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The death of a nation. (or is it?)

Vasili Markov

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Let me begin by saying that this is not a plea for sympathy or anything like that, it is merely a statement of facts as I see them.

From the start I have been a loyal member of the NPO and have assisted them in every way that I can.

And I have sworn an oath to use my nation to the point of its destruction to attempt to obtain peace by fighting wars in the name of the order and assisting the larger nations to grow as a tech trader (My preferred role since I am not a warrior by nature).

But there comes a time when one must recognise the inevitable and accept it.

My nations have assisted the NPO in times of peace and times of war but now I have no choice but to delete since I am now in bill lock and I have no wish to ask a bank to assist my nation to get back to square one when rerolling will actually improve my position in the game since I have only debts left and no wonders or improvements to try and save.

So I am choosing to die in this incarnation as I have lived as a member of the NPO.

I have had discussions with my friends about several options for what happens next and after several hours of hard thinking I decided upon the only reasonable course left to me.

I am going to reroll and join another alliance.

I considered the option of rerolling and staying NPO but this seems to me to be a waste of time since the KARMA will never give the NPO peace and it is my opinion that the offering of the escalating peace terms is calculated to be something the NPO will never accept based on the fact that many KARMA members are ex-NPO and they know the thinking of the order all too well about matters such as this, and it is only a pretext to provide a CB for an eternal war. This is not a propaganda statement but merely my analysis of the situation based on over two years of playing this game in various incarnations and based on my experience of how the various players in this drama act.

I will always be a friend of the NPO and I will assist their rebuilding with my new nation in the extremely unlikely event that they ever obtain peace.

But for the moment it would be a lost cause for me to assist them by doing suicide runs into their lower ranks as a hostile reroll. and they would be better served by me leaving and rebuilding and assisting them after the war to reconstruct.

I also wish to know if KARMA will pursue me when I do reroll as Prime Minister Johns again. I have no wish to continue in this war after this nation dies but if the war comes a knocking I will answer and fight back as I did before.

But until I die I shall remain as I have and fight for the order according to my oath to fight until death.

This might get me demasked on the NPO forums and labelled as a traitor. But I see it as a final act of loyalty since I served the order to the point where I can no longer do anything productive, and now it is time to admit that I am no longer useful and move on, respawn and start again.

My final statistics for the War:

Days in peace mode: 0 (Zero)

Enemies Anachied: 12

Enemies ZIed: 1

Individual Result: KARMA Pyrrhic victory

My terms for my individual surrender:

1: I reroll my nation and leave the NPO and receive a fresh start on my reroll.

FAKE EDIT: I know the whole private channels ftw thing, but given the dispersed nature of KARMA and the fact that I can not locate many of the KARMA leaders to discuss this in private I thought that it would be simpler to present my individual terms here where they will see it eventually.

Edited by Vasili Markov
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KARMA will never give the NPO peace and it is my opinion that the offering of the escalating peace terms is calculated to be something the NPO will never accept based on the fact that many KARMA members are ex-NPO and they know the thinking of the order all too well about matters such as this, and it is only a pretext to provide a CB for an eternal war.

NPO had already held FAN in a war which lasted 2/3rds of the history of the entire planet.

I also wish to know if KARMA will pursue me when I do reroll as Prime Minister Johns again. I have no wish to continue in this war after this nation dies but if the war comes a knocking I will answer and fight back as I did before.

I would oppose Karma doing this, as it would be equivalent to EZI.

Individual Result: KARMA Pyrrhic victory

How is it a Pyrrhic victory? Are you kamikazing your nation into several Karma nations on your way out? I don't see how Karma is hurt by this decision.

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How is it a Pyrrhic victory? Are you kamikazing your nation into several Karma nations on your way out? I don't see how Karma is hurt by this decision.

Pyrrhic victory: Karma won, but it cost them more to destroy me than I lost.

But now I am dead and moving on.

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Pyrrhic victory: Karma won, but it cost them more to destroy me than I lost.

But now I am dead and moving on.

So you were winning your ground battles? But you were in bill lock.. were you nuking them? If you were subnuke range then more than likely they were profiting from the tech/land/money stealing in the ground battles. The NSO war with Molon Labe financed my National Research Lab so its very possible to make profit in war. Was your warchest in order before NPO went to war?

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I don't think you will be pursued even if you re roll with the exact same name/nation name. The world is not at war with individual people, rather with the New Pacific Order. I would rather you go back to the NPO after they attain peace in case you do re-roll, your comrades in arms would be glad to have you back.

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As the leader of an alliance at war with NpO. We will not follow your nation and hope you find a nice quiet economic alliance to grow. NpO can get peace they just need to play by the same rules they forced onto others.

1. Dont act like a dick when in peace negotiations. i.e your not 12 dont cry because the person is "rude"

2. Dont try to be FAN you berated them now your doing the same.

3. Come out of peace, get pounded for few weeks and pay your reps.

Fake Edit: I know Im using NpO, Pacifica is the little p now.

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I considered the option of rerolling and staying NPO but this seems to me to be a waste of time since the KARMA will never give the NPO peace

I fully respect your decision to reroll, but this I have an issue with. If you were truly loyal to your alliance, you should stay regardless of the fact they may never receive peace (which is highly doubtful). I'm not trying to devalue the sacrifices you've made with this nation, but I hope you realize you seem to be saying basically "I'd stay with you guys if you weren't getting beat down, but I value my NS more than the community of NPO so...bye".

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rerolling in a new place is harder then it sounds. You should stick with your current name if your attached to it because you will never like being someone new. Nobody does

Fake Edit: I know Im using NpO, Pacifica is the little p now.

Kinda implies you viewed Polaris as inferior to the NPO up to the point we passed them in score, Just sayin <_<

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rerolling in a new place is harder then it sounds. You should stick with your current name if your attached to it because you will never like being someone new. Nobody does

Kinda implies you viewed Polaris as inferior to the NPO up to the point we passed them in score, Just sayin <_<

not inferior, just lower TS ;)

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Let me begin by saying that this is not a plea for sympathy or anything like that, it is merely a statement of facts as I see them.

From the start I have been a loyal member of the NPO and have assisted them in every way that I can.

And I have sworn an oath to use my nation to the point of its destruction to attempt to obtain peace by fighting wars in the name of the order and assisting the larger nations to grow as a tech trader (My preferred role since I am not a warrior by nature).

But there comes a time when one must recognise the inevitable and accept it.

My nations have assisted the NPO in times of peace and times of war but now I have no choice but to delete since I am now in bill lock and I have no wish to ask a bank to assist my nation to get back to square one when rerolling will actually improve my position in the game since I have only debts left and no wonders or improvements to try and save.

So I am choosing to die in this incarnation as I have lived as a member of the NPO.

I have had discussions with my friends about several options for what happens next and after several hours of hard thinking I decided upon the only reasonable course left to me.

I am going to reroll and join another alliance.

I considered the option of rerolling and staying NPO but this seems to me to be a waste of time since the KARMA will never give the NPO peace and it is my opinion that the offering of the escalating peace terms is calculated to be something the NPO will never accept based on the fact that many KARMA members are ex-NPO and they know the thinking of the order all too well about matters such as this, and it is only a pretext to provide a CB for an eternal war. This is not a propaganda statement but merely my analysis of the situation based on over two years of playing this game in various incarnations and based on my experience of how the various players in this drama act.

I will always be a friend of the NPO and I will assist their rebuilding with my new nation in the extremely unlikely event that they ever obtain peace.

But for the moment it would be a lost cause for me to assist them by doing suicide runs into their lower ranks as a hostile reroll. and they would be better served by me leaving and rebuilding and assisting them after the war to reconstruct.

I also wish to know if KARMA will pursue me when I do reroll as Prime Minister Johns again. I have no wish to continue in this war after this nation dies but if the war comes a knocking I will answer and fight back as I did before.

But until I die I shall remain as I have and fight for the order according to my oath to fight until death.

This might get me demasked on the NPO forums and labelled as a traitor. But I see it as a final act of loyalty since I served the order to the point where I can no longer do anything productive, and now it is time to admit that I am no longer useful and move on, respawn and start again.

My final statistics for the War:

Days in peace mode: 0 (Zero)

Enemies Anachied: 12

Enemies ZIed: 1

Individual Result: KARMA Pyrrhic victory

My terms for my individual surrender:

1: I reroll my nation and leave the NPO and receive a fresh start on my reroll.

FAKE EDIT: I know the whole private channels ftw thing, but given the dispersed nature of KARMA and the fact that I can not locate many of the KARMA leaders to discuss this in private I thought that it would be simpler to present my individual terms here where they will see it eventually.

A nice and interesting OP as a whole. However, the bolded part is simply not true. I don't want to turn this into a "he said..., she said ..." debate but you can only blame the arrogance and stubborness of your leaders for the lack of peace.

And no, if you understand anything about this game in general and this war in particular, KARMA will not come for you when/if you reroll.

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I don't see why anyone would chase you down if you rerolled out of NPO

However your concept that NPO won't be getting peace is highly unlikely as the Karma alliances aren't in this for an eternal war they simply wish to teach NPO a lesson that their will be consequences for your actions and don't want to repeat the mistakes of GW 1

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rerolling in a new place is harder then it sounds. You should stick with your current name if your attached to it because you will never like being someone new. Nobody does

I know all about this, I am reverting to my first name. Prime Minister Johns. I was quite attached to that name.

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I know all about this, I am reverting to my first name. Prime Minister Johns. I was quite attached to that name.

I absolutely love your signature and avatar, are you going to be keeping them? With the sig, it'll probably be with a different flag in the background though if you do :P

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