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Caesar’s Total War Roguery Guide

Republic of Roma

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Most of his targets currently are around 3000 infra. If we say 250 damage a day (a nuke, plus CMs to all targets and occasional GA wins), that's around $9m a day ... add in land losses and military costs and make it $10m for ease of thinking. He's been doing that since January, 40 days – so a rough estimate of his damages, assuming he has been fighting similar targets throughout, would be 40×$10m = $400m. Chances are that's a low estimate because he will have been larger in the past, and therefore destroying more expensive infra (and more of it due to higher tech), although most of the nations on his expired war list are around 3000 infra also.

Of course he caused at least that much financial damage to Grämlins with the nukes he fired in the Polar war <_<

It's not just about pure financial damage, it's about how long it takes them to recover from it. Those Gremlins he fought probably make 10mill+ a day so they can collectively recover hundreds of millions in losses a lot quicker than a bunch of 3,000 infra nations who only make a couple million a day. Infra at lower levels is still easier to recover than at higher levels given the exponential infra cost increases when income doesn't increase at the same rate (which is why a nuke rogue is probably best of at least initially the highest level infra opponents he can easily hurt), but the damage on the lower level guys is gonna be a lot harder to recover given the quantity of it.

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Why do people who post 'against' threads like this make such a big deal out of being ZIed or ground into dust or made militarily impotent?

One does not go rogue intending to just blow some stuff up then ask for peace (well you're doing it wrong if so :P). One does it for fun, or to piss others off.

But going "haha you're going to get ZIed" is simply folly.

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Even after a month some of my opponents have not recovered fully, especially my... opponent who bought 750 tech all at once (from having 5 tech) with his warchest, and wasting over $50 million if he had not done that and instead did tech deals. I had to give him peace just because.

I remember that. In a guide for dealing with a nuke rogue, maintaining one's warchest should be the first item in it. Buying tech over 50 really doesn't make sense, even in a war. Live and learn, though. Live and learn.

And, yes, taking on inactives may not be the most chivalric thing to do, but he's a rogue, for corn's sake! Rogues don't care if they're doing the noble and just thing. The first targets he hit had no clue the war was coming, it's true, but why wasn't there an alert given to other nations that there was a chance a nuke rogue might put them in the crosshairs? Why is he continuing to find targets that are unprepared? Those may be questions that can only be answered within an alliance, but I have to wonder about the general state of readiness of an alliance in which a rogue like Roma can find a target-rich environment.

Using opponents as a source of cash is a fairly common notion, I've found. My question would be that, in the event of a curbstomp, should a nation simply lash out at less-active or less-well-prepared members of the attacking alliances or their allies? While one would be receiving three punishing attacks from active attackers, could a nation recover losses somewhat through offensive wars against unprepared opponents? I know those wars wouldn't bring back lost infra, but they would mitigate tech and land losses.

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Has anyone ever taken a stab at making such a guide? I've never seen one mentioned anywhere, they just have how to go rogue guides. :P

It would be a worthwhile stand alone guide, for sure. Most warguides worth a damn, however, deal with how to fight in nuclear anarchy, and anyone (hi twisted) who's already written such a part of any warguide, could easily expand on it and make it a stand alone.

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I think I could makes a very good and concise rogue guide. Let me try right now:

Step 1. Save lots and lots of money.

Step 2. Get lots and lots of wonders.

Step 3. Get a secret uranium trade if you don't have native uranium.

Step 4. Sell off a bunch of infra so you can torture smaller nations.

Step 5. Declare war and fire nukes.

Step 6. Be slowly ground to ZI.

Not bad, eh?

This is quite similar to NPO's guide:

1. Sign MDPs with 20 alliances

2. target an alliance at least a third of your size or one that hasn't even fought a war yet

3. Bully the target's allies

4. Take down the alliance with at least 10 other allies

5. Brag about your skills in combat on the forums.

I'm not trying intentionally troll, I'm just pointing out that your post is quite ironic.

Edited by Mamaev II
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This is quite similar to NPO's guide:

1. Sign MDPs with 20 alliances

2. target an alliance at least a third of your size or one that hasn't even fought a war yet

3. Bully the target's allies

4. Take down the alliance with at least 10 other allies

5. Brag about your skills in combat on the forums.

I'm not trying intentionally troll, I'm just pointing out that your post is quite ironic.

I don't think you know what "ironic" means.

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An anti-rogue guide is simple: anarchy and bill lock them as soon as you can, if they have no MP then knock them out of 5%, and keep them anarchied (nuke anarchy preferably) until they delete. There is really no subtelty involved.

eh, you could go into "advanced" (I use the term loosely here) tactics and only send 1 nuclear/SDI nation to keep him in anarchy and knock him out of range while you have CIA-equipped nations spying out the rogue's nukes.

I've seen more than a few alliances attack a nuclear rogue with an all-out assault, which is rather... retarded.

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If they have no MP, a full 2+stagger update blitz and a quick knockdown is a good idea for the first wave. But yes, keeping him in nuke anarchy with a single low infra, nuclear and SDI-holding nation from then on probably minimises the damage you take (as well as boring their military command silly [ooc]and probably leading them to delete at the first 20 day mark[/ooc]).

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Oops, think I meant 'hypocritical'

So other than that, do you have a real response to my opinion other than language errors? Or can you not think of one?

Sure I can. How is my post hypocritical? I wrote up a real quick guide to roguery and you turn it into a criticism of Pacificas foreign affairs policy. I guess I don't really understand what your point was in that, but I'm assuming you just wanted to take a shot at the Order.

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I'm not sure isolated cases of nuke roguery will really damage the Continuum or NPO. I think it's generally welcomed, as it provides war training, the appearance of external threats, and the total destruction and isolation of a potential future political enemy.

It is a quick injection of life that spurs some activity. I mean, for anyone just joining this game that really wants to fight they should join the NPO. They are guaranteed to never be out of war. It was the same way when I was in Alpha. I honestly think NPO should incorporate that into their recruiting strategy.

You want boredom? You got plenty of alliances to pick from. You want to learn how war works in this world before you get too far up and are scared to lose all that you have built because you dont really know how to defend it? Then your choice is easy.

Then again...that is just how I would recruit quality.

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If they have no MP, a full 2+stagger update blitz and a quick knockdown is a good idea for the first wave. But yes, keeping him in nuke anarchy with a single low infra, nuclear and SDI-holding nation from then on probably minimises the damage you take (as well as boring their military command silly [ooc]and probably leading them to delete at the first 20 day mark[/ooc]).

This is true, but have you seen how many nations are equipped with MPs now? The day is rapidly approaching where you will have hordes of little Roma's running around at the end of any large scale war. I would hate to be a newbie having to live under those conditions. :P Better bring your B) and SPF 20000.

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It is a quick injection of life that spurs some activity. I mean, for anyone just joining this game that really wants to fight they should join the NPO. They are guaranteed to never be out of war. It was the same way when I was in Alpha. I honestly think NPO should incorporate that into their recruiting strategy.

You want boredom? You got plenty of alliances to pick from. You want to learn how war works in this world before you get too far up and are scared to lose all that you have built because you dont really know how to defend it? Then your choice is easy.

Then again...that is just how I would recruit quality.

Are you actually trying to imply that NPO is the FUN alliance in Planet Bob?! Because I just laughed so hard that my RogueMilk just shot out of my nose and onto my Presidential Desk. >.>

Of any single argument you could attempt to make, the one where NPO is the fun alliance is probably the most laughable of all, considering that back before Thorne died (OOC- Got banned.) he had threatened my nation atleast twice with ZI for speaking against his opinion (OOC- Forum posts.) and saying that in some way NPO is fun, well this is simply news to me. For anyone just joining this game they should join an alliance where they might, just might, have a decent military to back them up. Somewhere that doesn't rely on you to be a meatshield. Somewhere where their own alliance actually can fight. Pacifica is not that place, not by a longshot.

HeinousOne, NPO has destroyed multiple fun alliances and multiple ones that were truly decent. Vox or FAN or rogues like myself may attack your smaller nations, but when you're a smaller nation you only want war when you have a shot. I've nailed two Pacificans so hard that they physically sent me a PM that said they've realized their alliance does not a give a !@#$ about them. They then let their nations expire because it really isn't fun to get ****ed up that badly with no response from their alliance. NPO promises protection and aid to anyone of their alliance members who are attacked, your response time the first time I hit 3 of your lower tier nations was 6 days to do anything. After six days two had already decided on quitting as I've mentioned, and one (Zorak of Zorakistan) was pretty far decimated for any help to matter in saving his nation. He just needed several million in aid.

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This is true, but have you seen how many nations are equipped with MPs now? The day is rapidly approaching where you will have hordes of little Roma's running around at the end of any large scale war. I would hate to be a newbie having to live under those conditions. :P Better bring your B) and SPF 20000.

Well if they have a MP there's no need to do the first step, just keep them in nuclear anarchy (with the cheapest nation you can put on them (low infra + SDI) until they are bill locked or evaporate.

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.... I've nailed two Pacificans so hard that they physically sent me a PM that said they've realized their alliance does not a give a !@#$ about them. They then let their nations expire because it really isn't fun to get ****ed up that badly with no response from their alliance. NPO promises protection and aid to anyone of their alliance members who are attacked, your response time the first time I hit 3 of your lower tier nations was 6 days to do anything. After six days two had already decided on quitting as I've mentioned, and one (Zorak of Zorakistan) was pretty far decimated for any help to matter in saving his nation. He just needed several million in aid.

If I may interject some truth into this little discussion.

Of the four NPO nations you declared on offensively:

2009-01-21 21:31:33 A Bear Flag Republic Current NS: 2,726.147

2009-01-21 21:39:41 Zorkistan Current NS: 3,371.641

2009-01-29 05:40:28 Maxonia Current NS: 1,884.943

2009-01-29 13:50:45 A Bear Flag Republic Same As First

the story of their expiration is not only an exageration but a lie.

Maybe you meant the ones who attacked you, let's check.....

2009-01-26 15:17:28 Mandalor Current NS: 1,717.066

2009-01-29 18:54:07 Toran Republic Current NS: 2,163.459

2009-01-30 15:18:58 Make Chai not war Current NS: 2,850.507

2009-02-05 00:04:16 USRGB Current NS: 2,577.006

Hmmm..they seem to be all there as well.

So while your story is laced with propaganda saying that you have caused some New Pacific Order nations to expire sounds exciting and good on paper, the fact of the matter there is no truth to it all.

Edited by Bilrow
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I was wondering about that, Bilrow. Thank you for shining a light on the mans lying. I wonder how he'll respond?

No problem, matter of fact just a cursory glance of his wars back to 10/08 the only nations that no longer exist is an unaligned nation that he tech raided and a nation in a one man alliance. When I get back this afternoon I can give a full report of his war and the expiration of his targets back to at least June if anyone is interested.

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2) I don't think we've ever seen a massive nuclear rogue attack here on Planet Bob, co-ordinated against a single target,

Incorrect. FnF had approximately around 80 members nuclear active. Us Grämlins merged with them only to find out FnF was going to nuke NPO, all 80 nations were being ran by 4-5 people with no lives. We flushed them out and disposed of them before they ever attacked NPO.

Attempts were made, that was probably one of the biggest nuclear rogue threats I have seen. Not sure if many of you remember that situation. After that incident, I never considered FnF an alliance, everything was !@#$%^&* to appear as an alliance.

Edited by Ejayrazz
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