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:D Np, this was how I thought I would play it out when MV asked me to cooperate with him. I would love to give him platform for an RP, but cant really IC accept the lucidity of such a religion. But since IC I protect all religions, no matter how crazy or stupid it may seem to a third party, no harm in going ahead with the RP.
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[quote name='king of cochin' date='11 February 2010 - 08:17 PM' timestamp='1265941066' post='2176106']
I thought I would add my two bits in this mess of an argument.

I dont see any problem why anyone should object to maelstrom's theme. What some person calls as supernatural another person can just as well call it hallucinations or imaginations. Just dont accept what you dont want to accept and all is well.

For example, in the meeting with Rama Varma and Maelstrom Vortex, they have a face to face conversation, such an effect can be easily explained by a holographic projector skilfully concealed. Now it is all a matter of what one chooses to believe.

If Uberstein refuses to agree with MV's spirit idea, let him just dismiss it IC saying "Bah, just hallucinations." Why do you feel this need to stop it from happening? As far as my involvement in this RP goes, I dont have any problem with this being canon, he is even allowed to set up a temple in my capital. Now he can claim anything happening in that place, but IC that is still my territory so I am the ultimate arbiter of what [i]actually[/i] happens there. Almost all aspects of magic can nowadays be explained away with stagecraft. Even if MV says his followers saw the Dragon Emperor flying and shooting blots of lightning, we can always explain it away as a bunch of religious doddards having a hallucinations. So long as what he does or RPs does not infringe upon your RPs why the need to object?

It is same like the question of propaganda. I dont have the right to RP events and people in another player's nation, but that does not mean I cannot issue propaganda about things happening there!

Seriously think smarter about this people, rules and guidelines have very special purposes, understand them and employ them, not just make them walls of a prison.

My response was going to be something like this, but I saw this and decided to quote and call it my own. Good job Firestorm, you are truly brilliant.

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I would just like to clear up a small inconsistency; Baron never did originally, or ever, state that he didn't want the RP to happen. He was just asking for it to be non-canon.

As I've stated, I don't have a problem with it so long as it doesn't affect me IC, me being new to CNRP and all, and needing a slow rooting into this place. Which is why I originally jumped the gun saying 'OMG OMG THIS CAN'T AFFECT ME I WANT IT NON-CANON!' <_<

Naturally, I don't have a problem with it now. In fact, just the opposite, from everything I'm hearing so far. There is always an alternative to saying that it just didn't happen. :V

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Lol, I'm a meanie head for one.

And here is my official verdict on this. Rather than say, "NO THIS CAN'T HAPPEN," why not say, "HOW CAN WE MAKE THIS HAPPEN." so that we can perpetuate some truly interesting story-lines for a change? Mael is obviously enjoying this, those involved are enjoying it, no one is getting hurt by it, and the end result is a story for the community to follow and possibly enjoy.

Try to keep that in mind and work together cooperatively.

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[quote name='Sargun' date='11 February 2010 - 06:59 PM' timestamp='1265936387' post='2175981']
Actually, I completely expected this from Maelstrom. And Uberstein.


I'm shocked mael didn't try to add in a rail gun for the mouth on his metal dragon avatar :ph34r:

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[quote name='Gunther' date='13 February 2010 - 09:08 PM' timestamp='1266091727' post='2179593']
Hello Lynneth, Good to see a fellow Hitchhiker here. Shamshir pulled me in. ;)
Is Kitex active as well?
MHail, Gunther.

About Kitex, I dunno, unfortunately. Haven't been very active in the last 2-3 weeks, but I *think* he is active. Someone else can tell you more, though.

Edit: Durr. Kitex is active. He posted in this thread, today

Edited by Lynneth
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[quote name='Fizzydog' date='13 February 2010 - 05:40 PM' timestamp='1266100832' post='2179826']
My nation has an invincible, immortal nuke shooting firebreahting curse making wish granting money making dragon. Is that allowed. :awesome:

Just joking, though that would be awesome

No it wouldn't. It'd be just plain silly.

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Hm, I'm wondering something...if you, like, sustain losses in Tech/infra in an IG war, are they reflected in CNRP as well? What I mean is, if you, for instance, had over 5,000 Tech but lost over 3,000 Tech because of an IG war, does your nation grow weaker in CNRP or does it remain the same, even if the player doesnt RP any losses? Sorry if this is a stupid question...

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