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February is BLACK History and Heritage Month!


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The Tale of Ejayrazz

Let me tell you the tale of Ejayrazz.

He had no father nor mother, he was literally born of extreme hate, hate for all those who were not white. He violently opposed freedom for minorities and actively campaigned for black people to be rounded up and put back into slavery. Bull Connor worshiped at his feet and Strom Thrumond thanked him personally during his speeches.

In a move of delicious irony he joined the black team, in order to besmirch its name by committing evil deeds under its aegis. But he forgot one thing...he forgot about GOONS.

Ejayrazz attempted to keep his prejudices hidden until the time was right, but he made one fatal mistake. He insulted Snoop Dogg.

At the time, many GOONS members had Snoop avatars and sigs in order to properly honor the man during his feast day. When Ejayrazz insulted the man, his true nature was laid bare. GOONS saw him for what he was and attacked. We harangued him day and night, shouting from the rooftops about the facade that he had put up. Even CN turned its back on him.

But then the most amazing thing happened...GOONS forgave him. We showed him the error of his ways and showered him with sympathy after the loss of his reputation. Ejayrazz became a functioning member of society, and tears flowed when he finally put on a Snoop avatar. Then he joined ONOS and his reputation was lost again

I bet babyjesus and Louisa are like the only ones to remember Ejayrazz and what a hard time GOONS gave him

Edited by Jagged Fel
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Apart from the ever-sweet babyjesus, how many others here even remember the Black Team Forums or actually used to post there? My heart broke the day that they closed it :(

I wasn't there, but I have heard tales of the glorydays.

Crapolia @ the old forums, replying to a flaming report against him:

Report: Flaming me, accusing me of sucking cat $%^$#

Crapolia: This report has no merit; I did not accuse him of sucking cat $%^$#. I said he puts cat $%^$# in his mouth.

Mod: There is a disturbing trend on the Black Team forum of increasing hostility and mod sass. Crapolia you wil refrain from using this report to further flame. Warn issued.

Edited by Schattenmann
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The Tale of Ejayrazz

Let me tell you the tale of Ejayrazz.

He had no father nor mother, he was literally born of extreme hate, hate for all those who were not white. He violently opposed freedom for minorities and actively campaigned for black people to be rounded up and put back into slavery. Bull Connor worshiped at his feet and Strom Thrumond thanked him personally during his speeches.

In a move of delicious irony he joined the black team, in order to besmirch its name by committing evil deeds under its aegis. But he forgot one thing...he forgot about GOONS.

Ejayrazz attempted to keep his prejudices hidden until the time was right, but he made one fatal mistake. He insulted Snoop Dogg.

At the time, many GOONS members had Snoop avatars and sigs in order to properly honor the man during his feast day. When Ejayrazz insulted the man, his true nature was laid bare. GOONS saw him for what he was and attacked. We harangued him day and night, shouting from the rooftops about the facade that he had put up. Even CN turned its back on him.

But then the most amazing thing happened...GOONS forgave him. We showed him the error of his ways and showered him with sympathy after the loss of his reputation. Ejayrazz became a functioning member of society, and tears flowed when he finally put on a Snoop avatar. Then he joined ONOS and his reputation was lost again

I bet babyjesus and Louisa are like the only ones to remember Ejayrazz and what a hard time GOONS gave him


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Schattenmann, Zzzptm was not a founder of ACDC nor was he a triumvir at the time of the incident you are talking about, he was MoFA.

Thank you for pointing out things which don't really change the hilarity of what happened. I figured there'd be some slight errors in my recollection since it was both over a year ago, and only 2 months after I joined GOONS or read the OWF, and ACDC was new/didn't matter at the time.

Post corrected. Hilarity continuity preserved.

Edited by Schattenmann
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Tis the tale of Ether... a tiny, 3-bedroom republic.

This tales takes us back to the small, rundown town in the darkest corners of the black sphere. It was a time of new hope for the sphere... but the light didn't shine in all corners. Pmac627 was child 9 of 13, stuffed into a small shack underneath an overpass once used to showcase the might of the GOONS army. GOONS power was beginning to crumble when such things as the Dark Vows were being signed. He ran away from home, to escape his relentless father who constantly beat him for his interests in global politics. He was too young to understand his fathers fear of reprisals from the crumbling regime.

After wandering the streets for a few years, living off the scraps of others, he was invited to a growing society, an alliance known as AC/DC. His younger brother who had run away from home a year before he had, was a member and made sure he was taken care of. There Pmac met Evey Jane, an orphan from across town. They began to talk and realized they shared the same interests in politics and crayon color... black.

The two played together over the years until the unthinkable happened; Crappygate. The chaos within AC/DC from that incident sparked martial law within their borders. Pmac and Evey stuck together and managed to survive and finally make a move into the politics.

They stuck together, soon meeting Master Nick, a cool cat from two towns over. He was a hot shot, liked to fight and sometimes cause problems, but the three became close friends and stuck together. They moved with the masses when they migrated to BDC where they took a more active roll in global politics. They worked on promoting a Black Sphere Academy to teach those who didn't have the money. Unfortunately, the idea was overlooked as the Black Sphere was still trying to unify.

Eventually, BDC hit rough seas and became unstable. Despite their instability, they managed to keep going until they finally received their final blow for supporting their friends. The three moved out of BDC just 5 days before it finally collapsed and the members merged into the Dark Evolution. Evey, Pmac and Nick decided to go elsewhere and moved into a small 3-bedroom apartment. After a month or so, they decided it was time to make their move and found their own alliance. They adopted the symbol of a Lotus to symbolize life and growth, the purpose of the alliance.

Today, the alliance works hard to promote black sphere unity and drives it's members to always help others. They believe that anyone can make it to the top if they work hard enough and push for people to take hold of their own future and make the best of it. They offer support to any of their Black Sphere brothers and sisters and wish to invite those who wish for stability, good economic growth and happiness, to consider joining us on the Black sphere. A black sphere member is a black sphere member no matter their Alliance.

Help continue to support Black History Month by bringing your story of growth in the Black Sphere to this thread!


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Once upon a time I merged my small White Team alliance with a two day old Black Team alliance. I got to enjoy the Black Team for around two or three days before GOONS told us to get of or get blown up. Well we complied but our protectors got smashed. Never went back since >_>

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I wasn't around for the black forum here, but have been around for over a year on the Black Conclave.

Now, I really wanted Schatt or El to post this story, but it appears they won't.

As my fellow black residents who peruse the Black Conclave know, Schattenman and Elborrador often would snipe at each other over various things, whether it be trade issues, the new alliances in the black sphere, or just the future of black in general, or the color of sky, didn't matter, they would argue.

Anyway, Obsidian had posted its intent to run a Senator. I don't know if this was a holdover from the GOONS period or what, but there were some issues relating to running of senators on the black sphere, even post Goonland Security Act.

With well wishes we anticipated an open election, as many issues had been resolved relating to senate elections on black.

Well, it was a little more 'open' than anticipated.

Apparently, Schattenman interpreted 'open elections' as meaning 'allowed to stump for any senator to anyone on black that you supported.'

I'm pretty sure he did the following to piss off Elborrador.

Schatt then messages all of Obsidian (who was proffering Corey Faith - a good guy - as their candidate) telling them to support SoCal (also a very worthy senator from OBR).

I guess Schatt was a bit more convincing as Mr. Faith didn't make the Senate that term. I believe Mr. SoCal did.

Yeah, so El got super pissed at that, but I have to admit, I thought it was hilarious (and yes, I consider myself to be friends with both Schatt and El). I'd like to think that over time I've had some small part in bringing these two together, and I do miss them both on the Black Conclave, because for a while, along with Xen, they definitely put the 'pissed off' in 'politics.'


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I wasn't around for the black forum here, but have been around for over a year on the Black Conclave.

Now, I really wanted Schatt or El to post this story, but it appears they won't.

As my fellow black residents who peruse the Black Conclave know, Schattenman and Elborrador often would snipe at each other over various things, whether it be trade issues, the new alliances in the black sphere, or just the future of black in general, or the color of sky, didn't matter, they would argue.

Anyway, Obsidian had posted its intent to run a Senator. I don't know if this was a holdover from the GOONS period or what, but there were some issues relating to running of senators on the black sphere, even post Goonland Security Act.

With well wishes we anticipated an open election, as many issues had been resolved relating to senate elections on black.

Well, it was a little more 'open' than anticipated.

Apparently, Schattenman interpreted 'open elections' as meaning 'allowed to stump for any senator to anyone on black that you supported.'

I'm pretty sure he did the following to piss off Elborrador.

Schatt then messages all of Obsidian (who was proffering Corey Faith - a good guy - as their candidate) telling them to support SoCal (also a very worthy senator from OBR).

I guess Schatt was a bit more convincing as Mr. Faith didn't make the Senate that term. I believe Mr. SoCal did.

Yeah, so El got super pissed at that, but I have to admit, I thought it was hilarious (and yes, I consider myself to be friends with both Schatt and El). I'd like to think that over time I've had some small part in bringing these two together, and I do miss them both on the Black Conclave, because for a while, along with Xen, they definitely put the 'pissed off' in 'politics.'


I remember that.

I lol'd :lol:

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I wasn't around for the black forum here, but have been around for over a year on the Black Conclave.

Now, I really wanted Schatt or El to post this story, but it appears they won't.

Heh. I prefered to let an objective party relate the tale. Now I'll add my flavor.


Having left alliance politics after disbanding Purge and becoming a regular in Browncoats, I had little to occupy the long hours. I went to the Black Conclave searching for trades--why not finally go big and try to pass 4k NS by nation-building since I wasn't doing anything else?

Well, shortly after that, banned member (click link to see who I'm talking about), the remaining GOONS senator, and WarriorConcept, who had gotten pissed at the world and changed his AA to GOONS, were sanctioned by a Dark Confederate Bloc alliance, CIS. This drove me batcrap insane, as I am wont to be driven.

I wrote a huge address to the Black Team on the Black Conclave lambasting Sharduke for those sanctions, and soon more CIS and other Dark Confederate gov types showed up to tell me to shut up or risk getting myself and/or Browncoats wrecked. That is not how to convince me of anything. I issued a backhanded apology on the Black Conclave that was more of an informational session so that everyone knew I was being threatened for speaking my mind on neutral ground. Thus began a long-running conflict between Dark Confederate and myself.

A few weeks after all that, elborador showed up. He was Prince of War so I don't know why they sent him and not, oh, I dunno, Prince of Diplomacy, but elborador is who we got. Elborador already had bad blood with me over some off-hand remark I'd made and forgotten about. So, being in Dark Confederate and having NpO backing, his idea of diplomacy at Black Conclave was to tell people to shut up, shut the Hell up, call them trolls, curse at them, and generally do anything but be diplomatic.

I railed about the dangers of DCP running more than one senator due to their motives and history, then elborador announced that Obsidian was running a second DCP candidate, Corey Faith. We got into it over that a bit. In the course of responding to elborador's asshattery, I got as abusive as him, so JoshuaR from MFO suspended my comms privileges for like 48 hours. While I couldn't reply to him, elborador continued to get lippy and insult me, and since I could not reply vocally, I had to find another way to respond.

At this point, it had been a week, maybe more, since Obsidian told us that Corey Faith was running. So, it stands to reason that their membership knew, right? Right? Corey Faith was their King, after all. :v: Wrong, apparently.

To respond to elborador's insults, I spammed all 60 Black nations in Obsidian to tell them what a great alliance Order of the Black Rose is, what a great man their Senator SocCarolina is, and how they should vote for SocCarolina to keep the Black Trading Sphere prosperous (all things which were true). SURPRISE!! It worked. Without knowing it, I had spammed Obsidian the day before elections began, and Corey Faith's campaign was wrecked (for that term at least).

At the time, Browncoats' Foreign Minister, Veneke, wanted my $@! on a silver platter over the Black Conclave shenanigans, so I took some screenshots back then.

Here's some typical elborador diplomacy:


Here is the spam I sent to Obsidian:

To: Elborraor From: Schattenmann 3/14/2008 3:53:27 PM Subject: Black Team Unite

Esteemed Black Ruler,

I am not certain how active you are in color sphere politics, so you may or may not be aware as to how heated the Black Senate race has become. That is why I'm PMing you.

As new alliances come into the sphere and more established, native Black alliances work to remain relevent, the senate will become a lynchpin in this friendly competition for influence. And you are part of that competition.

Yes, even as an individual ruler on Black, you can make a difference in the sphere. That is why the Black team needs you to click the "Team information Panel" to your left, select "Senate Elections" and vote for SocCarolina of SocCarolina. He is an experienced senator from one of the most respected and oldest alliances in the game, and is certain to serve your interests as a Black ruler. I am so convinced of this that I campaign for him on my own accord.

Vote SocCarolina with confidence!

Yes, I included Obsidian gov--how else could I fully enjoy my revenge?

After elborador started a topic aptly titled "This is Not Acceptable" and revealed what I did, Xenith, the MoFA for ODK (another Dark Confederate alliance) jumped on the bandwagon and said I'd also tricked ODK's membership with spam. The fact of the matter is that I never spammed ODK, and Xenith refused to proffer any evidence (because he couldn't).

After that, DCP decided to make my life Hell for a while. Fortunately for me, Obsidian fell into utter disarray, ODK went off the radar (they were always quiet anyway), and CIS got stomped by NPO. Yes, they all fell victim to the Shadow Curse which protects me.

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