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Dazed and Confused

King Srqt

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I am just simple confused ruler who is looking for clarification on some recent events. It seems that members of certain alliances are upset at Ordo Verde, they are claiming that government members of OV are being a bit to friendly with the group known as the Blackstone Collusion. Apparently the things that they did were;

1) Knowingly accept a screenshot of NPO's forums

2) Accept BC members into the alliance

3) say something about letting BC into their house

4) Talk to BC about some type of secret treaty

5) working against the interests of TPF

So I am going to go through this point by point to show where I am confused and I hope some of you kind souls will be able to help my old tired mind get a better grip on the situation.

Point 1, spying is bad and I certainly understand NPO's concern over a spy having access to their forums what I don't understand is how NPO found out about it. Really their are only two possible ways it could have happened. The first way would be that they knowingly accepted logs of a government member of another alliance's private conversation (which seems an awful lot like what they are mad about OV doing in the first place.) or they were given logs by one of the people in the conversation. This second option is equally confusing though, it is obvious that the OV gov member in question did not give the logs to NPO and friends so that only seems to leave the government member of the Blackstone Collusion as the leak. now I ask you why would a spy network founded by two former member of the NPO that encourages NPO haters from all around want to leak info to the NPO? I can't seem to fathom an answer to that.

Point 2, Accepting members of BC into their alliance. This one really gets me. It is my understanding that No one knows the identity of BC members but themselves, they are under strict orders not to share their real identity with anyone, even fellow BC members, so how on earth did NPO and friends manage to identify a government member of BC and track him down to OV, and how on earth would they expect OV to know it. Ok so we have the answer to the first question they matched the hostmask, simple enough, I just find it odd that a member of BC gov was not using the vhost that they have set up while under his BC account, it is almost like he wanted to get caught.

That still does not answer the question of how they expected OV to know who he was, perhaps they just expect everyone to track IRC hostmasks. The last thing that bothers me about this point is what motivation would OV have for allowing BC members into their alliance. BC's sole purpose is to go out and gather information about alliances and bring that info back to BC, why on earth would OV want to willingly accept spies into their alliance?

Point 3, I dont even understand this point at all, and the reasons really trace back to my last paragraph. There is no motivation for OV to let spies into their alliance and that statemnet in itself is also not evidence that they did.

Point 4, Since when is listening to someone spout off about wanting to sign a treaty a CB? I mean I did not see anything in those logs that said anyone was signing anything and I would think that rayvon would need to be involved in talks to sign any treaty, do we have any eveidence that Duffy brought those talks to otehr members of OV gov? If we don't I don't think that is eveidence of anything other than duffy being polite and listening to someone talk. are we really at a point where merely being polite to the enemies of others is a CB?

Point 5, Really? Discussing your cancellation being a hoax with BC is "working against the interest of TPF". It was all over your thread from the first page of it and you really have the gaul to try and say that it is a piece of anything remotely resembling a valid CB?

I discussed your cancellation being a hoax with members of Vox Populi on IRC multiple times. Since I have always been a person who feels that fair is fair.

Here you go http://www.cybernations.net/declarewar_for...ation_ID=176389

I hear you are hungry.

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KingSrqt, it all goes back to one thing. They are hypocrites. I think everyone should have figured that out by now, if not, then they should after reading this. They just do what's in their best interests. They don't care about anyone but themselves.

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So you're saying that BC is really a group dedicated to collecting information and CBs for the NPO?

I'm not stating anything. Just tying to get some answers. But if that seems to be a reasonable answer from the presented facts than maybe it should be discussed.

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. now I ask you why would a spy network founded by two former member of the NPO that encourages NPO haters from all around want to leak info to the NPO? I can't seem to fathom an answer to that.

I just find it odd that a member of BC gov was not using the vhost that they have set up while under his BC account, it is almost like he wanted to get caught.

I see what you did there.

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This is a very interesting point you raise good sir.

I was going to try to figure out a way to make this thread about you ES just because we all know how much Srqt loves threads becoming about you... but you helped me out already. I thank you for this.

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This thread has a lack of Mogar, and the BC member could have just been stupid, it's not like they've shown an above average level of intelligence previously.

Or Blackstone could all be a long running sham of a counter intelligence operation, run by the hegemony, to be used when a manufactured CB was needed to start the war the way they wanted it to start.

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You are not the only one confused. First this goes from Duckroll having to scramble for cover to avoid a blitz and prepare a suitable defense to now Ordo Verde having to squirm out of a pending CB? I get the picture of two armies running in opposite directions.

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You are not the only one confused. First this goes from Duckroll having to scramble for cover to avoid a blitz and prepare a suitable defense to now Ordo Verde having to squirm out of a pending CB? I get the picture of two armies running in opposite directions.

I get the picture of one army running in circles and the other sitting on a hill with folding chairs and popcorn.

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Or Blackstone could all be a long running sham of a counter intelligence operation, run by the hegemony, to be used when a manufactured CB was needed to start the war the way they wanted it to start.

Or maybe Blackstone really is anti-NPO, and you and Srqt are NPO operatives whose job is to make anti-NPO people doubt Blackstone's legitimacy, thus hurting their spy operations. :ph34r:


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Or maybe Blackstone really is anti-NPO, and you and Srqt are NPO operatives whose job is to make anti-NPO people doubt Blackstone's legitimacy, thus hurting their spy operations. :ph34r:


Hey now....lets not pull the curtain back too far! :P

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It all seems mighty convenient that those Duffy-Demeanor logs would land in the laps of the NPO et al.

I think after talking to Blackstone, it's quite obvious what their position on all this is.
No doubt, clearly they were either faked, or someone had a horrible ctrl+v accident. Edited by cookavich
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