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Cyberverse, IRON, and most of all FinsterBaby:

So, I'm sure a good portion of you read that thread posted by Starfox101 approximately a week or so ago containing a piece I wrote. There was a section in that piece that I wrote that contained my thoughts on words spoken to me by FinsterBaby of IRON. I thought that when he wished me dead on IRC, he was talking about me, the dude behind the keyboard, not any characters I may or may not have currently. I was mistaken in this line of thinking. I would like to issue a personal apology to FinsterBaby and his alliance IRON for painting him/them in this light, as it was an incorrect line of thinking. FinsterBaby does NOT want me dead in real life.

So once again I would like to apologize to FinsterBaby and his alliance IRON for this fairly large mistake I made and to let everyone know that that is not what he meant, so FinsterBaby is most certainly not some crazy man sitting behind a keyboard wishing death on people in real life. It's safe to approach him on IRC again.

Your friend,

Jonathan Brookbank

P.S. - Despite what may appear to be a whimsical tone in the above, I am very serious about this announcement. It was a mistake to lay such a grievous accusation upon FinsterBaby, and I truly am sorry about it. Next time I will be sure to think twice, then ask again for meaning, rather than just thinking twice.

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Good show, JB. I think I owe you an apology as well. I think I was right in calling you out for that statement, but I was wrong to assume that you had done it intentionally, that you had sat there and gone "okay, how can I twist this to make Finster look bad IRL?" I apologize for jumping to that conclusion, it was a wrong one. Good luck getting off PZI. :)


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