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The Phoenix Federation


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Official statement from the Overlord, The Phoenix Federation

By executive order, the Phoenix Federation will exercise the following policy in regards to enemy combatants.

“For all in-character actions taken against The Phoenix Federation, reasonable terms in relation to the crime will be presented to the offending ruler. These terms shall be designed to uphold the highest values and traditions of the Federation and under no condition will mandate or indirectly attempt to force the destruction of a ruler. “

I understand that there are those whom this policy would have preserved, but perished under former reigns. I understand the history of this proud, great, and often voracious alliance, and that in the end we can not wash our hands of the past. Sooner or later, the day comes when you can't hide from the things that you've done anymore. Until that day, I will continue to lead this alliance on my terms, to the standards our membership expects.


The Hard Six

We have also activated article IV of our Valhalla treaty. We remain on very friendly terms with all of Valhalla and will of course work closely with them via Q.


Upon ratification by their respective alliance's legislative process this treaty is enacted for a period of one hundred and eighty (180) days, at which time it shall be subject to renewal, or until it is terminated by either signatory. Should either party decide it is not in their interests to retain this treaty, be it during the renewal period or at any other time; the signatories shall still be subject to the terms of the treaty for a period of fifteen (15) days. Violations of this agreement are grounds for dissolution of this agreement without prior notice.

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Well that was a morning surprise. Best of luck to you, TPF.

I appreciate your policy on peace terms. All punishments should fit the crime. I hope that eventually, TPF's past can be the past, and and you can build yourselves a new reputation. I can assure you that, in the eyes of the STA, both of these announcements have moved you miles forward.

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TPF its been a fun ride with you guys for as long as we have, but to do this after the entire Valhalla gov has gone to sleep is something that leaves a bad taste in my mouth, Hawk your an opportunist, and its glaring differences like this that make me glad I no longer have to consider you a brother.

Farewell TPF, and I wish you luck in your future, with mhawk heading you up, your gonna need it.


Retired and Disgruntled

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TPF its been a fun ride with you guys for as long as we have, but to do this after the entire Valhalla gov has gone to sleep is something that leaves a bad taste in my mouth, Hawk your an opportunist, and its glaring differences like this that make me glad I no longer have to consider you a brother.

Farewell TPF, and I wish you luck in your future, with mhawk heading you up, your gonna need it.


Retired and Disgruntled


Laying it on a little thick aren't we?

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Looks like PZI to me ... well, it mandates punishment to fit the crime, which will mean no PZI for anything but the most serious offences I would think.

Well this isn't what I expected. I'm pleased to see it though. Perhaps the days of keeping people in eternal war are coming to an end.

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