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Is Sparta ruining the game?


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As has always been the case - those at the top of the table will not stay there forever. Neither alliances that profess peace with all, neither those who want to dominate all. Maybe something in between will really do OK this time.


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My guess is the next evil big guy won't be one of the old major alliances, but it will be headed by one of the old major players. After all, peace is a lie, or some such thing.

oooh, foreshadowing? that sounds like an ominous prediction ;-)

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People hate TOP. It's going to be TOP. It already is TOP.

The world has failed the grasp the concept that there doesn't have to be an evil big guy at the top, pardon the pun.

There doesn't have to be, but people want one very very badly.

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I think the primary difference between TOP and the other alliances that were previously #1 NS is that being #1 in NS was never our goal (nor was a sanction for that matter). We never wanted to be thrusted into this position, and yet here we are. I strongly doubt that it will last due to the nature of our alliance (we don't recruit and we're picky as hell with who we let in). NPO, IRON, Sparta, FOK, MHA or even a brand new alliance from of an amalgamation of nations from this war could very well emerge as #1 NS in a short time.

However, if alliances continue the trend of being small, tightly knit communities with similar recruitment methods as us (and they're popping up all the time now), then we very well could be #1 in NS for some time. In that case, I'd feel proud of TOP (and similarly styled alliances) of helping to change the face of CN by showing just how great these tightly knit alliances can be, and at the same time, how deadly efficient they can be in war. Note that I'm not taking credit for this change entirely (far from it), but I do feel that TOP was a major player in the way alliances were formed of yesterday to the way alliances seem to be formed today.

Edited by LOLtex
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People hate TOP. It's going to be TOP. It already is TOP.

The world has failed the grasp the concept that there doesn't have to be an evil big guy at the top, pardon the pun.

Already? People have a very short attention span. You've pretty much chosen the worst alliance possible to be the evil big guy, we're just a bunch of nerds playing around at being knights. Look at other evil big guys: NPO were evil imperialists, FAN were crazy gun-nuts, GOONS were dicks. I think you're about to be disappointed.


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Already? People have a very short attention span. You've pretty much chosen the worst alliance possible to be the evil big guy, we're just a bunch of nerds playing around at being knights. Look at other evil big guys: NPO were evil imperialists, FAN were crazy gun-nuts, GOONS were dicks. I think you're about to be disappointed.


Hasin, have more faith in us. I think we can be just as evil as the other guys, we just need to put our mind to it. We can accomplish anything we put our minds to, that is what my mother always told me, and I believe the same is true for TOP.

So TOP, lets get evil!

That said, I was thinking that maybe this was true, but I've chatted with some of the guys that have been calling us out on the forums recently, and I truely believe it is due to miscommunication. TOP has always been the shy kid in the class. We weren't that vocal in WUT. We weren't that vocal in Q, with the exception of our beef with ES and NpO. We aren't lead by personality cult individuals, which is funny because Sparta, MHA, FOK, FARK and many of the sanctioned alliances aren't these days. We kinda simply exist minding our own business and rarely go out of our way get in the middle of things that don't concern us.

I think there will be a ton of wars now, but mostly smaller. I think this will happen because the major alliances don't care to get into everyone's business. Although Doitzel may be right, you may just want an evil overlord, and if that was the case, NPO played the part well, why tear it down?

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Between Sparta, TOP, Gramlins, and MK, I would guess the propaganda would be focused against MK. Sparta is quiet, Gramlins is public but has far too large of a fanbase, TOP might have it focused on them but I'd rather doubt it. MK seems a better target for it, even though I haven't anything against them. The first strike nuke policy and the allowance of tech raiding (Once again, I don't mind it) probably will be picked upon by the NPO corps. :-p

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We're past the age of one big bad guy. NPO was already losing the NS advantage to do it by itself, and it's aroma of control and political system is now gone. Neither TOP or Sparta have the desire nor connections, at least now, to take that roll. We are gonna see a multi-polar world with blocks of alliances taking center stage, rather than individuals.

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Already? People have a very short attention span. You've pretty much chosen the worst alliance possible to be the evil big guy, we're just a bunch of nerds playing around at being knights. Look at other evil big guys: NPO were evil imperialists, FAN were crazy gun-nuts, GOONS were dicks. I think you're about to be disappointed.


And GPA had absolutely no interest in fighting anyone, and look what happened. It's lonely at the top.

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