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TWiP and Tattler Present: Reyne Mordigan's Greatest Hits

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So in this thread we have learnt that we in The Citadel talk to one another tersely and bicker and fight with one another.

Why yes, you have discovered our dirty little secret, I must confess that we do fight with one another on our forums, congratulations on your news scoop TwiP. Here's two screenshots for free in karmic payment for your salutatory, balanced "news" reporting, perhaps you can file them away for future use.



Behold how I hold discourse with members of Umbrella and Gramlins in a manner that can be construed as derogatory and unkind. Why, undercover reporters from TwiP may very well wish to run an exposé on my personal views on world events! The world deserves to know my evil plots and contrary opinions!

Sorry for the redactions, but I have to make it appear that these posts are more interesting than they actually are, in order to keep in step with the publication.

This is indeed news, as is the fact that despite this, Citadel has remained strong and steadfast for a year and a half.

It's almost as if... we're some sort of post adolescent human being... with the skills and judgement of what I shall term "super-teenager" when it comes to communicating within our peer group.

If it is news to folks out there that the signatories to the Lux Aeterna are siblings - an unshakeable brotherhood who'll stand by one another - no matter what, then truly we have been done a service by this fine tabloid of note.

Thank you most kindly.

Edited by Some-Guy
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That is not correct. In fact, there is no ? punctuation mark present in the post I replied to at all. You asked no questions, you presented your interpretation of Vox's goals, and how this broadcast does not dovetail with your interpretation based on your belief that it was Vox askign for apologies.

But, now that you have asked a question:

Oh, crumbs, you're still on about calls for an apology that aren't coming from Vox. I'm not qualified to answer your question as asked because it does not apply to me.

However, what I can say is what I've already said: I find Reyne Mordigan's calls for allies to expel members to suit her foreign affairs goals dispicable, I find the way she talks to allies dispicable (not that she has an opinion), and I think they way she talks about alliances as evil without any base to be hilariously delicious.

Let me make this clear for everyone: Expressing an opinion is different than flying into a rage. Reyne Mordigan seems capable of doing the one for only a very few seconds before jumping straight to the other. That's why this is "Reyne Mordigan's Greatest Hits", not "Bob Janova's Greatest Hits".

You're exactly right about the no question in my original post, I thought I had phrased it as a question, but I was mistaken. You're also right that I made it seem as if Vox was asking for the apology. I know that is not correct, I was using the general "you" to refer to the people in the thread asking for such. That was entirely my mistake.

I never made any broad generalizations about Vox. I spoke about Vox as I've interpreted their collective works, I never ascribed any assumptions to Vox though.

I committed no backpedaling.

My point still stands. While you find how she treats (or your screen shots make it seem like she treats) her allies despicable, that doesn't negate the fact that she is allowed to act in that manner if she sees fit. Just like you are allowed to post threads like this as you see fit. Her allies don't seem to have a problem with her positions, in fact from their posts they seem to value her blunt honesty.

I just don't see how her exercising her right to think and act however she wants runs contrary to the goals of Vox as I seem them. That is, to create a world in which anyone can rule in a manner they see fit. If people want freedom for all, than freedom must actually be granted to all, not just supporters of the cause.

e; to add quote tags

Edited by Richard Rahl
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Speaking of people who should be put on an ignore list. :P

ooc: Go right ahead, it won't hurt my feelings any. You'll be missing the best part of these forums though. Don't say you don't eagerly click on the view latest post link when you see I'm the newest poster. You know you do. You don't have to admit it here, as long as you admit it to yourself. :P

Edited by Electron Sponge
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So in this thread we have learnt that we in The Citadel talk to one another tersely and bicker and fight with one another.

Why yes, you have discovered our dirty little secret, I must confess that we do fight with one another on our forums, congratulations on your news scoop TwiP. Here's two screenshots for free in karmic payment for your salutatory, balanced "news" reporting, perhaps you can file them away for future use.



Behold how I hold discourse with members of Umbrella and Gramlins in a manner that can be construed as derogatory and unkind. Why, undercover reporters from TwiP may very well wish to run an exposé on my personal views on world events! The world deserves to know my evil plots and contrary opinions!

Sorry for the redactions, but I have to make it appear that these posts are more interesting than they actually are, in order to keep in step with the publication.

This is indeed news, as is the fact that despite this, Citadel has remained strong and steadfast for a year and a half.

It's almost as if... we're some sort of post adolescent human being... with the skills and judgement of what I shall term "super-teenager" when it comes to communicating within our peer group.

If it is news to folks out there that the signatories to the Lux Aeterna are siblings - an unshakeable brotherhood who'll stand by one another - no matter what, then truly we have been done a service by this fine tabloid of note.

Thank you most kindly.

Please TOP don't betray the Gramlins!

Edited by SoxNation
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ooc: Go right ahead, it won't hurt my feelings any. You'll be missing the best part of these forums though. Don't say you don't eagerly click on the view latest post link when you see I'm the newest poster. You know you do. You don't have to admit it here, as long as you admit it to yourself. :P

Do you also stare into the mirror admiring yourself?

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NO discussion to attack Gremlins offensively had ever taken place. The only discussion was the possible defensive roll to assist GGA if Gremlins and GGA should actually go to war over UJA and the green sphere. Once that situation was resolved then everyone went on their merry way to focus on other economic aspects of the block.

I think that point right there is why we think you were going to offensively attack Grämlins. It's funny how defensive and offensive can be defined.

As to the OP, well it's old news for me, but even so I do not think it reflects very badly on many people. The feelings Reyne exresses for Vanguard, at least, seem mutual.

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A clarification here. Citadel did not attack Polaris. Neither FCC nor Old Guard took part. The other three alliances acted as part of the Coalition. That being the case, I trust you will restore Old Guard to the same level of esteem you hold FCC in? <_<

I mis-spoke. My respect for FCC is based on many reasons and my dislike of OG is also based on many reasons. When OG displays the same kind of qualities I see in the FCC, then yes I will hold you in the same regard. I wont hold my breath though. Nothing presented today impacts my opinion on either the FCC or OG, I was simply mentioning that as I was replying to an FCC member's post and did not want to seem like I blamed them for anything.

I haven't even commented on the OP directly. I really don't care. I dislike spying and know full well that internal discussions are meant to be internal. My issue with this thread has been with the arguments used to defend Reyne, not with her actions at all.

So..Random..We're not 'elite' anymore merely because Reyne wishes to release her opinion about certain subjects in private forums? Ok.

Sounds good.


First of all I didn't say you weren't elite. What I inferred was simple petty tricks of misdirection, like your post, are most often used by alliances without the skill to properly debate. The Citadel tends to hold itself to be elite in my experience, and you belittle yourselves by using simple and transparent tactics.

Those few folks who have a decent grasp of reading comprehension and actually read the words in my posts as opposed to what you thought my intentions were will see that my opinion was quite clearly made and your (and others) attempts to change my argument is very transparent..

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I have much respect for you Cit folks, and I can emphasize with having your private communications leaked by Vox. But you guys are trying to redirect the issue; the heart of the matter is that if Vox didn't data-mine Reyne's posts, she seems to be strongly anti-democratic and rudely recalcitrant. If MK gets board-scanned by Vox, perhaps we'll try a similar diversion strategy.

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ooc: Go right ahead, it won't hurt my feelings any. You'll be missing the best part of these forums though. Don't say you don't eagerly click on the view latest post link when you see I'm the newest poster. You know you do. You don't have to admit it here, as long as you admit it to yourself. :P

I for one, could never put you on ignore. You provide entertainment.

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After catching up with this thread, it seems pretty clear that internal arguments within the Citadel are encouraged and they really do not dislike one another as much as a few exposed and out of context posts might suggest. Kudos Citadel, you guys truly do have a level of camaraderie that is only reinforced by heavy debate. In fact, this leak seems only to have strengthened your support for one another as you watch your comrades leap to defend the bloc as a whole. One wonders if that was not the original poster's intent all along.

Edited by Penguin
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I only read the forum for Sponge's posts.

And DOWs.

But really Sponge's posts.

Interesting. Is that because, as an educated fellow, you are studying what makes such a person tick. The DSM is full of possible answers to the question but it does take some considerable study to narrow down a precise diagnosis. I can understand why you would want to focus youself in that way.

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After catching up with this thread, it seems pretty clear that internal arguments within the Citadel are encouraged and they really do not dislike one another as much as a few exposed and out of context posts might suggest. Kudos Citadel, you guys truly do have a level of camaraderie that is only reinforced by heavy debate. In fact, this leak seems only to have strengthened your support for one another as you watch your comrades leap to defend the bloc as a whole. One wonders if that was not the original poster's intent all along.

I suppose that is the only thing left open for them to claim at this point.

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After catching up with this thread, it seems pretty clear that internal arguments within the Citadel are encouraged and they really do not dislike one another as much as a few exposed and out of context posts might suggest. Kudos Citadel, you guys truly do have a level of camaraderie that is only reinforced by heavy debate. In fact, this leak seems only to have strengthened your support for one another as you watch your comrades leap to defend the bloc as a whole. One wonders if that was not the original poster's intent all along.

Are they ever! It makes such a fun time. :D

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