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For the first time ever, Polar has more NS than Pacifica.


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Sure you all are happy. You abandoned your big brother specially for this to happen.

Interesting concept that. Lets consider some facts, just for a change ( I know it is a novel concept). Polaris held a specific treaty with Pacifica, a treaty crafted to be specifically non-chaining and distinctly worded in relation to aggressive actions. When the NPO declared war as they did, they rendered our treaty as unenforceable as per the terms we had both agreed to. Polaris did not support the action as such and had no desire to enter a conflict that would see most of our good, loyal and proven allies on the opposite side.

When the manner of their actions became known, we suspended our treaty, at this stage inert and unactivated, and conducted an investigation. All the claims made by various people had an interesting ''other side'' as every good story does. We accepted the NPO's version and re-instated our still unactivated treaty.

Much later, things happened, our treaty was canceled and although it had not been activated at that stage for some reason you have the temerity to suggest we abandoned Pacifica. Now refresh my memory, but where exactly does FOK fit in all of this? I have a distinct memory of an alliance of a similar name to that getting its grubby paws all over the blood tech from Polaris... in a war sanctioned by Pacifica, backed by a number of its major allies and you have the audacity to launch such a statement at me and at my alliance.

I would suggest strongly you back right away from your ''clever'' backhander and actually consider some facts for a few moments. Playing to the peanut gallery might make you look cool in front of your friends, but those who actually do more than take random potshots know full well that Polaris did not abandon anyone. Perhaps you are disappointed you didn't get to extort more tech from us, maybe if you want to do that you should pony up and ride on over and see how your alliance goes without all its big time friends propping you up. Good times for the great unwashed to spew rubbish out like it is gospel. You are without credibility and without a clue.

Now if you want to start random potshots, perhaps you should look at the alliances who were specifically MADPed to Pacifica at the very time this war was both planned and broke out. Some of them might even be close allies of yours. Who exactly abandoned who pal? Once again, no clue when you start these balls rolling down hills pal.

Cease and desist that line of comment or I will argue my point more specifically at your direct expense.

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Now the better Order is on top.

The Order of the Paradox is the better Order? I always thought the Order of the Black Rose should have that distinction myself.

Perhaps I should make a poll...

Congratz NpO, may this be a permanent change that remains in effect post war.

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Do many people buy from the CN Store?

iirc those flags weren't from the CN store. a member of pacifica had them ordered. I think there was two versions of it infact, one was a moer authentic flag type and the other was a lighter cheaper material. someone feel free to correct me if i'm wrong here.

also, epic Grub post is epic

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The Order of the Paradox is the better Order? I always thought the Order of the Black Rose should have that distinction myself.

Perhaps I should make a poll...

Congratz NpO, may this be a permanent change that remains in effect post war.

But they roleplay

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