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IRON Surrenders

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Glad this is over. Kudos to Fark, MHA & Gramlins for being extremely tough opponents and providing a better war than any I had ever faced and I fought all the wars IRON has been involved in.

As for those claiming these are light terms, Well, considering the 338 nations that are now under 1000 infra, I consider them to be decent and appropriate.

Thank you for the fun, gentlemen.

This was a most entertaining war. The IRON nations I fought did so with gusto, skill, and honor.

Article 10 is of considerable interest to me as well. For its ironic value, I suggest you include Iron City Beer in your evaluation. It is an old style lager brewed in Pittsburgh, PA.

Thanks to the nations of IRON for the most fun I've had in this game in a long time, and good luck in rebuilding.

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There are plenty of great warriors wearing the IRON AA. Of that I have first hand experience. I am looking forward to this peace very much. And for those concerned with the Vogon poets, we have them working on alphabetizing the numbers in pi. We expect that to keep them occupied as they break for lunch at 1130 every day (at the latest) and have shouting matches with their mothers all afternoon. We have also sound-proofed and blacked out their rooms, just in case they start reciting some verses.

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Classy move by RoK nations to launch as many attacks and nukes as possible immediately before offering peace. Can't wait for Karma the Sequel!

I can assure you, there was a valid reason for this.

If you would know more, I will accept a PM or you can find me in #RoK.

That is, if you are actually curious.

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Dislikes bandwagon alliance reps

Likes honorable white peace nations.

This would be an example of why many feel that harsher terms or more time under the gun were necessary.

Overall I am pleased with the terms of this and most IRON guys I've spoken with seem quite alright. But I do not think it is at all strange that Ragnarok would request reps and I am a bit surprised they were the only ones. 50 dedicated bank nations can push 18M every 10 days and push nearly 1B a cycle. I would guess that for an alliance like IRON these terms will be easily met with the only problem being how much damage they sustained.

I sincerely hope that the conflict with the NPO will be allowed to run its course. Though even now I do feel as though they are fast becoming the sole scapegoats for years of "hegemony". The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long.

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/me tips his hat to IRON

Well fought, fellas. That was the most enjoyable war I've had since our Holy War and we've had more than a few since then. You fought hard, well, and honorably and it was certainly a pleasure to meet on the battlefield and smash pixels with you

I fought a whole bunch of you guys in IRON in this war, but I'd like to give a special shout out to kpcurley, NuclearShawn, Utnapishtin, Blade 619, and especially Formanj. You guys put up a hell of a fight, were total gentlemen on the battlefield, and gave as well as you recieved. If it was possible, I'd buy you all a beer. I'm just sorry that I had to destroy so many of your pretty nukes with my killer infra! A++++ would trade nukes with again!!!!!!

So, to IRON, good fight and good luck on the rebuilding.

To the rest of my fellow Farkers and to our friends and allies in this fight, Rok, MHA, Gramlins, FCC, IPA, Halsa, ARES, and ROCK, well fought. It was an honor to stand, fight, and bleed beside you on the battlefield and I hope we can do it again soon. This game is a hell of a lot more fun when we have wars to fight and pixels to smash. :P

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I like how lenient the terms are, and I am happy to see that we will be getting some tech to help us rebuild, though the amount is hardly noteworthy. all of the nations I have fought have been either honorable or a lot of fun :) except for one IRON nation (who has quite the game).

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It is good to have peace.

However, I am disappointed in those alliances taking reparations.

IRON fought honorably and righteously to uphold their word.

Likewise, many of those affected did the same.

Winning a war does not make you correct, righteous or honorable. Your honor exists long before the war and is demonstrated by your conduct during and following.

I suggest that those alliances seeking reps re-evaluate their position.

Do not require reps from IRON, let their honor stand on its own merit and let their losses be enough.

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In an advancing world, we should always expect the past to have been worse than the future we strive to create.

Might it be argued that that is indeed what we are seeing now? In the past, and had Hegemony won, what would have terms been? That they are being given a chance to move on is a sign of change in direction in and of itself.

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Well done IRON you *fought ferociously and will have little problem paying these apparently light terms. I look forward to seeing you back at the top of the tree again very soon.

*edit: missing word

Edited by Alterego
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Might it be argued that that is indeed what we are seeing now? In the past, and had Hegemony won, what would have terms been? That they are being given a chance to move on is a sign of change in direction in and of itself.

I suppose cutting off one's ear is less barbaric than executing him....

Is that what you're getting at?

Edited by Matthew PK
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I get a kick out of the fact that once again, the people crying over the terms are not the ones living with them. Maybe some of you would have a leg to stand on if IRON's members were going berserk over this, but obviously they're not.

IRON has a long history of staying off the OWF. In truth most of us dont like the rest of the world so you dont hear much of the general membership. In fact I did not start reading here until we were DDoSed (Jarheads <_<) and had to come here for CN entertainment..I will not lie to you that the members of IRON are not pleased at all with reps but who would be. IRON is a classy bunch and we will not whine in public (maybe in private though :P). Expect us passing [insert any alliance here] within a few months.

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Apparently Rok really needs the reps...

Also a generous peace, too bad it wasn't the white peace everyone in Karma was saying would be offered to everyone at the end of the war, back when it first started.

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