about the effects on your trade partners , what about this innocent Sparta nation?

Also, lol, try getting your reps while sanctioned. ;)

Actually, we fought against you in the war. You're defending the wrong side. Stop it! :P

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You have a senate position due to votes received from members of the blue team whilst you were NV. There is no precedent that I can remember on blue for sanctioning non-nuclear rogues, let alone outside of the blue team. You have abused the trust that has been placed in you by those that elected you to the senate to serve the interests of others. The sanction should be removed with immediate effect. Your attempted justification of this action is laughable and somewhat disingenuous. I thought I knew you better than this but obviously I was wrong.

You can't remove a sanction for four days, or else I would have removed it already. I can guarantee that a precedent has been set, I have been blue team senator for months, and I have sanctioned non-nuclear rogues, I see no difference in a nuclear, and non-nuclear rogue. RV still went rogue, regardless of his use of nukes.

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A continually discussed issue in this thread is that MHA is an alliance based on the aqua sphere and yet has excercised senatorial authority on the blue sphere. It's a matter of overstepping it seems.

It's barely different to Sparta or one of their allies going to a Blue ally with a senate seat, requesting help, is it? It would have happened if Sparta wished it to.

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I am not sure why you're using the "NoCB War" here, you guys were some of the first in on our side...

Personal opinion. We came to defend you guys, yes, but that doesn't mean that all of our members enjoyed doing it, or agreed with the outcome.

Regardless of whether people like or agree with our beliefs and friends we actually have stood and fought for them here, as opposed to scurrying around the treaty web when the road starts to look rough.

Scurrying around the treaty web? We had allies on both sides of this thing, and we did not see neutrality as not an option. It was either leave GOD, or leave you (Q). We chose GOD.

You cannot fault us for choosing to back allies we were obviously closer to. You knew where we were going long before the first bombs fell.

You might not be a belligerent, but that does not make you honorable by any means. I'd much rather be an alliance that passionately fights for their friends and ideals and sometimes be in the wrong, than an alliance that just looks out for it's NS.

I never claimed Sparta was some shining beacon of honor for all alliances to look up to. We've made mistakes, I won't deny that. I'm merely pointing out that we don't go around shoving people for kicks and power.

So, you admit that this whole sanctioning affair was just a shallow display of muscle, and now you do not even have the resolve to follow through with your actions? Is that what you are trying to tell me?

So...you're angry when we retaliate against you, and when we are going to let you off for the sake of not being !@#$%s about it, you say we have no spine? Sheesh, do you want to be let off or not?

Edited by Hyperion321
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Sanction? :sigh: Apparently it does matter how handsome someone is. At least he's on blue; his partners will get their trades back quickly.

I thought this was just a joke on the #1, but I'm sensing some real hatin' going on, RV. What gives? :(

Edited by Trinite
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Am I MHA? Am I Sparta? Or are you just not thinking?

Get your facts right. I had no involvement with this sanction. I'm watching from the sidelines. It is a sanction. The horror of it all.

You attacked a Sparta nation who had nothing to do with your attack. If it is as they say, Sparta gov didn't even, you just happened to show up and got declared on for not being very bright with your choice of AA. Innocent nation. You attacked first. Sparta replied. I am merely pointing out that you are whining about the effects on your trade partners , what about this innocent Sparta nation?

Also, lol, try getting your reps while sanctioned. ;)

I think we've established that it is now of now consequence of why they attacked me. The point is they attacked me, and I am defending myself with all methods at my disposal. The League and Sparta are at war, so therefore those "uninvolved" nations are fair game to us.

Now, as for ending it, Sparta can if they really want to. As my white peace to TGR has shown, I am not completely unreasonable.

Lastly, this is now about more than reparations. This is about principle, and I intend to stand for mine.

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I never claimed Sparta was some shining beacon of honor for all alliances to look up to. We've made mistakes, I won't deny that. I'm merely pointing out that we don't go around shoving people for kicks and power.

The RicoVacilon incident and this one seem to counterindicate that.

Good to see that MB is lifting the sanction, but I suspect that if it wasn't for the non-faux outrage in this thread, the sanction would have lasted just as long as Rico's did.

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Sanction? :sigh: Apparently it does matter how handsome someone is. At least he's on blue; his partners will get their trades back quickly.

I thought this was just a joke on the #1, but I'm sensing some real hatin' going on, RV. What gives?

He's trollin'

And he's all like "I AM NOT TROLLIN' I AM REBEL VIRGINIA YOU SEE ^_______^"

Pretty much.

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It's barely different to Sparta or one of their allies going to a Blue ally with a senate seat, requesting help, is it? It would have happened if Sparta wished it to.

I went to MHA because I looked at the blue team senators in-game and clicked on Magical first. I saw MHA as his AA and that's where I stopped. I didn't think any further than that, so I apologize to NV if I offended them. It wasn't my intent and I take the full responsibility for that.

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You can't remove a sanction for four days, or else I would have removed it already. I can guarantee that a precedent has been set, I have been blue team senator for months, and I have sanctioned non-nuclear rogues, I see no difference in a nuclear, and non-nuclear rogue. RV still went rogue, regardless of his use of nukes.

Then sadly blue team politics must have taken a seriously downward spiral since the demise of BLEU, an issue that needs to be addressed.

My point regarding the abuse of your position still stands. The sanction should not have been placed without the agreement of representatives of those that elected you to senate.

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I think we've established that it is now of now consequence of why they attacked me. The point is they attacked me, and I am defending myself with all methods at my disposal. The League and Sparta are at war, so therefore those "uninvolved" nations are fair game to us.

Now, as for ending it, Sparta can if they really want to. As my white peace to TGR has shown, I am not completely unreasonable.

Lastly, this is now about more than reparations. This is about principle, and I intend to stand for mine.

Lul, now you're going to make jokes about principles? Good luck, they're usually not all that funny for some reason. :huh: You aren't even directly replying to my posts. Maybe if you don't acknowledge them, they'll disappear.

If you were looking for PZI, or something, I apologize. It's not in my goodie bag. All I had was a lousy 4 day Sanction. D:

I think you should replace the bulb in your spotlight. It looks broken. -_-

Edited by George the Great
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Then sadly blue team politics must have taken a seriously downward spiral since the demise of BLEU, an issue that needs to be addressed.

My point regarding the abuse of your position still stands. The sanction should not have been placed without the agreement of representatives of those that elected you to senate.

If that precedent had been set... I would of course have conformed to it, however, no such expectations, stipulations or caveats were ever even hinted to me when I was chosen to take a Blue team seat. It was made clear that the power of sanction was left to my judgement, as that was part of the honour and responsibility of taking a blue team senator seat. This controversy has shown how perhaps some sort of system should have been put in place, yet this is no longer really anything to do with me as I am merely waiting for the senate reset, at which point I shall be disallowing senate votes, as has been already agreed when I chose to have a fresh start in MHA.

Edited by Magicalbricks
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I went to MHA because I looked at the blue team senators in-game and clicked on Magical first. I saw MHA as his AA and that's where I stopped. I didn't think any further than that, so I apologize to NV if I offended them. It wasn't my intent and I take the full responsibility for that.

And my point was, no matter which one, there was a senator who is an ally or an ally of ally who is pretty much those three or a friend of a friend, enough to sanction a 'rogue'., so it makes no difference which

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Lul, now you're going to make jokes about principles? Good luck, they're usually not all that funny for some reason. :huh: You aren't even directly replying to my posts. Maybe if you don't acknowledge them, they'll disappear.

If you were looking for PZI, or something, I apologize. It's not in my goodie bag. All I had was a lousy 4 day Sanction. D:

I think you should replace the bulb in your spotlight. It looks broken. -_-

I'm making jokes about principles am I? I hold my freedom dear, and I intend to fight for it. Regardless of what you think of them, my principles are as strong as yours, scooter. And your points, I address them when you have them.

As for the PZI, I never said I was looking for one. I just want you to correct your wrong against me.

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I'm making jokes about principles am I? I hold my freedom dear, and I intend to fight for it. Regardless of what you think of them, my principles are as strong as yours, scooter. And your points, I address them when you have them.

As for the PZI, I never said I was looking for one. I just want you to correct your wrong against me.

Freedom? It's not like you're in prison or anything. You got attacked because you were under an NPO AA, and then you countered. We responded in kind, and in the words of some semi-famous CN person, we defended ourselves with "all methods at our disposal". It's fairly simple, really.

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Freedom? It's not like you're in prison or anything. You got attacked because you were under an NPO AA, and then you countered. We responded in kind, and in the words of some semi-famous CN person, we defended ourselves with "all methods at our disposal". It's fairly simple, really.

And sometimes the 'methods at your disposal' aren't liked by some people. Sanctioning is one of those. Furthermore, the League is outnumbered by Sparta 350 to 1. Surely you did not need to resort to sanctioning me, and therefore adversely affecting at least five uninvolved nations on the blue team.

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