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2nd Triannual Report of the 5th Year of Order

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Dude, read the quote in my sig. Karma's been in the planning phase since September!

Damn it hizzy, why do you have to reveal all our secrets. Now our plans for Chairman hall to rule the world through Valhalla shall never succeed!

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Not only did they the 3M/100 rate, which was better than the 3M/150 rate that New Pacific Order tech sellers were getting...

Do NPO's tech sellers realize they're getting shafted? Someone should get them up to speed.

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Your ignorance of the NPO economic plan for GATO is particularly deceitful.

GATO was given the opportunity to have its members volunteer to enter tech deals with the NPO, and they got a significantly better deal than SSSW18 is getting from Karma right now. Not only did they the 3M/100 rate, which was better than the 3M/150 rate that New Pacific Order tech sellers were getting, but they also got incentive bonuses, which we called "retirement bonuses" based on the number of deals they made.

For this precise reason, the New Pacific Order will be funding similar retirement bonuses to our comrades in SSSW18 once their tech deals are complete.

We did not view the tech deals with GATO as a one-way street, but as an effective means of rebuilding, and we're proud to be able to help our allies be given that same opportunity.

I looked at lot of NPO aid slots last fall and a whole lot of them looked like 5x5s with GATO. I could be wrong but that's what I remember.

If you read what Bob was saying, he was saying that the main beefs with your handling of GATO had nothing to do with the tech deals.

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Do NPO's tech sellers realize they're getting shafted? Someone should get them up to speed.

Our rates changed some months afterwards. This was, after all, back in August '08.

But on behalf of the New Pacific Order's Technology Corps, we appreciate your heartfelt and sincere concerns for our people's welfare.

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Our rates changed some months afterwards. This was, after all, back in August '08.

But on behalf of the New Pacific Order's Technology Corps, we appreciate your heartfelt and sincere concerns for our people's welfare.

Somebody has to be looking out for them, after all.

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Some day, I'm going to write a list of unofficial rules for these forums. This will be somewhere in the top 5, somewhere between "never miss a GGA thread" and "e-lawyering doesn't make you look any smarter."

You are correct. I shall blame this one on my lengthy absence.

"Never ask the same question over and over. You'll never get an answer. Besides, it's bad for your blood pressure."

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I just think it is interesting that Karma decides peace terms, not independent alliances. Also, Karma terms sound a lot like Pacifican terms.

Both those statements are completely wrong. What is it that inspires you to repeatedly share your ignorance in such glaring detail?

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Our rates changed some months afterwards. This was, after all, back in August '08.

But on behalf of the New Pacific Order's Technology Corps, we appreciate your heartfelt and sincere concerns for our people's welfare.

Not a problem dude.

On that note though, I heard you guys have a surplus of tech now. Once this is over maybe I can put in a few orders at 3mil/150? :awesome:

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It has nothing to do with Karma "policy" either way. It does not support it, nor does it undercut it.

All I'm saying is that if you feel Karma is a bunch of hypocrites, and that Pacifica is not that bad, then you should stand with them on the battlefield.

I feel like I've seen this before. Now... where?

I may be on your side, hizzy, but sometimes the things people from Karma say really turn me off.

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You make it sound as if the tech deals with GATO are the worst terms you have ever enforced on anybody.

This. This is a desperate attempt for NPO to point at their enemies and say "See! They're just as bad as we are!" when that isn't even close to the truth.

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I think NPO loses any and all authority on talking about peace terms. It sickens me that they would even attempt to mention something that they have abused and used in the past as a passive weapon against alliances they already destroyed in war

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The deck chairs on the H.M.S. Titanic Pacifica appear to be in order, Sir Paul.

Then again, such reports give the appearance of normalcy in an otherwise very abnormal time. Perhaps some NPO members take comfort in that.

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I feel like I've seen this before. Now... where?

I may be on your side, hizzy, but sometimes the things people from Karma say really turn me off.

Being on my side does not exempt you from not liking what I say, GR :)

If you would mind elaborating on what it is exactly that turned you off about what I said, perhaps I can explain it a bit more clearly? I'm assuming that you took it in the same sense as watchman did, that is me telling him to "do something about it." Now, I understand how that can seem pretty jerkish, I have to defend my own words and persuade you that the tone and context in which this is said is not the standard "do something about it" that others have stuck with.

No. This is something coming from a person who has stood on the losing side of battle before. This is coming from someone who did not JUST voice his concerns on the forums, but HAS backed up his words. And that is something which I think you are familiar with as well, not just as a fellow member of Nueva Vida, but given your previous alliance history as well.

My invitation to Watchman to fight against those who he thinks are hypocrites is nothing more than an invitation to join the revolution which has swept across Planet Bob in the last year (or so). I may not agree with what Watchman has to say (in fact, I definitely don't)... but I do support his right to say it, and I think he should fight for it. If he says he does not wish to fight due to priorities elsewhere, then by all means, all the power to him. But fighting for a cause is nothing short of noble, and unlike Pacifica and the rest of the Hegemony, we have never been out to silence all opposition. Hell, I dare say if he had taken me up on my offer, he would have even thanked me afterwards. Losing some infra in exchange for the freedom of expression is never regrettable.

I hope this has shed a little more light on the meaning behind my words.

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Wow NPO, didn't think you would play the victim card this soon. Oh well, humorous really.

Also, you want to compare GATO to SSSW18, here's an idea. You don't get peace til the cowards hiding in peace mode come out. I mean, apples to apples right?

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