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Ex Officio RAD Annuncion

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How walfordian of you.

Here we have someone who regularly supports the use of Viceroys on militarily defeated alliances saying that tech raiding is a violation of sovereignty while simultaneously complaining about hypocrisy.

No, I don't respect the sovereignty of our enemies, as our enemies always have it coming to them. I think it's a far cry from that to raiding a nation just minding its own business, however. Nice try, though.

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You speak of respecting sovereignty while simultaneously violating a random unaligned nations sovereignty by tech raiding it. I hate hypocrisy. When your alliance finally gets its comeuppance I can only hope that Pacifica is somehow involved in it.

At least they aren't tech raiding entire alliances ;)

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Someone really needs to make an analysis of the tech-raiding philosophies so people understand which is which, instead of being categorized as Walfordian or whatever.

There are three types:

Pro-raiding: Those who believe raiding is perfectly just and nothing is wrong with it

Individualism: Those who believe it is a nation's right to do what they feel is right. For instance, Johnny may feel tech raiding is wrong, but he also values the right for a nation to decide with their own discretion.

Anti-raiding: It is morally unjust, believing in numerous of different reasonings which I wont get into.

I personally have been advocating individualism for over 2 years now, so long as it doesn't violate ones charter. I believe its the nation's right to do so as they choose, but to make an announcement over a 'lottery' is, in my opinion, redundant and uncalled for. Just do it for your morals, not the attention.

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Someone really needs to make an analysis of the tech-raiding philosophies so people understand which is which, instead of being categorized as Walfordian or whatever.

There are three types:

Pro-raiding: Those who believe raiding is perfectly just and nothing is wrong with it

Individualism: Those who believe it is a nation's right to do what they feel is right. For instance, Johnny may feel tech raiding is wrong, but he also values the right for a nation to decide with their own discretion.

Anti-raiding: It is morally unjust, believing in numerous of different reasonings which I wont get into.

I personally have been advocating individualism for over 2 years now, so long as it doesn't violate ones charter. I believe its the nation's right to do so as they choose, but to make an announcement over a 'lottery' is, in my opinion, redundant and uncalled for. Just do it for your morals, not the attention.

I agree. I'm in an alliance that allows tech raiding. I'm not a fan of tech raiding, it's not something I participate in. I don't, however, care if others do it, and my alliance does it, so to each his own.

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I agree. I'm in an alliance that allows tech raiding. I'm not a fan of tech raiding, it's not something I participate in. I don't, however, care if others do it, and my alliance does it, so to each his own.

You sir believe in what I do. Whoever likes to write articles, this would be one to do, providing examples of people to each type of philosophy.

Getting off subject, but the point is, I think it was a redundant call, but nothing anyone should be blowing out of proportion.

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list of all the nations as NONE AA but all on red. have fun technology raiding them ooooo wait you wont do that now will you.

No !@#$. Stop trying to bait someone into saying "You think i wont raid a Red None? watch me!" Cuz its not gonna work. Alliances in general dont let their members raid Red Nations so dont act like everyone is doing it and we are just affraid to. So you fail.

Someone really needs to make an analysis of the tech-raiding philosophies so people understand which is which, instead of being categorized as Walfordian or whatever.

There are three types:

Pro-raiding: Those who believe raiding is perfectly just and nothing is wrong with it

Individualism: Those who believe it is a nation's right to do what they feel is right. For instance, Johnny may feel tech raiding is wrong, but he also values the right for a nation to decide with their own discretion.

Anti-raiding: It is morally unjust, believing in numerous of different reasonings which I wont get into.

I personally have been advocating individualism for over 2 years now, so long as it doesn't violate ones charter. I believe its the nation's right to do so as they choose, but to make an announcement over a 'lottery' is, in my opinion, redundant and uncalled for. Just do it for your morals, not the attention.

I can see where you are coming from with this

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How walfordian of you.

Here we have someone who regularly supports the use of Viceroys on militarily defeated alliances saying that tech raiding is a violation of sovereignty while simultaneously complaining about hypocrisy.

The fact that Corinan may be a hypocrite for saying this does not make what he said untrue.

Though I wouldn't say that RAD using an argument of sovereignty to justify violating sovereignty is hypocritical. It's just wrong, stupid, unsurprising and indicative of the intellectual bankruptcy of most tech raiders.

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Comrade Josh sighs.

... but to make an announcement over a 'lottery' is, in my opinion, redundant and uncalled for. Just do it for your morals, not the attention.

Ejayrazz, this announcement was more of an official statement regarding the 'banned member'.

Our views on tech raiding was an after thought.

You know full well that it makes people annoyed which is why you continually re-assure yourselves and remind others of how much Rok supports you. Would you carry on with these policies if you didn't have their protection? I doubt it ...

Aimee Mann, would you ever say or do anything if you didn't have any allies? The reason Rok was specifically mentioned was because wheter or not Rok supported our 'Raid & Aid' Program was something that many people were wondering, and debating about.

Comrade Josh sits back down with a bored look on his face.

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Someone really needs to make an analysis of the tech-raiding philosophies so people understand which is which, instead of being categorized as Walfordian or whatever.

There are three types:

Pro-raiding: Those who believe raiding is perfectly just and nothing is wrong with it

Individualism: Those who believe it is a nation's right to do what they feel is right. For instance, Johnny may feel tech raiding is wrong, but he also values the right for a nation to decide with their own discretion.

Anti-raiding: It is morally unjust, believing in numerous of different reasonings which I wont get into.

I personally have been advocating individualism for over 2 years now, so long as it doesn't violate ones charter. I believe its the nation's right to do so as they choose, but to make an announcement over a 'lottery' is, in my opinion, redundant and uncalled for. Just do it for your morals, not the attention.

Holy !@#$ when did you come back?!

Also, RAD is a sovereign alliance and thus can do whatever the $%&@ they want. If those nations dont wanna get raided they can go to red or join an AA.

Edited by Stumpy Jung Il
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You speak of respecting sovereignty while simultaneously violating a random unaligned nations sovereignty by tech raiding it. I hate hypocrisy. When your alliance finally gets its comeuppance I can only hope that Pacifica is somehow involved in it.

Given the large number of "tech raiding" alliances that NPO has called "friend" over the years, including alliances that currently permit "violating a random unaligned nations sovereignty by tech raiding" per their own charters, perhaps you should move along before you embarrass yourself further.

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Given the large number of "tech raiding" alliances that NPO has called "friend" over the years, including alliances that currently permit "violating a random unaligned nations sovereignty by tech raiding" per their own charters, perhaps you should move along before you embarrass yourself further.

But ChairmanHal, if him and his alliance befriended people like that then threatened others who do the exact same thing... well... that'd just be hypocritical and lord knows he wasn't doing that.

Edited by Stumpy Jung Il
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With your lottery you not only encouraged tech raiding, you glorified it.

So then it's fine so long as you keep quiet about it and don't disturb the neighbors? <_<

When the idea of this "game show" was pitched to me, my reaction was, "meh...whatever, doesn't bother me but doesn't thrill me either." Looking back on it, I think it was something RAD thought would be entertaining, and clearly there are a significant number of people who were offended by it. The old adage, "any publicity is good publicity" clear was not in play.

I believe RAD learned from the experience and are now moving on. To expect them to make an announcement that they had decided that tech raiding is a bad idea and they are banning it however is silly, not that I am suggesting you feel that way, but I'm confident there are people here who expect it in order to justify their "water walking" on this subject and would be dancing up a jig of self righteousness after wards.

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Comrade Josh approaches the discussion, a tired look on his face.

So much talk over tech raiding policies, and that sovereign nations should be able to do as they wish...

You deny the sovereignty of our nations, and of our alliance as a whole when you ask us not to tech raid. I personally have never tech raided in my entire life in the cyberverse. As such, I respect every nation as I would an individual. But that also means I respect the rights of nations that decide to tech raid, and our charter allows for that. RAD has made it's stance clear, we understand your concerns but will never change our ideology for foreign powers.

Comrade Josh returns to his seat.

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I'm with Chairman Hal on this one.

I see abolutely no difference between RAD announcing, publicy, a policy of tech raiding, and the numerous other alliances tech raiding but not mentioning it publicly.

Our intent was to merely announce one tech raid. One of the many that go on every single day.

I understand why people would be against tech raiding. I personally haven't tech raided since \m/ was killed off in the public backlash known as the Unjust War, but I, like Ejay and the Gramlins, respect my own alliance mates sovereignty over their own nations enough to know that it is ultimately their choice to tech raid or not.

Now, if you are against tech raiding, thats fine, but I would appreciate you not being hypicritical about it. For example, condemning RAD because we tech raid is your right, but when you blatantly ally yourselves with multiple alliances, most of whom have fought in wars on your side and have helped you out tremendously, such as GOONS had done, such as IRON is doing, such as GGA has done/is doing, like most the alliances in the Continuum are doing.

If you are against tech raiding, than logically you must be against everyone tech raiding, and not simply the people who tech raid but talk about it.

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I personally do not support or like people who technology raid small nations, this is my personal point of view, this is also something that GOONz and \M/ always did, I am glad that they are gone.

Also you do know what this means, anyone that has the allaince tag NONE will now jump to the red sphere, also you have nothing to stop your members from raiding active none nations ? just another way to force people out of the game.


list of all the nations as NONE AA but all on red. have fun technology raiding them ooooo wait you wont do that now will you.

You sir, make my eyes hurt.

You made every tech raider look like an idiot or an !@#$%^& for engaging in that activity through your stupid gameshow, simply because they had to be lumped into the same catagory as the lot of you.

I'd like to slap you around a bit with a Grammar book and Dictionary. Flag pole at noon?

I agree. I'm in an alliance that allows tech raiding. I'm not a fan of tech raiding, it's not something I participate in. I don't, however, care if others do it, and my alliance does it, so to each his own.

I completely agree with this statement. As a member of RAD I understand some nations may wish to raid and flex their war muscles. It is their Admin given-right. I will not, however, join. I prefer to save my strength for when it matters.

Also, I think fun is dead here on Bob. Everyone is paranoid and edgy. The good times are over.

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I personally do not support or like people who technology raid small nations, this is my personal point of view, this is also something that GOONz and \M/ always did, I am glad that they are gone.

Also you do know what this means, anyone that has the allaince tag NONE will now jump to the red sphere, also you have nothing to stop your members from raiding active none nations ? just another way to force people out of the game.


list of all the nations as NONE AA but all on red. have fun technology raiding them ooooo wait you wont do that now will you.

Go complain somewhere else, nobody cares about your views. A tech raid is a tech raid, get over it.

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Also, I think fun is dead here on Bob. Everyone is paranoid and edgy. The good times are over.

Paranoid and edgy? Some of the major players perhaps. The smaller alliances are pretty much getting on with life.

Planet Bob has always been schizophrenic that way.

As for the fun...I guess it depends on whether or not you enjoy Poker. ;)

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Paranoid and edgy? Some of the major players perhaps. The smaller alliances are pretty much getting on with life.

Planet Bob has always been schizophrenic that way.

As for the fun...I guess it depends on whether or not you enjoy Poker. ;)

Texas Hold'em, my place Sunday's at 8.

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True. I returned to the Legion for the sole purpose of helping them end \m/. I thoroughly enjoyed that war. :jihad:

I laughed about this. All Legion did in that war was fund the war effort for other \m/ wars. They did no real damage and only helped \m/ last longer.

Ok lets make this clear for all.

WHAT you are doing is not Technology raiding, You are picking nations at random and starting a war with that person (you have told members of your allaince to attack who ever you pick), HELLO shark week, ok you may give aid out to a few (this is your way to try and make things look better on you) but your just like \M/ and GOONs. how ever your trying to cover it up.

Well just like \M/ and GOONs you may get a way with it for some time, but it will turn out as your down fall.

Ah, but tech raiding wasn't \m/'s downfall. It wasn't GOONS' downfall. It hasn't been RAD or GGA or IRON's downfall, and won't be.

The downfall of \m/ and GOONS was caused by ignorance. Nothing more, nothing less.

RAD has 36 members, of which max 18 of them can even find targets, of that 1/2 probably raid on a regular basis (note these are just statistics I have gathered through my experience in CN, not actual numbers)

since when are 10 people in the 15K and under NS range such a threat to (as it seems) everyone of planet bob? You guys are making it seem like they are a scourge of CN, that they run hundreds of players out of CN, and like they are responsible for every "cool" (as you would say, i don't happen to agree with you) player that has left the past few months.

let the people have their fun.. it's a god damn game.

edit: I just checked and they don't even have any active wars.

Yeah, RAD really doesn't tech raid. However, it is a sport that brings friends and allies together. Think of it as deer hunting, except we don't kill our targets. So it's more along the lines of paintballing!

At first I went on there other topic, The Tech Raid Lottery Show

but then started to think more about it, how can it be a tech raid when the government are ordering the attack ?

The government ordered the attack? Where did you figure this one out? Please, point me to your source!

You speak of respecting sovereignty while simultaneously violating a random unaligned nations sovereignty by tech raiding it. I hate hypocrisy. When your alliance finally gets its comeuppance I can only hope that Pacifica is somehow involved in it.

The attacked nation has every sovereign right to attack right back. Those are the consequences of a tech raid for the raider. Hell, an attacked nation can bring in it's friends. However, they will face the consequences of that decision. Escalation is a consequence, and it is one that RAD tries to avoid by setting guidelines for raiding.

I love RAD, it's RAD.

To anyone threatening my awesome pink allies with war: If you try to hurt my RAD, PWN will make you bleed.

That is all.

:wub: You guys rock. We got your backs too, bro! I love TCB, it's RAD!

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