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I would swear he meant "winning", although I don't think Avalon is winning either... So it seems he's mistaken either way...

hm guess i tried to interpret that the wrong way. i guess we will have to wait for him to get back to see if he meant whining or winning

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I would swear he meant "winning", although I don't think Avalon is winning either... So it seems he's mistaken either way...

Everyone I believe has their own view of 'winning' or not.

Have I gone from 5999.99 Infra to 1200something in two weeks of nukes, and war?

Sure, granted I'm back up to about half my goal already because of a warchest, the day I slipped out to recover and rebuild.

Have I lost a lot of money? Well not lost, so much as spent rolling over my attackers, and nukeing and keeping bills all in order and tidy and paid so I can keep my nation happy and warring. However yes, over 200mil almost 300mil in two weeks is not chump change.

Am I having fun? Hell yes! I have had some honorable opponents on all fronts.

Do I feel I've 'won' my wars? Yes, I have eaten more nukes then I ever dreamed, I have launched them right back. I have daily ran ALL attacks (save navy this last week because of land issues) I have weathered attackers out of my league, and normally I would not be able to even fight, and WON my attacks. I have had fun, and at no point have I been disheartened, felt the war wasn't worth it, or lost an OUNCE of pride for my allince. My foes may feel they're winning as well, and that is their right. As long as we want to fight, why not let it come?

The fact we're outnumbered, out gunned in some sense, and still have spirit, still move and fight as one, and still have a love for this war and welcome new foes in who are honorably defending their friends? Where is the harm in EITHER side saying they feel they are wining?

Spirit is half the battle, and we still have it.

0/ Avalon

0/ TPF

0/ RAD

0/ TFO


0/ Anyone else I'm forgetting

Fight hard, and go home happy.

I WILL be seeing you on the battle front again, soon.

Edited by Kandria
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I meant whining, but I think that we are winning because we are having fun fighting against so many people. Really I'm fighting four awesome guys now ^_^ .

Hmm. Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter... :lol1:

Here, here, and here

Full of my crazy idea's.

Edited by xoindotnler
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Sometimes winning is about pride, fun, making your enemy look weak or petty, or just surviving in the face of stupid odds, not infra.

For an example of when winning isn't about stats, one need look no farther than FAN.

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This is sad to see. ARES used to be an alliance that I respected very much when I was back in Rok.

Carter, certainly not your best work. Good show to Avalon for being so classy when being piled onto like this.

Also, hai SyndicatedINC. Remember the ABS War with HoG/UPAC/L1? Fun days those were.

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This is sad to see. ARES used to be an alliance that I respected very much when I was back in Rok.

Carter, certainly not your best work. Good show to Avalon for being so classy when being piled onto like this.

Also, hai SyndicatedINC. Remember the ABS War with HoG/UPAC/L1? Fun days those were.

I'm sorry to hear that, but when a friend asks for help regardless of who it's against I will always give it.

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I'm sorry to hear that, but when a friend asks for help regardless of who it's against I will always give it.

Sometimes as a leader you have to pick your battles, I'm afraid I have to agree with the sentiments being displayed that it was poor show to attack an already crippled alliance a third your size.

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The length you stay in a war is a decent measure to how strong your alliance is.

Hats off to Avalon for still having it in you to take damage just to break more of your enemies stuff :lol:

Proud to have you guys on Purple :)

Ob btw, i must find you guys on IRC for a chat sometime soon!

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The length you stay in a war is a decent measure to how strong your alliance is.

Hats off to Avalon for still having it in you to take damage just to break more of your enemies stuff :lol:

Proud to have you guys on Purple :)

Ob btw, i must find you guys on IRC for a chat sometime soon!

There is no greater honour or higher praise that I can imagine than this when coming from BAPs.

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So RAD asked you for help with Avalon? I won't pretend to know of Avalon's fighting abilities, nor the number of other fronts RAD is fighting on but it strikes me as hard to believe that they needed help so badly that they turned to a non-treatied friend to get it.

Then given that they clearly needed the help so badly that they called in non-treatied friends you offered them a massive four wars. If I were in such dire straits I needed to ask for help from a non-treatied friend and they provided me with four wars I'd be wondering what kind of friend they were to be honest.

Cut the !@#$@#$ !@#$%^&*. You wanted the war, you wanted the potential spoils. It sickens me to see you play this any other way.

Good luck in those 4 wars Avalon.

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ARES isn't full strength, as they are extended in many fronts

Many fronts?

Wait. 78 nations, 65 wars.

Avalon of course are unextended :rolleyes:

80 wars for 39 nations.

You guys have a whole 4 wars on Avalon. Oh my goodness, what commitment.

Including no wars at all on Avalon's 5 nuclear-capable nations in war mode, who between them have a grand total of 1 defensive war. I applaud your obvious bravery.

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Good luck to our allies in ARES, may you fight well. I can't really tell Avalon well wishes on the battlefield, but it appears you guys are classy opponents.

I would expect those who don't know ARES wouldn't get it. ARES has a history of helping friends, with or without paper. I don't see how signing a treaty just before DoWing would make a huge difference. Signing binding treaties just before bloodshed is usually seen as opportunism, same as dropping treaties just before (or during) war. Avalon doesn't appear to consider this move bandwagoning, and they're the ones getting the new declaration of war.

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So RAD asked you for help with Avalon? I won't pretend to know of Avalon's fighting abilities, nor the number of other fronts RAD is fighting on but it strikes me as hard to believe that they needed help so badly that they turned to a non-treatied friend to get it.

Then given that they clearly needed the help so badly that they called in non-treatied friends you offered them a massive four wars. If I were in such dire straits I needed to ask for help from a non-treatied friend and they provided me with four wars I'd be wondering what kind of friend they were to be honest.

Cut the !@#$@#$ !@#$%^&*. You wanted the war, you wanted the potential spoils. It sickens me to see you play this any other way.

Good luck in those 4 wars Avalon.

You're idiocy astounds me. We don't want spoils, we don't want anything. It seems they are handled quite nicely, with not alot of slots open. We can help in any way possible, so if it's making a DoW for our friends who may only need 4 slots, then so be it.

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You're idiocy astounds me. We don't want spoils, we don't want anything. It seems they are handled quite nicely, with not alot of slots open. We can help in any way possible, so if it's making a DoW for our friends who may only need 4 slots, then so be it.

I'm generally not one to nitpick, but this time the irony made me lol.

What astounds me is that RAD got into a situation that their allies couldn't help them with, so they had to turn to non-treatied friends, all over 4 wars.

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I'm generally not one to nitpick, but this time the irony made me lol.

What astounds me is that RAD got into a situation that their allies couldn't help them with, so they had to turn to non-treatied friends, all over 4 wars.

Do you seriously believe that? That's the biggest crock I've heard for a long time. :lol1:

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No I don't believe it. I believe ARES are just jumping into this war because they want to rather than because RAD needs their help. However Joe Stupid so vehemently denied that point, so what other logical conclusion can be drawn from it if he is to be believed?

Edited for clarification

Edited by Poyplemonkeys
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It seems they are handled quite nicely, with not alot of slots open.






What do all those nations have in common?

  1. They're Avalon members.
  2. They're in war mode.
  3. They possess nuclear weapons.
  4. They have no defensive wars.

I think I see why it is that Avalon nations have had such an easy time escaping to peace to reload.

Hey here's one with an actual defensive war.


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What do all those nations have in common?

  1. They're Avalon members.
  2. They're in war mode.
  3. They possess nuclear weapons.
  4. They have no defensive wars.

I think I see why it is that Avalon nations have had such an easy time escaping to peace to reload.

Hey here's one with an actual defensive war.


And here I am, also fighting a defensive war, one of which expired.

RAD mastermind Mr. Bill bit off a bit more than he could chew, and ARES Lord Hood is also not faring as well as he would have hoped.

The ARES attack was a surprise, but those guys seem to be straight up; no attitude, and believe they are justified in this fight (though I may disagree). Whatever their reasons are, they are honorable enough to stand by those reasons. I hope for a good fight, and I'm sure ARES will bring it, though it seems that we at Avalon were a tad bit underestimated by our opponents.

Edited by nathraq
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No I don't believe it. I believe ARES are just jumping into this war because they want to rather than because RAD needs their help. However Joe Stupid so vehemently denied that point, so what other logical conclusion can be drawn from it if he is to be believed?

Edited for clarification

Want too? Surely you can think of something better then that. I was contempt on keeping IRON as my last war, things change. I don't know why this is so hard for you to believe, but no sweat off my balls if you can't accept it.

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Want too? Surely you can think of something better then that. I was contempt on keeping IRON as my last war, things change. I don't know why this is so hard for you to believe, but no sweat off my balls if you can't accept it.

Have fun. Or as much fun as you can without eating any nukes.

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