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Dispatch from LoSS, Nemesis, TSO, TOP, Umbrella..


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It brings me great pleasure to announce that BAPS has surrendered to the combined forces of LoSS, Nemesis, TOP, Umbrella, BTO, IngSoc, Ravyns, and TSO.

Wow, 8 nations to make one surrender, very fine job BAPS it is very hard to see how that can be a total loss when facing odds such as that. It seems to me that is not much different than how things use to be here I guess the only difference now is that the bully has a new name.

You're very bad at spinning.

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no spin to it, just took the count from the announcement and made an observation

How big is Ingsoc? how big is BTO? What type of terms was BAPS given?

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That is why before the Sparta and MHA left Q, everyone knew that we were discussing leaving Q. I'm not sure when their discussions opened up, but I believe ours came sooner, I may be wrong on that however. Mogar made that public I believe, I think 1 week later after all of Q finds out that we are discussing it Sparta leaves, and the same week we are leaving MHA leaves, I think the resignation happens the same day. Funny how Sparta and MHA aren't being accused of it. I guess our fault is that our discussions took longer on the matter as well as Valhalla and MCXA.

And we had to delay our cancelation due to CJ wanting to come over to talk to us along with Valhalla .gov so that we could make the right decision in the end.

All this in the middle of our almost 2 weeks long election cycle where we had to vote in our voting council and give them time to catch up. You'll see after Mogar's bomb about us leaving Q being discussed Feanor and Saber get replaced by Someguy and Crymson.

this post makes me :awesome: IRL.


Also for the record I believe out of the 3 of you, Sparta was the most opportunistic out of the group.

Edited by Mogar
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I gotta agree with you here as well. They bailed on MCXA when they knew a war would come and let the rest to pick up the pieces and get slaughtered. They can claim that they didn't know this war would happen but it was be complete BS, we all saw this war coming and it was just a matter of time. I have no respect for TSO.

its a shame Karma spared them.

That is !@#$%^&*.

People tried to "isolate us", which is why we only have one treaty. We even offered a treaty to the MCXA which they declined. TOP was the only one willing to listen which is why we stick to them. But that respect part is mutual, don't worry ;)

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I am extremely happy to see peace for BAPS. I am very happy to see that when they were curbstomped this time, they didn't get the humiliating treatment that they got the first time. You are a great group, fierce fighters, and strong-willed. Congratulations.

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I'm sure you are just one guy talking and not speaking for your alliance, but I do wonder if your alliance would want to have a 1 on 1 dual with BAPS someday. No allies from either side interfering.

You'd love that, right?

I dont speak for my alliance but yes, yes I would. I dont think you could say the same though considering you and your alliance used to have the numbers behind your mouth.

The reason for an apology was simple. BAPS, declared before posting a DoW. We werent looking to humilate them but even something as simple as a "Sorry" was scratched from the peace terms that were agreed upon hours before this was posted. Being "Bitter" and Overlooked as an alliance are 2 different things.

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I dont speak for my alliance but yes, yes I would. I dont think you could say the same though considering you and your alliance used to have the numbers behind your mouth.

The reason for an apology was simple. BAPS, declared before posting a DoW. We werent looking to humilate them but even something as simple as a "Sorry" was scratched from the peace terms that were agreed upon hours before this was posted. Being "Bitter" and Overlooked as an alliance are 2 different things.

I certainly could not say the same. There are several alliances I take very seriously as war machines (MK and Valhalla as notable examples of alliances I like my guns pointed in the same direction as). BAPS is hardcore, I wouldn't take fighting them lightly. I would greatly enjoy seeing LoSS and BAPS go 1 on 1.

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There are very interesting terms to say the least. I can understand why the nuclear weapons were decommissioned, but I'm not quite sure why the navies were decommissioned with out the rest of the military? It seems like a half way job to me. Either decommission the military or don't if you get my point.

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There are very interesting terms to say the least. I can understand why the nuclear weapons were decommissioned, but I'm not quite sure why the navies were decommissioned with out the rest of the military? It seems like a half way job to me. Either decommission the military or don't if you get my point.

Military is nothing. Military happens in ten seconds. It'd be pointless.

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There are very interesting terms to say the least. I can understand why the nuclear weapons were decommissioned, but I'm not quite sure why the navies were decommissioned with out the rest of the military? It seems like a half way job to me. Either decommission the military or don't if you get my point.

maybe because nukes and navy need to be stockpilied for a few days for full capacity, while other military can be instantly bought prior to engagement.

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Moral crusading would be us attacking you for trolling.

No, that would be stupidity, since it would prove my point about you not participating on our side for moral values, but for the reasons I pointed out ;)

I was simply asking.

I was simply calling you out

Funny how Sparta and MHA aren't being accused of it.

That's because the two of them don't have a history of being spineless, like you guys.

I guess our failing is we like to take our time to make our decisions, we understand that it is a fault, but are hard pressed in finding a means to correct it with out destroying parts of Paradoxia that we love, which include extensive debate and consideration for every action we take. Sadly not everyone works at TOP speed, and this war came too quickly for us to react.

Your attempt to spin it so that you're the victim here won't work very well

Tossing the hypocrate word around is easy.

At least towards you guys

Your a hypocrate for accusing Valhalla of being trolls and war mongerers

It's never been an accusation. It's been a statement of fact. I happen to like war mongers

The truth is often far more complex however, you've been fed information you believe is true

Not quite. It's an impression you have made on me over the past few years.

Our stand has always been if the NPO or their allies instigated wars that threatened our allies on the other side like the Gremlins or their allies, we would side with them.

Really? always?

As for agressive wars, TOP has not participated in all of NPO's wars. FAN, VE, UJW are examples of wars that TOP never got involved with.

As I've said. You didn't participate in the wars that were even or unpopular. See a pattern here?

I often find the more time you take to investigate any issue, the more accurate you'll be to the truth. Feel free to speak to our allies in Gremlins, Umbrella and others that asked us about the future war with the NPO, and find out what our stance was stated to be 6 months ago, and if we did indeed follow through with that stance.

I have a tendency to make up my own mind when the truth is so obvious

I think we all make mistakes.  I think TOP has done it's fair share of trolling, Vanguard is the perfect example.  And in a recent talk with Petrovich I realized that the trolling started from TOP, when it had always been my belief it started from Vanguard.  Either way we shouldn't have engaged in it.  Also TOP trolled the NpO and visa versa.  That said I don't mind someone telling me to stop trolling, to relax and understand that I'm not helping the situation.  Emotions are great, but they sometimes lead to bad things, we're all human.

I have to tell you that this part is something I fully agree with :)

Don't take my comments as anything more then advice, and if you choose to ignore them so be it.  And if your miffed about me giving you advice, I apologize, it really wasn't my intention, I just thought it would be nice if both sides congradulated BAPS and went their merry way to smacking eachother on the battle field.

I am not one to be offended. And advice is always appreciated :)

However, I just disagree with the advice given, and I am pointing that out

And yeah, by all means, o/ BAPS

Airme, I believe in many things in the Gremlin codex, this was one of them, so I disagree.  I will not ask for reps from people that came in, in the defense of their allies.  They fought valiently and they fought long and hard.

OK then, I agree with this point as well :P

You honestly have no idea of our intentions nor our way of thinking.

True, you're quite a complex bunch to figure out :rolleyes:

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BAPS, you are an awesome bunch. I hope you never change in the future.

May you get a fast rebuilding of your shattered nations.

Just for you:


I almost nuked irish wolf again :X

*cough* it was fun though, losing pixels has never been so fun.


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So many elaborate variations on 'no u!', it's heart warming.

Luckily our friends know the truth behind how we operate and that's all that really matters, right? Nemesis, sadly(!) you'll never fall under that category so you'll just have to make do with wildly inaccurate assumptions, but it seems that's the way you like it so everyones a winner.

Feel free to proceed, I'll be cowering behind my pixels and plotting betrayal.

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Luckily our friends know the truth behind how we operate and that's all that really matters, right? Nemesis, sadly(!) you'll never fall under that category....

The truth? Really? Do you mean the real truth or the story where you are knights in shining armour?

With friends like you, who needs enemies?

Feel free to proceed, I'll be cowering behind my pixels and plotting betrayal.

Glad to hear that you're not changing your daily routine

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Its not completely BS because I saw this war coming. I didn't know the day or how it would start but I knew that it would come. I don't have any psychic ability nor do I have many connects in government of other alliances but just by reading the forums I saw that change was in the air and war was looming.

So explain to me how you or other TSO members didnt see it. Come on you can keep saying you didn't but its a crock.

This topic is not about The Sweet Oblivion.

Did you know this war would happen in exactly this fashion 80 days ago?

That was when TSO was founded, TSO was first discussed about 10 days earlier, that makes it three months.

Seriously, three months ago, would you have considered Q going up in flames? Without all of the departures (except Gre and FOK)?

TSO has no other treaties because we only want to be treatied to those we consider friends we would go to hell for, TOP is that friend for us, TOP helped us when noone else would listen, and risked their own PR for it? Does that look opportunistic of them? I don't think so, it would have been a lot easier for TOP to just give us up and watch us go up in flames, instead they stood by us and that is friendship.

We have this friendship, symbolized by our treaty to TOP. We want no treaty without this kind of friendship.

Voilá, the reason why we only have one treaty

Seriously, that was too much on the matter, congratulations to BAPS again, I am sorry about going off topic in a thread that is supposed to be merry, as we can all now enjoy (to some part :P (I like war)) peace. :)

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The truth? Really? Do you mean the real truth or the story where you are knights in shining armour?

With friends like you, who needs enemies?

Glad to hear that you're not changing your daily routine

Hey! You didn't quote the 'wildly inaccurate assumptions' part, at least you maintained the theme though. Who is John Galt.

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