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North Atlantic Defense Coalition Announcement

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I know, it's called a joke, buzzkill <_<


No, no, no, no...its like this:

"You're a bigger buzzkill than Buzz Killington!"

Oh yeah, thanks for the clarifier, I assumed that part was understood.

tC really, really wants these alliances, especially the Citadel grouping, humbled. And yes, that includes secondary/roll-down signatories like Fark, RoK, RIA, etc.

Wait...what? See, this is news to me, being a leader of a Continuum alliance and all. So obviously I must be out of the loop or something. Hell, man, I must be outside of the loop with my own government's foreign policy! That's amazing! You have really impressed me here, Kronuso.

So, mind explaining to me how exactly IRON will gain from seeing these alliances destroyed? More to the point, why would IRON be in the least bit interested in seeing any of these alliances harmed? You can answer it from either perspective (the "positive" or the "negative").

Sounds to me that many of you are putting the cart before the horse... <_<

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Interesting, TGE has some treaty yet? Who will the next to cancel it? As I said when TPF canceled their treaty in CN history repeat itself always...

Edit: I saw FOK stand with them, well this is suprising :o

Edited by D34th
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The "we're doing this because we had grown apart" justification is very suspect when it's accompanied by several other cancellations. If it was by itself I'd buy it, but given the circumstances I have a very hard time believing it.

Could the consistency (of accompanied cancellations) can be explained by the unthinkable..

Such peril upon Planet Bob, dare I even say it out loud..

Has TGE run out of active and skilled diplomats who'd keep up relations with foreign alliances!?

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Has TGE run out of active and skilled diplomats who'd keep up relations with foreign alliances!?

Rommelgrad has returned to TGE and Sargon's pretty spiffy at the FA stuff from all accounts. I trust that Chancellor Valdemar will tend to the matter accordingly and do everything in his power to help repair TGE's relations.

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Like the NADC warrants sufficient drama? They always follow suit: e.g. when other allances cancel, they're bound to follow in a short time.

So this was expected.

edit: spelling

While I have seen enough of NADC to say this was expected, unfortunately, however, people have heard of them and feel necessary to respond to their threads, unlike our threads, which was the point I was trying to make to Schattenmann.

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Could the consistency (of accompanied cancellations) can be explained by the unthinkable..

Such peril upon Planet Bob, dare I even say it out loud..

Has TGE run out of active and skilled diplomats who'd keep up relations with foreign alliances!?

Changes happen, While we are sad to lose these past to alliances we will keep on movin along. I have always liked the friendly people over at NADC, and my above post basically tells all the reasons why that treaty is cancelled. While I know that will not stop all of the drama that people are praying for, they did the right thing in my perspective. The TPF TGE treaty was a great treaty we used to work well together and we still have many friends within TPF I am sure, its just that we have grown apart. Hopefully one day we can once again be allied and be even better friends in the white sphere. TGE's foreign affairs may need a little work but with members such as Sargon and Valdemar and many others you can rest assured it will be top notched in the near future :D

Mistakes of the past can be corrected and mended with a little work.

This is just an ordinary citizen of The German Empire throwing out his opinion.

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How typical of an alliance like NADC.

Your right. we clearly lack your honor and splendid reputation.

This is just an ordinary citizen of The German Empire throwing out his opinion.

I remain confident in TGE's intrinsic honor and diplomatic ability. Our alliances are on clearly separate paths. Perhaps one day those paths will reconverge. With quality people like Rommelgrad there, I am sure that can happen.

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I'm sorry that what you want to believe happened is different from the true story, but the facts are facts.

Here's a quick lesson: There is no "true story", there are no real facts. All you ever have is perspective supported by evidence - and in the end, the only people who actually know exactly what happened are the ones who were there, and they will never be able to relay what happened without adding bias. [ooc] There are very few, if any, absolute truths in the world - and Cybernations is not a place where you're going to find any [/ooc]

I personally would hope that the Cyberverse would be more receptive to the breaking down of the onerous treaty web rather than decry such moves while at the same time complaining about the treaty web's existence.

Meh... in realistic terms the canceling of an ODP should cause about as much political to-do as me ordering pizza. Not only are ODPs worthless in the first place, the announcements are basically saying to the world "Now we will no longer think about whether or not we want to defend these guys should something happen to them." My suggestion to NADC and everyone else out there is that if you're not willing to at least go MDP with an alliance, don't sign the treaty.

Your right. we clearly lack your honor and splendid reputation.


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My suggestion to NADC and everyone else out there is that if you're not willing to at least go MDP with an alliance, don't sign the treaty.

I have heard this philosophy often purported on here. I am more inclined to "kick" the tires first. TGE at one time was definitely an alliance I wanted an MDP with. However, we went with an ODP to start with and see how it worked. Things changed.

This is a great example of why more optional treaties are a better way to initiate possible Mutual Defense relationships. In my opinion, once you get to MDP status, it is very difficult to turn back. I cannot emagine dropping any of our MDP partners.

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Your right. we clearly lack your honor and splendid reputation.

At least he has the fortitude to speak his mind without worrying about looking bad and missing out on the sunshine and rainbow party that everyone seems to want to go to no matter the cost.

As to the topic at hand, meh. IF this was cancelled because of political pressure or even because of a percieved threat of war it doesn't matter. It was an ODP and I doubt NADC (or most alliances for that matter) would honor an ODP unless they knew they were on teh winning side of the war.

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I hardly see how I've done anything dishonourable. I will second the request to back up your statement.

This is completely off topic. But you may want to check out your own words. Forgetful = Fail



EDIT: ohhh... I like this one, too. - http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=1020407

Even better - http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...st&p=979417

We should do a Penchuk's greatest public statements list.

Edited by watchman
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In my opinion, once you get to MDP status, it is very difficult to turn back. I cannot emagine dropping any of our MDP partners.

So, had you signed an MDP with TGE instead of an ODP, what would you have done to patch up relations, if dropping them wasn't an option?

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First of all, fighting to keep an ODP is ridiculous. No one works their butt off for an ODP. MDP, yes, but no one stresses over losing an ODP.

Second, this thread needs to die. It is now just making every party in question look bad.

I don't see why, since, in essence, you COULD be committing your alliance to the defense of another's perhaps at your own peril. I'd say that the stages of an ODP is when one should work at maintaining a relationship because that stage is when true friendship can really blossom.

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So, had you signed an MDP with TGE instead of an ODP, what would you have done to patch up relations, if dropping them wasn't an option?

NADC maintains a very close relationship with MDP partners. Interaction is frequent and vibrant. So, the likelihood of poor relations is much less. There were many factors in our drift from TGE. Among them were gov changes on both sides. Different personnel did not know each other as well. It happens.

ODPs, to me, are dress rehearsal for Mutual Defense. If 2 alliances drift, then you know it won't work. Why date if you're never going to hop in the sack?

No offense, TGE, you are way sexy. We just can't go there. Maybe someday we will be able to. For now, we are going to date other people and write bad poetry. Maybe after a time period, we can rekindle the romance.


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NADC maintains a very close relationship with MDP partners. Interaction is frequent and vibrant. So, the likelihood of poor relations is much less. There were many factors in our drift from TGE. Among them were gov changes on both sides. Different personnel did not know each other as well. It happens.

ODPs, to me, are dress rehearsal for Mutual Defense. If 2 alliances drift, then you know it won't work. Why date if you're never going to hop in the sack?

No offense, TGE, you are way sexy. We just can't go there. Maybe someday we will be able to. For now, we are going to date other people and write bad poetry. Maybe after a time period, we can rekindle the romance.


Couldn't this whole debacle been avoided by proactively working to re-establish connections?

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Couldn't this whole debacle been avoided by proactively working to re-establish connections?

What debacle? the only ones complaining are people that have nothing to do with. Also, those who rip everything NADC does anyway.

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Ragnarok is canceling treaties on a monthly basis, yet you complain about NADC canceling one?

Ragnarok reviews their treaties on a monthly basis then they try and reestablish relations with allies that have lost contact or are drifting apart and then if relations are still sub-par for a treaty partner they will cancel.

So what my ally that you were quoting said NADC should have done is exactly what Ragnarok would have done.

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