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Everything posted by Broncos98

  1. Didn't you get the memo, Glen? Ram is his God, and Matthew is here to spread Ram's word. Ram is currently enjoying his last supper in CN, and soon his apostles will suffer the same fate.
  2. [quote name='Matthew PK' date='13 July 2010 - 10:38 AM' timestamp='1279035502' post='2369338'] As for what's going on now, I have already stated that I miscalculated how many people would misunderstand and/or deliberately misrepresent what we're demanding. That doesn't make our intentions malicious nor our goal unjust. [/quote] Yeah, that's it, there is something wrong with everyone else. You have it all right, it's the world that needs fixing. You, sir, have h[sub]2[/sub]o on the gray matter.
  3. [quote name='Crymson' date='10 July 2010 - 10:08 PM' timestamp='1278817689' post='2366521'] I really question if anyone would care were IRON/DAWN to demand reparations. [/quote] There really won't be anyone left to demand reps from, so it's a moot point at this stage of the war.
  4. The most amazing, and perhaps most comical aspect of this 'war' has slowly, albeit surely, emerged over time. The fact that the man solely responsible for the destruction of his own alliance has failed to show the mettle, confidence, and righteousness to post in this thread is nothing short of amazing. Anecdotally speaking, most CN leaders would have the guts to defend their own policies, regardless of the merit, rather than sending out a lackey to take the beating. Ram's silence paints a rather telling picture of his convictions and character, failing to spread the word of his righteous crusade in such a widely visited arena...these 216 pages of TNT worthy drama. Ram, please come out of your hole, rally your troops (yes all 22 of them), sing on high the value in your decisions, condemn those too weak to stand by your side!! This is your moment, grace us with a parting shot on your way down and out.
  5. Wait...why hasn't MPK attacked one of our nations within his range? Didn't he allude to showing off his battle prowess once there was a nation in his range. I know he is completely full of excrement, but it is still rather entertaining to call him out on his unfulfilled threats. Keep doing your thing Matthew, you are fast becoming a CN god!
  6. We didn't really need further evidence of Grem's collective insanity, but threatening the last 'friend' they have in CN...well that is just down right laughable. Party at my place when the last Grem nation deletes or hits ZI/ZT.
  7. [quote name='Baldr' date='28 May 2010 - 07:06 PM' timestamp='1275091543' post='2315073'] Similarly, whatever Gramlins is trying to accomplish here, it doesn't seem to be working. [/quote] Understatement of the week I think it's time that the truth finally comes out, so that the nations, alliances, mods and admins of CN can learn the true nature of this conflict. Grem secretly loves IRON and simply wishes to help us rebuild prior to us paying reps. In a sign of true friendship and selflessness, and with the realization that there is only way to accomplish this goal without people seeing through their intentions, they have decided to destroy themselves in the process. IRON simply cannot thank you enough, dear friends in Gramlins. We IRON'ers can only hope that our other friends would be so kind and loyal.
  8. Matt, you are awesome. As Rome burns, you keep shredding away on that fiddle... At what point does the Grem situation deteriorate enough to where even you cannot come here and pretend to have a leg to stand on? 25 nations? 15 nations? We wait with baited breath!!
  9. Last time I checked, NSO and IRON were allies...maybe someone should muzzle this stray dog.
  10. Congrats to both parties! It's great seeing NPO rebuilding positive relationships...they should be ruining people's game again no time!
  11. 38 nations and counting...slip sliding away!!! Still sticking to those guns eh Ram?
  12. If you don't blindly follow Ramirus, as you seem to suggest above, then why did the voting go the way of keeping him in power? You seem to infer (I say seem because the rest of CN uses a different dictionary than you) that not everyone (meaning your alliance no?) agrees with his position...yet here is your entire alliance still working to pursue his desires. Let me guess..."Reading comprehension!"
  13. [quote name='Matt Miller' date='09 May 2010 - 10:19 AM' timestamp='1273418337' post='2292484'] Careful, you'll give MatthewPK his next sound byte. After he's done with it, it will look like IRON set this whole thing up and planted the lunatics within Gramlins just so we could disband them. [/quote] I can't believe you just posted our sekret plans on the OWF... Careful now, I didn't say I wanted IRON to disband them, just that they break apart one nation at a time and bleed a painful death, thus disbanding by suicide. This event will serve as yet another history lesson on what not to do with your CN alliance when you have the keys.
  14. For the first time in my CN history I actually want to see an alliance totally disbanded...godspeed Gramlins.
  15. Please note that with the speed by which change occurs in CN, if any changes would be made, our war with Grem will long be over by that time. This is about future conflicts, not current ones. I realize I'm peeing into the wind by asking for change in CN, so I'll take my ball and go home now
  16. Very political answer...rather than focusing on the actual issue, you instead seem to accuse me of pursuing self-serving interests. I don't care who is doing it, winning side, losing side, me, you, it doesn't matter....it simply does not make any sense, does not fit any logical framework of a war simulator, and it greatly weakens the most interesting and exciting facet of the game.
  17. As it currently stands, the CN war system is inherently flawed, at least as I see it. Nations are basically rewarded for being destroyed considering the 'strategy' of turtling. Once a nation is <1000 land, you can no longer attack with naval forces. Once a nation is ZI'd you can no longer damage them with air assaults. Once a nation's armed forced are decimated to 0 tanks and 0 soldiers you can no longer do damage with ground attacks. During this most recent conflict many nations were able to sit idle with no infra, no army, no navy, no airforce, and no land, yet still launch nukes....thus dealing out great amounts of damage while sustaining none outside of a small amount of tech. Imagine a real nation with zero defenses...they would be invaded and taken over instantly. I know we aren't playing with real nations, but the word simulator is part of the game title, no? I think something needs to be changed in order to prevent nations from being rewarded for not fighting back, not rebuilding armies, and basically losing everything intentionally as 'strategy' of war.
  18. I can't speak for IRON gov, but at this point I would withdraw my offer of white peace. As stated above, they had their chance to end this farce, but have chosen their path. They should be slowly, but surely, destroyed until they are ready to pay reps or are disbanded. How fast they fall...
  19. Stetson, stop making such valid points and supporting them with evidence, you're ruining Matthew's game. I do feel sorry for Matthew though, tragically forced to suffer as the sacrificial OWF lamb, carved up again and again by the masses of reason. His job is even more difficult now that he has to not only cover for Ram's idiocy, but now also his own. Gre better be paying you overtime, Matthew, you're doing the work of two men!!
  20. [quote name='Ertyy' date='01 May 2010 - 11:54 AM' timestamp='1272732859' post='2282746'] All the crying on OWF just brings warmth to my heart. What's truly amazing is that many of you think there is a chance that we actually care what OWF thinks of us.[/quote] It's not about what the OWF thinks, it's about what your own membership thinks. As your membership numbers continue their steady decline, it would appear that not all Gram members are drinking the kool-aid, or should I say Ram-aid.
  21. How many times can people say the same thing in this thread? Everyone but Gram knows this is ridiculous, even their friends that back them in public must think they are fools. At this point the discussion is pointless as their alliance is being destroyed due to the ego-maniacal actions of their leader(s). Neither side is going to budge until Gramlins no longer exists. I am, however, impressed by how well they can tow the company line here considering how 'well' this is going for them. Kind of reminds me of the guy from Monty Python's Holy Grail...Gramlins have both arms and legs chopped off but they are still sure they will win
  22. Bye Gramlins, you had a nice run.
  23. I know it's still relatively early being that it's only April, but Londo for "Troll of the Year"? How long are we going to be inundated with this 'two wrongs make a right because NPO did it' crap? Your argument carries less water than a screen....oh, see what I did there?
  24. You don't see your treaty with them as a form of military support? You can do better than that, no?
  25. Agreed, Ivan. Is there a precedence set for situations such as this?
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