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Now, thank you sargun for that wonderful clear up.

Also, did I say that the stuff could GO to mars? No, I did not. Actually read something before replying. Do NOT just post. I said they could take pictures, which was obviously not allowed, as even I see the advantages now. I shall edit the post. But remember: I said this was a long term project. I never said it was built now. I said long term.

Edited by Fizzydog
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Fizzy dont edit them.

You said your developing them, there is NO problem with what you said at all.

So long as you dont say you have them, until you do ingame, there is no issue.

but for mars and moon stuff, you would also need wonders ingame such as space program and spacestation.
I passed this before and got confused myself, dont worry about it.

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People like myself and Botha have started the RPing of Manhattan Projects before they were built in anticipation of the actual thing. There's no problem with the development/construction of anything as long as it isn't finished until you buy the actual wonder/improvement.

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Alright, I want to bring up something I've been noticing lately:
Why are we letting people get away with building 4000 mile long, gun lined, impenetrable walls around their coasts?

It seems kind of ridiculous, because, among other things, the cost would be astronomical, it would take decades to build, and most importantly, they're more or less useless.

Modern military strategy has rendered a lot of static fortifications useless, as the use of cruise missile, long range artillery, and once again, the cost, can render such structures useless, and also pull away from the actual military of a nation.

Saying that they can stop entire navies, make impenetrable barriers, all while maintaining a strong military, and be cost effective is absurd.

Even though there is always the fun old rhetoric of "No one RPs economics," these sort of projects really are pushing the line between sane RP and god modding.

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[quote name='Il Terra Di Agea' date='25 April 2010 - 01:58 PM' timestamp='1272218297' post='2274505']
Alright, I want to bring up something I've been noticing lately:
Why are we letting people get away with building 4000 mile long, gun lined, impenetrable walls around their coasts?[/quote]

I can only presume that this is referent to me. :)

[quote]It seems kind of ridiculous, because, among other things, the cost would be astronomical, it would take decades to build, and most importantly, they're more or less useless.[/quote]

I began development, nothing more.

[quote]Modern military strategy has rendered a lot of static fortifications useless, as the use of cruise missile, long range artillery, and once again, the cost, can render such structures useless, and also pull away from the actual military of a nation.[/quote]

And as seen with the recent Tahoe fiasco, if you don't have defenses RPed, then you are considered to have no defenses at all and thus your opponents are allowed to streamroll through you.

[quote]Saying that they can stop entire navies, make impenetrable barriers, all while maintaining a strong military, and be cost effective is absurd.[/quote]

Never said anything was impregnable or could stop navies, so perhaps this wasn't directed at me?

[quote]Even though there is always the fun old rhetoric of "No one RPs economics," these sort of projects really are pushing the line between sane RP and god modding.

And yet people can RP transporting hundreds of thousands of soldiers when they have a handful of ships? That is more so godmodding then beginning the development of a defensive network project.

Edited by SpacingOutMan
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[quote name='SpacingOutMan' date='25 April 2010 - 11:13 AM' timestamp='1272219173' post='2274526']
I can only presume that this is referent to me. :)
No, not specifically at least. Honestly, yours is fairly sane, factoring out length (You've got a good 4000 miles of coast line, more or less [I measured it]). I just brought it up now because yours brought it to mind. I've seen, and briefly in the past perpetuated, much. much worse. :awesome:

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[quote name='Il Terra Di Agea' date='25 April 2010 - 02:17 PM' timestamp='1272219403' post='2274531']
No, not specifically at least. Honestly, yours is fairly sane, factoring out length (You've got a good 4000 miles of coast line, more or less [I measured it]). I just brought it up now because yours brought it to mind. I've seen, and briefly in the past perpetuated, much. much worse. :awesome:

Ah, yea. The main drawback is that you have to man a bunch of people along the defenses, which I am accounting for by manning most at each battery, along with (in the next decree) increasing the size of the Garrison Army and wiping out my 6th Army. :P

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' date='24 April 2010 - 09:29 PM' timestamp='1272158957' post='2273604']
You're only [i][b]now[/b][/i] calling out Pravus on this? [b]Dude, if you had honestly wanted to do that, you would've read all of the war posts[/b], seen it and called it out in the battle post, not now, when he's making a speech and already backed out of the war and calling for peace.

Well [i]Dude[/i], seeing as how I did not want to call out Pravus, that's why I posted what I did. Furthermore, even if I did want to pick a fight, why the hell would I post OOC in a warthread?

No. All I wanted to do was give people permission to RP my resistance or something, as was proposed by Subtle I think, not saunter in and take whatever parcel of land they wanted saying my forces sat with their thumbs in their @#$%. This was an example of what I explicitly did not want happening, and it just so happened to be Pravus' post and it just so happened to be in a speech he was making when he backed out of the war and called for peace.

If there were more examples of moves like this, whatever, his was the first I noticed.

Edited by Executive Minister
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I didn't say to post it OOC in the war thread, I meant link to his post in the war thread, post your argument here and be done with it. You're taking my words and twisting them to your liking, which I don't appreciate, to be honest. Your entire reaction to my post is, to be frank, an overreaction. I didn't say that you should "take whatever parcel of land with your force's thumbs in their @#$%.", nowhere near. I never even [i]implied[/i] that.

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' date='25 April 2010 - 07:19 PM' timestamp='1272237576' post='2274998']
I didn't say to post it OOC in the war thread, I meant link to his post in the war thread, post your [b]argument here and be done with it[/b]. You're taking my words and twisting them to your liking, which I don't appreciate, to be honest. Your entire reaction to my post is, to be frank, an overreaction. I didn't say that you should "take whatever parcel of land with your force's thumbs in their @#$%.", nowhere near. I never even [i]implied[/i] that.

Didn't I already?

But yeah, this is no objection to Pravus or a show of support for Mudd, nor is this a reaction of any sort to what you may or may not have said. I already gave my reasons in my first reply to you on why I made my first post, I'm not going to repeat them here. Frankly it's an overreaction on your part to think I said what I said because of your objection to my first post. I said what I said because I simply do not wish to have the same thing happen to me. I don't know what else I can say to not seem hostile to you, even if I cared.

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As regards the massive static defenses, I think it would only be a gross disadvantage to who ever is constructing them. Structures like Maginot Line, Atlantic Wall etc look awesome, I am sure, but in terms of defense purposes they are useless. This is not to rubbish the need for static defenses, static passive defenses are required, but they should also be effective. I am currently typing out a maritime defense strategy that depends on coastal hedgehogs, caltrops, anchored torpedoes and mines. As regards beach defense, I am thinking of District level Artillery units, and local civil defense units who would attempt to fight a delaying war, until heavier conventional forces can be brought to bear.

Either case the purpose of these defenses would only be to delay the offensive and never to block it completely, in that case isn't it much better to RP a cheaper, more flexible and more mobile defense structure?

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[quote]And as seen with the recent Tahoe fiasco, if you don't have defenses RPed, then you are considered to have no defenses at all and thus your opponents are allowed to streamroll through you.[/quote]

Luckily I was the first to RP major static defenses. My static defenses are essentially, as Cochin stated, intended to majorly slow down and cause massive casualties while requiring a minimal amount of soldiers/operators to be effective. Preplaced artillery that isn't usually manned and remotly operated missile locations can be effective with minimal upkeep.

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[quote name='Executive Minister' date='24 April 2010 - 09:20 PM' timestamp='1272158388' post='2273587']
I'll come out and say it right now. If ever I am engaged in a war with anyone, and for some reason or another do not respond to your attacks for a while, for the love of god do not do this. I give my permission here and now for a non-involved party to RP my forces on my behalf, or at least opposition to attacks.

Dude, just to let you know, Mudd never RP'd any troops on Midway. It was a nature reserve. So there's no reason why I or he would have lost any troops. Just saying.

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[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' date='26 April 2010 - 02:53 AM' timestamp='1272264785' post='2275783']
Dude, just to let you know, Mudd never RP'd any troops on Midway. It was a nature reserve. So there's no reason why I or he would have lost any troops. Just saying.

Yup, which is why I tried to make it clear (to no avail) that the only reason I quoted that sentence was that I didn't want it to happen to me, your post was a perfect example of what I didn't want, whether or not it was taken out of context. Consider it a pre-emptive strike on my part, but not against you.

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[quote name='Emperor Mudd' date='26 April 2010 - 01:08 AM' timestamp='1272258482' post='2275698']
Luckily I was the first to RP major static defenses. My static defenses are essentially, as Cochin stated, intended to majorly slow down and cause massive casualties while requiring a minimal amount of soldiers/operators to be effective. Preplaced artillery that isn't usually manned and remotly operated missile locations can be effective with minimal upkeep.

I understand that; people have seemed to think otherwise, which was my point.

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Regarding triyun's recovery team on fiji. Why is the nit picking necessary? He either recovers old tech via a computer file, or produces identical tech via magical armory announcements. Does it really make a difference? Also it was a significant military installation my nation probably maintained it, we took over the old GA and IW military installations and defensive structure why not an old UFE system?

Edited by iamthey
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[quote name='iamthey' date='27 April 2010 - 12:08 PM' timestamp='1272395280' post='2277483']
Regarding triyun's recovery team on fiji. Why is the nit picking necessary? He either recovers old tech via a computer file, or produces identical tech via magical armory announcements. Does it really make a difference? Also it was a significant military installation my nation probably maintained it, we took over the old GA and IW military installations and defensive structure why not an old UFE system?
Then just say you maintained it. ;)

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Thats not what you RPed. You RPed taking over GA and IW structures. You said nothing about UFE. I did the same thing. I ran some Australian companies and GA buildings. I cannot magically say that I found a Dragon Empire's building, which when in indochina would be perefectly reasonable, especially in Bangkok, and then begin to use the things i found there when there was no previous RP on it. I rped my Australian and GA parts, and I would like if people are going to use continous storyline to keep the story straight.

You either RPed maintaining it, and left perfectly good material in a semi abandoned bunker which he now has found and accessed out of the blue, or you didnt do anything with it till this point where someone thought it would be a nice step into getting their tech back because god knows noone can RP with less advanced tech.

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Then I guess everyone's fortifications are likely going to be ransacked, pillaged, destroyed, etc because you don't keep RP'ing your nation going "we repaired the third pipe on the right in the second floor today", more or less ;).

I say that if the player has the same/more than the technology required for those old structures, computers, weapons, etc then they may keep them. If someone RP'ed physically destroying them though, then they would be gone and un-retake-able. IMO the roleplayers just forgot/didn't want to roleplay anything to do with said structures, so nothing happened to them. This is, of course, if the new nation has the technology to actually use said equipment; otherwise they shouldn't be able to use them and either RP destroying them or have nothing to do with them.

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[quote name='Triyun' date='28 April 2010 - 02:25 AM' timestamp='1272414319' post='2277865']
OOC: The airbase was established here http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=44953
The only thing I see in that post is "will".
This and that will be done, it will be built, there will be an airfield, but nothing actually finished. Where's the RP of building or at least [b]finishing[/b] that base?

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[quote name='Fizzydog' date='30 April 2010 - 03:56 PM' timestamp='1272657388' post='2281523']
Just wondering, why does everybody hate my nation? Is it something personal or what?

It's all IC. ICly, there are many people that hate your nation. OOCly, most, if not all, do not hate you.

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