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Number of Alliances in your CN "career"



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First Nation: ONOS, Federation, MDC, Legion, STA

Second Nation: The Republic, GATO, Pacifica

Third Nation: Pacifica, Polaris, Paragon Ascendency, Vox Populi

Fourth Nation: GR, MA, TGR

Inbetween nations was at least two months each time. Federation and PA died/merged, my leaving MDC and TR involved governmental fiascos that saw much of the high government leave, I was expelled from Pacifica for backing Doitzel. I had to leave GR to get off of EZI.

Edited by New Frontier
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I hold nothing against people who've been in a lot of alliances. Sometimes events force you to change, sometimes its personal... I guess it all really depends on the reasons for leaving.

For me, 9 months in NADC, then I knew UJP was coming and what side I wanted to be on, so I joined up with \m/ 2 weeks before the war, went to VE after the war, then to TOP (my stay there was one of my favorite periods of time in my CN Career) before being called back to NADC to take a gov spot, after the whole NADC/BLEU debacle I went to VE, then founded OR with Chief and Impero, which then became OV, then I left for a while, came back and joined Kronos. Its all in the reasoning.

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Five for me, which may seem like a lot, but, I've been around for a long time, and to be fair, I really only belonged to one for a substantial amount of time. The first alliance I every joined was the Viridian Entente. I had been with the Entente for a long time when it disbanded. In the time after it disbanded however, I was looking for a new home. First, I joined MCXA, soon afterward a few old friends of mine from Viridia came knocking on my door, and I wound up joining Royal Dominion, which was one of the splinter alliances created after the Green Civil War and the disbandment of the Viridian Entente, but it wasn't the same. A after that I joined Mutually Assured Defense, a neutral alliance, but I am far from being a neutral at heart, and soon wound up departing. After that I joined Invicta. However, the Directorate and the Royal Dominion, the two of the three Viridian Entente spinters to form (the other being the Brigade) merged and reformed of the Viridian Entente. Because of the Reformation, and a few other things that I wont go into here, I departed Invicta for my old place in Viridia.

Edited by Aguacenta
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My alliance seniority and nation age are exactly the same. :)

Because admin added that feature after you had Polar as your AA. :P


NPO, NpO, MCXA, NTO, NOI, Carpe Diem (been in and out a lot), TRF, Paragon Ascendency, MK, NSO, FnKA, Athens

Note: I only left Carpe Diem, TRF, NSO and FnKA on my free will.

13. I'm hurt KD.

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I've been in four alliances. \m/, TPF, PC, and NSO.

Don't really have a problem with people who hop around alliances since it's probably because they can't find the right alliance.

Edited by Boogeyman657
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I spent a long time in NADC, realized what a horrible mistake I had made, joined ACV, moved to Hyperion to fight the BLEU War, moved on to Farkistan who has a stupid habit of banning dedicated members, went back to ACV until the SHTF, became a member of MHA for a decent amount of time, then joined FAN where I now reside. Fun career.

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I'll echo the sentiments of Random, Doitzel, and Sponge, in that I've also been in 4 alliances in a similarly long period of time playing the game.

- LUE for about 3/4 of a year, alliance disbanded.

- CDS for all of 2-3 days, because I helped coup it but left due to a lack of interest and still being PZI thanks to WUT. It's worth noting they've also since disbanded.

- GOONS for a good what...4 months? I left under orders to form Mushroom Kingdom, so I'm not sure you can count that as alliance hopping :P (they've also since disbanded)

- Mushroom Kingdom for a month shy of two years.

I can't really imagine still bothering to play the game should MK somehow perish.

Ha! So you take back your AirMe Radio statements about joining NPO if MK were to perish.

As for me, two. NPO from a month or two after I formed my nation (I started out non-aligned) until just after Great War III. MFO ever since.

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I was in SOUL before it became SOLID. By the time it became SOLID, I was already in another alliance IngSoc. Before Ingsoc, I helped form an alliance called RICE, but we merged with IngSoc. Then after that, I joined IDC for like less than a day, so I didn't really count that. Long story. And now here I am, in The Dark Evolution. :D

I guess I was in 4 alliances, but i put 3 because i forgot about RICE... lol oops.

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