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Announcement from the GGA

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Forgive my ignorance, but what does td;lr mean?

Good show supporting your allies though, GGA. Judging from the number of outgoing wars I'm assuming that you've elected to employ the tried-and-true tactic of a mid-evening DoW coupled with a surprise midnight blitz?

According to the multi-lingual alliance directory I was provided at the door, it's GGA-ese for Treatied DoW; Let's raid! :lol:

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I have severe doubts that this alliance will get anywhere near 6000 members. 3/4 of them will probably be deleted from inactivity within a month. They'll make for a good training exercise though, gives them lower level players a chance to get war experience.

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According to the multi-lingual alliance directory I was provided at the door, it's GGA-ese for Treatied DoW; Let's raid! :lol:

Damn, my version is out of date. It says td;lr means "too damn lazy (to) read". I'll try and get the new version. :P

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Looking at the Jarheads nations...something smells funny. No, not the smell of burning nations either.

Assuming there was no mass killing of trades by a White Team senator, does anyone else find it odd that these guys set up nations but don't even trade amongst themselves?

During our tech deals with them they couldn't follow simple instructions such as "send 50 tech to this nation. Once you have done so send 50 tech to this nation". We were even kind enough to provide nation links. It doesn't surprise me in the slightest Jarheads could get lost in their own home.

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My first thought is that they need help in the lower ranks, as they don't have enough competent fighters down there. However, I don't actually know if this is the case.

Pacificans have been the only ones capable of putting me in Anarchy since the War of the Coalition. In my experience, no, this is not true, though I can't speak for every Voxian or other dude fighting Pacifica that would be referred to by them as "rogues."

Still, I have to agree...


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Pacificans have been the only ones capable of putting me in Anarchy since the War of the Coalition. In my experience, no, this is not true, though I can't speak for every Voxian or other dude fighting Pacifica that would be referred to by them as "rogues."

Still, I have to agree...


Our nations grow too fast and don't stay that low for long so we're lacking members in that range D:

I'd hate to root against our poor alpha nations, but I honestly can't wait to see the zerg rush of the...150? new nations.

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You're not thinking this through. Oh sure, they'd be harmless now. But what about six months down the road when they all emerge from peace mode with Manhattan Projects? They won't be quite so hilarious then. :P

Of course, I find it highly improbably that they actually get anywhere close to 6000 nations, let alone keep them for that long. Continue laughing. ^_^

They don't need to wait six months, and they don't need MPs either. If they get 500 members who discover how to vote for senators...things will get interesting. <_<

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Does nobody notice the 100 new 0-day old nations that just joined Jarheads?

I think shenanigans are afoot.

OOC: youtube video telling people who subscribe to this videos to join CN. All of them are following his instructions to the letter, (thus, why all of them are on white, have no trades, and have bought 50 infra, and 20 land). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlzJPy9pn3A

IC: Yes, I wonder how it'll work.

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All I can really say is this is getting nuts. Is this the biggest invasion since Fark?

I remember a few much smaller ones but last time I remember 150+ new members, in a day, was when Fark came in.

And even if we see 600-800 members join and 500 or so join thats a huge amount of fire that could be thrown at NPOs way. Even if they are small they could do some damage to lower guys. And if they teamed up with FAN and VOX and ooCUK to form a group that could become troublesome, think peacemode growth then nuke rogue or rogue blitzes in groups of 50-ish.

And if they hit 1k or more then things really become complicated. I dont think that NPO+allies have enough people in the range to hit everyone before they could hit peace mode. Which means that people could grow and then swarm tactic NPO or GGA, or anyone for that matter, and then continue to grow up.

Sorta what Fark did but with more people.

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All I can really say is this is getting nuts. Is this the biggest invasion since Fark?

I remember a few much smaller ones but last time I remember 150+ new members, in a day, was when Fark came in.

And even if we see 600-800 members join and 500 or so join thats a huge amount of fire that could be thrown at NPOs way. Even if they are small they could do some damage to lower guys. And if they teamed up with FAN and VOX and ooCUK to form a group that could become troublesome, think peacemode growth then nuke rogue or rogue blitzes in groups of 50-ish.

And if they hit 1k or more then things really become complicated. I dont think that NPO+allies have enough people in the range to hit everyone before they could hit peace mode. Which means that people could grow and then swarm tactic NPO or GGA, or anyone for that matter, and then continue to grow up.

Sorta what Fark did but with more people.

As great as that would be, just watch that youtube video and you'll see why none of them are going to be able to do jack, won't understand why they are being attacked, and have no idea of how war is done, even at that small stage.

That said, with enough of them, unless a reroll were to enter those ranks, they would be unstoppable.

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As great as that would be, just watch that youtube video and you'll see why none of them are going to be able to do jack, won't understand why they are being attacked, and have no idea of how war is done, even at that small stage.

That said, with enough of them, unless a reroll were to enter those ranks, they would be unstoppable.

I would think the guy behind this intends on giving them further instructions using youtube.

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As great as that would be, just watch that youtube video and you'll see why none of them are going to be able to do jack, won't understand why they are being attacked, and have no idea of how war is done, even at that small stage.

That said, with enough of them, unless a reroll were to enter those ranks, they would be unstoppable.

You know, I'm actually rather surprised that Vox and FAN haven't taken these guys under your wings. This is kind of the endless manpower you guys have wanted/needed, is it not?

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The key part on what I said though was teaming up with VOX and FAN. VOX has three of arguably the best players to play this game in Doitzel and RV. They may not be regarded as they used to but they can still play the game. And ES may be nutty but he also knows how to play the game. Ide bet they already are talking with Jarheads leaders trying to get them information on how to get their new nations in the best position ASAP. You can call VOX a joke alliance all you want but they have people who know this game and how it works.

Even if they hit 500 steady members then yes, they could do some serious damage provided they are managed correctly.

Though it is all speculation right now until we see where Jarheads actually stops its march upward in membership.

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You know, I'm actually rather surprised that Vox and FAN haven't taken these guys under your wings. This is kind of the endless manpower you guys have wanted/needed, is it not?

None of them know anything about anything, because they all just came to Planet Bob under Nightmare's instruction. I'd love to have them on our side, and I sympathize with hundreds of people joining, only to be massively confused and about to be hit in a couple of days (when they are 2 days old), but they don't even know who Vox and FAN are.

That said, if they want to learn how to ruin things, I will surely teach them. :jihad:

EDIT: IC area is IC.

Edited by MegaAros
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None of them know anything about anything, because they all just came to the game under Nightmare's instruction. I'd love to have them on our side, and I sympathize with hundreds of people joining, only to be massively confused and about to be hit in a couple of days (when they are 2 days old), but they don't even know who Vox and FAN are.

That said, if they want to learn how to ruin things, I will surely teach them. :jihad:

Teach them then.. you have two days. :D

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The key part on what I said though was teaming up with VOX and FAN. VOX has three of arguably the best players to play this game in Doitzel and RV. They may not be regarded as they used to but they can still play the game. And ES may be nutty but he also knows how to play the game. Ide bet they already are talking with Jarheads leaders trying to get them information on how to get their new nations in the best position ASAP. You can call VOX a joke alliance all you want but they have people who know this game and how it works.

Even if they hit 500 steady members then yes, they could do some serious damage provided they are managed correctly.

Though it is all speculation right now until we see where Jarheads actually stops its march upward in membership.

500 would be enough to seriously cause the lower NPO, GGA, and IRON ranks to have no idea of what to do.

Also, RV is no longer with us, and left quite a while ago >_>

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Also, RV is no longer with us, and left quite a while ago >_>

my mistake. I thought he was still around.

500 would be enough to seriously cause the lower NPO, GGA, and IRON ranks to have no idea of what to do.

Thats the big point im trying to make. We saw with Fark how they were able to be a pest for a while for GOONS before all hell broke lose. VOX also showed an ability to be a pain. FAN went wtfnuketastic for a while there and were causing good damage. And if Jarheads are as big as they say they are, I doubt it, and if they can orginize, see previous thought, then yes they can do some good sized damage.

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