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My Resignation


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To be fair, andre, you strike me as a decent fellow, so I'm going to give you what I hope is useful free advice.

GGA needs to do a whole lot of work behind closed doors to fix itself right now. The recent series of announcements by GGA triumvirs, former triumvirs and related individuals has been bizarre in the extreme. You guys need to focus on your internal situation, keep things internal.

Possibly, your allies may be able to help with advice. However - it appears that some of your present difficulties have come from depending too heavily on your allies for support, so I wouldn't look to them for anything more than advice, possibly except as it relates to your current foreign affairs situation. You do have a number of capable alliances among your allies, though, and they may be able to tell you things that will prove valuable.

As for MaineGOP/Sox holding onto grudges; I know Grämlins well enough to know that's not what's going on here. He was making a joke, probably being somewhat impolite, but that's what Grämlins are like. He's not dreaming of revenge or some such.

The GGA does have real enemies, Vox among them. You would be better served however by having a policy in general of not suspecting everyone of being an enemy. It's an extreme of this tendency that I've noticed among senior GGA leadership that has led ALd to some extraordinary allegations in the OP.

Nor is my voice in any way official stance.

I've watched GGA for amost 3 years now... I watched them coup their leader and go work for those they had sworn to destroy. I watched them annihilate our friends in Green (remember VE was SISTER or about to be a SISTER of the FCC when they were destroyed (my memory fails right now)). I watched GGA as the leader of the FCC troll Gramlins, troll CTC (which I was one of the first directors of), completely diss Gramlins in the way UJA was done. Continually rattle swords so that I had to keep my alliance at the time at heightened alert.

Andre you speak of not doing anything in 6 months as if that means anything in CN, you speak of grudges, how many NPO sanctioned beatdowns that were pure grudges did you involve yourselves in? did you fight in the MK war at all, did you help beat down GATO and Legion over and over? Did you help take down GPA for the crime of challenging NPO for the top spot?

Yet I'm a !@#$%^& for holding a grudge. Show me real change, show me that you aren't the alliance you've been for over 2 years. And I'm more than willing to change my mind, I'm one who can be persuaded but I need to see the proof. Its not like i'm on a side, i've always had friends on both or all sides of almost every conflict in CN.

So no i'm not going to just go talk to GGA members, who i'm sure some are great people OOC, thats not how I play the game, i base my views on your actions in game and as an alliance, not how cool you are, or how much I like talking to you. GGA's actions on Bob are basically the worst, and my own personal WAE. That doesn't mean i'd lift a finger to bring about your downfall. Not how I play, and if you turn it around and stop trying to project power you don't have, and being a dick to people around Bob, I'd be more than happy to call you a friend, but that has to start with GGA.

Edited by SoxNation
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If GGA want to do something to change their image how about someone getting on the OWF and answering some of those hard questions posed in that thread before it got closed, y'all were suspiciously absent there after they got posed.

Answer about the duplictious nature of the actions of GGA (ie. spying) and the fact that they are supposedly against spying, vociferously so. A statement from Ironchef on her actions in that thread might also help.

Allies aren't going to help either, it is absolutely the case that the general public thinks other AA's just waltz into your private channels and areas and start calling the shots. This is certainly not a case of private channels for the win, show some cajones and get a public statement out.

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Please correct me if i'm wrong, but we haven't had anything to do with you folks for at least 6 months.

Sox, holding on to grudges for what happened when you were not even a part of Gramlins sounds rather silly to me.

Ah, GGA. Masters of forgiveness and moving beyond the past. Why'd you take part in the war against Hyperion and the NpO again?

The GGA has been brain dead for a long time, now the body is finally catching up. May your final peace come soon and put you out of our misery.

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Please correct me if i'm wrong, but we haven't had anything to do with you folks for at least 6 months.

Sox, holding on to grudges for what happened when you were not even a part of Gramlins sounds rather silly to me.

Perhaps you should consider talking to a member of the GGA instead of cherishing that save feeling of hatred.

Your hatred will only make you bitter, actually talking to members of the GGA may give you a pleasant surprise.

Are you up for that challenge? I challenge you and the rest of planet bob to actually talk to members of the GGA instead of silly mockery.

Speaking as someone that was apart of Grämlins during that time, let me say that grudges may be held by some, but none will ever forget, some will never forgive.

Me, I couldn't careless about GGA, stay go, means nothing

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Speaking as someone that was apart of Grämlins during that time, let me say that grudges may be held by some, but none will ever forget, some will never forgive.

Me, I couldn't careless about GGA, stay go, means nothing

Well if you dont want to forget the past that is your own decision, I myself do not forgive GGA for something that is from the end of 2007.

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