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A clarification of MHA obligations.


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Or both could be actually good people for cancelling on bad allies?

If you knew all the internal stuff in Q the last week or so, you'd be applauding MHA.

Either way its the same thing. But the public complained when NPO did it so they have a right to complain when MHA does it.

And "all the internal stuff in Q" was not used as the reasoning for their stance. So that does not apply here at all

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Invicta would prefer to see war avoided whenever possible. We consider both NPO and MHA to be our friends, and we would be saddened to see enmity between these two great alliances. I strongly believe that no one is a badguy here. We all want a good resolution to the current situation. May cool heads prevail.

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Wait a second are they calling MHA dishonorable for pulling out of a treaty with a 1 year cancellation clause,

I could be wrong, but it doesn't look like they've actually pulled out, they've just said they won't be honoring it. Which just seems like a slightly peculiar way of going about things here.

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though i do love MHA, this is not honorable. when NPO did it, it was all "you guys suck!" now when MHA does it, its all "you guys rule!"

though i like the path you chose, you are doing it in a dishonorable way

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Then I fail to see how you couldn't understand my statement of low standards.

I assumed you were speaking of TPF actually. And I countered by saying that they've been with Zenith for a long time, and if Zenith views them as a true friend, it's not "low standards". But you seem to have been talking about NPO. NPO and Zenith aren't even allied. So I fail to see where you're going with the NPO UJW thing as an example of Zenith's supposed low standards.


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For as long as I have been a member, NPO has never once cancelled a treaty nor failed to aid it's allies.


Every alliance has canceled a treaty before. This is so incorrect a brain-dead monkey could see through it.

In the Italics: I am reminded again of the UJW...

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Or both could be actually good people for cancelling on bad allies?

If you knew all the internal stuff in Q the last week or so, you'd be applauding MHA.

So how do you know? I don't believe that FCC is a member of the Continuum. Wonder how someone such as yourself gets inside information?

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though i do love MHA, this is not honorable. when NPO did it, it was all "you guys suck!" now when MHA does it, its all "you guys rule!"

though i like the path you chose, you are doing it in a dishonorable way

Finally, someone on the other side who gets it. I was starting to wonder if there was anyone left who believes in honoring treaties.


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Every alliance has canceled a treaty before. This is so incorrect a brain-dead monkey could see through it.

In the Italics: I am reminded again of the UJW...

That was before my time, so it has no relevance for me.

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He reads the Tattler?

I thought all the Tattler stuff was in regards to the current negotiations/situation involving TORN/NPO and OV? I don't remember reading about the internal issues in the Continuum except for a one sentence blurb at the bottom.

Not really an explanation there.

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though i do love MHA, this is not honorable. when NPO did it, it was all "you guys suck!" now when MHA does it, its all "you guys rule!"

though i like the path you chose, you are doing it in a dishonorable way

Careful; if you go against the party line, you might get any treaties with the "rebels/vipers" overlooked or canceled. That's how they roll.

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I don't remember being a member of the New Pacific Order then. Maybe you should check your facts. I had nothing to do with that.

I wasn't a member when Harmlins was signed, does that mean I like Gramlins any less?

By your logic, I wasn't a member when this treaty was signed, so I shouldn't have to honor it. I mean, I had nothing to do with it.....

Think about that for a bit.

And I am not really liking this fairy-tale where NPO was the good ally to MHA, only caring for their 'friends'. Secret Continuum meetings without MHA, that's how you treat your 'friends'?

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I wasn't a member when Harmlins was signed, does that mean I like Gramlins any less?

By your logic, I wasn't a member when this treaty was signed, so I shouldn't have to honor it. I mean, I had nothing to do with it.....

Think about that for a bit.

Thought about it for a bit... and you're making a leap of imagination. That really has nothing to do with what I meant.

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Finally, someone on the other side who gets it. I was starting to wonder if there was anyone left who believes in honoring treaties.


Well, to be fair, any conflict that arises will likely put a strain on 'honoring' treaties - such as they are here on Bob. If you have two allies who you hold MADPs with (for example), and those two allies fight, you will break one or both no matter what (even if you remain neutral).

Such is the universe we have made.

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Well I guess this war will see the rise of the Mutual Defense Unless I Decide It's Not Right Pact.

Hopefully Cybernations is learning a lesson here, that more treaties doesn't put you in any better of a political situation and there is no need to sign unless you're absolutely sure you'd be willing to got to ZI for them.

MHA, I'm disappointed.

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Standing up for what you believe in is great. Props for that. But when you signed a treaty with a year-long cancellation clause, did it not once cross your mind that you might find yourselves in a situation where it might need to be canceled in, you know, a reasonable timeframe? When you sign your name to something, be prepared to follow through. If you're not prepared to follow through, don't sign your name. If you sign your name and don't follow through, your oath and name are worth nothing.


It would appear that Zenith stands with their friends. I thought your alliance recognized that as a show of class. But I suppose it doesn't count when one's friends aren't your friends. :rolleyes:



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