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When will the NPO surrender?

Miley Cyrax

When will they surrender  

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For what it's worth, I highly doubt that NPO has the mental fortitude or the cult-like following to pull a FAN. While they may have a great propoganda machine, they would hemorage members left and right until all that was left was maybe 5-10 of their hardcore fanatics. Seeing as they would find far more success in the future if they followed their past and surrendered, took reps, and then started up the much herald "aid machine" - I'm sure they'd find themselves far ahead of where they would if they pulled a FAN. Then again, we'd have to accept their surrender, give them terms, find a single violator and then crush them all over again for them to even have a chance to pull a "FAN"

I feel you underestimate them.

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NPO has lost over a hundred members already. Maybe you are overestimating them :P

They have picked up 150 new guys since the start of the war. Add in the 80 net drop they have had, and it's at about 230 total members. A lot of these new guys aren't going to stick around, either. The same likely goes for a large number of current members as well. NPO will likely be at around 550-600 members when all is said and done.

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You know what would have given us peace? Nobody declaring war. No one is ever obligated to let someone blitz them and then immediately declare peace. If you don't want to fight a war, don't attack. If you attack and then decide to surrender the next day, you're not really in a position to dicker about the terms. Either go to the table and accept the terms you get or don't. Wasting time arguing after less than a day of war in a war you declared where you are requesting peace doesn't accomplish anything.

As usual, the cupcake hits the nail on the head.

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On a related note, have you ever tried hammering a nail with a cupcake? Works if they're frozen.

Personally I'd like to see the NPO at war for a 1/4 of the time FAN was at war. That's a nice reasonably fraction, wouldn't you think?

Then if they're still game we can see if they are half of what FAN is and see if they'll last another quarter.

Edited by Sal Paradise
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For what it's worth, I highly doubt that NPO has the mental fortitude or the cult-like following to pull a FAN. While they may have a great propoganda machine, they would hemorage members left and right until all that was left was maybe 5-10 of their hardcore fanatics. Seeing as they would find far more success in the future if they followed their past and surrendered, took reps, and then started up the much herald "aid machine" - I'm sure they'd find themselves far ahead of where they would if they pulled a FAN. Then again, we'd have to accept their surrender, give them terms, find a single violator and then crush them all over again for them to even have a chance to pull a "FAN"

You really don't know NPO.

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I still can't walk straight, thank you very much. Also you hit me, IIRC.

You declared on us :P

I'm so disappointed our one guy peaced you out, I had this grand image of the evil overlord dueling karma incarnate all the way to the end :P

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When Karma lets them, perhaps in June. Maybe they'll get peace exactly three years after their last defeat, that'd be nice. But for all I care NPO can stay in war for all eternity, diminishing away little by little.

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You really don't know NPO.

As evidenced by them losing over 250 of their original members from when the war started... and we're at 1 month of war - you think they'd last 1 year of war?

But I doubt we'll ever find out

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You declared on us :P

I'm so disappointed our one guy peaced you out, I had this grand image of the evil overlord dueling karma incarnate all the way to the end :P

You would have rocked my face - I wasn't even on CN for a good 4-5 day period due to some RL things. Your guy chickening out couldn't have been more opportune >.>

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I voted NPO will win.

Simply because, GW1 Style, they will twist things around until they have convinced themselves and everyone else they never actually lost the war, but instead fought to a standstill and forced terms. Karma has shown themselves extremely lenient, not only in letting go of some alliances who really were there just as a part of the treaty web, but also for some of the assholic alliances that should have been $%&@ed up a lot worse than they got. Valhalla is an example that immediately springs to mind that got a easy peace.

If this trend continues, it is likely NPO will get light terms. And of course in the annals of history it will be forgotten that everyone else got light terms as well, the whole thing will be construed as an anti-NPO plot that failed, and NPO fought to a standstill.

Because of this it is my opinion that NPO should be given not only harsh terms, but also a term that explicitly states that the NPO admits it has been defeated utterly. Make sure it is crystal clear, and impossible to spin to indicate otherwise.

But then I have no say in this as I have no .gov position and am in an alliance not directly at war with the NPO. I can only offer what should happen, not what will. In fact it is my belief that Karma has shown itself as ineffective enough thus far at giving anyone anything resembling difficult terms, that I don't think it will. Which is why I voted that NPO will win in the end. I hope Karma proves me wrong, but I think they don't have the guts to do what they set out for, and will give NPO victory for it.

Edited by Seerow
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Pulling allies out of the war by offering lenient terms is good strategy.

If numbers have any say, it would seem that the war will last a while. After a month of fighting NPO has 277 (total - (anarchy + hippy)) nations effectively fighting. That's a significant accomplishment.

Hopefully Karma is less interested in harsh terms than in culture change.

Edited by Lizardo
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It appears to me that if Pacifica plans to surrender at any point at all it is going to be far down the line... Only once almost the entirety of their government has deleted will they surrender. Otherwise it seems that they are hunkering down for a long battle with the goal of simply holding other alliances in war and damaging them over time. This could be interesting as it gives alliances out of this conflict time to try to lessen the gap between the sanctioned and the unsanctioned alliances. This could be a very long war.

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NPO will surrender. It just has to be under the right terms, imo. Right now, they're going to wait and wait and wait until they get the right terms. They won't get the right terms, though. Because they can't admit defeat, and they won't pay high reps. They're going to wait for the right *moment*, though (that is, when the alliances at war with them can no longer stand each other, and grow in more distrust and dislike of each other (to the point where they feel even more hate for each other than for NPO)), and when this *moment* comes, they (NPO) will strike back at those that have put them in the position that they are in.

As cliche as it is, history truly repeats itself (even in CN).

Edited by soccerbum879
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