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How the $%&@ am I supposed to know what you're talking about if you ask, "[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] how does that explain all the preemptive moves by certain others against groups that have not done a single thing" Proper nouns would be helpful.[/font][/color]

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This reminds me of when the RUSSIAN Pact was at odds with the Nords. All I could think about how I could bring them down. I wanted so desperately to destroy first Martens then Vektor’s Germany. I stayed up many nights wondering how I could bring the Martencist menace to its knees. I got so involved in destroying the Nords that my girlfriend got fed up and dumped me, then I quit talking to my friends finally I just stopped eating and my mom got scared and said “You’re moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air” Anyway I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said “fresh” and had dice on the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare, but I thought “Nah forget it, ho holmes, to Bel-Air!” I pulled up to a house about 7 or 8 and I yelled to the cabbie “Yo, holmes smell ya later” I looked at my kingdom, I was finally there to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air.

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[quote name='Justinian the Mighty' timestamp='1353375303' post='3054739']
This reminds me of when the RUSSIAN Pact was at odds with the Nords. All I could think about how I could bring them down. I wanted so desperately to destroy first Martens then Vektor’s Germany. I stayed up many nights wondering how I could bring the Martencist menace to its knees. I got so involved in destroying the Nords that my girlfriend got fed up and dumped me, then I quit talking to my friends finally I just stopped eating and my mom got scared and said “You’re moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air” Anyway I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said “fresh” and had dice on the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare, but I thought “Nah forget it, ho holmes, to Bel-Air!” I pulled up to a house about 7 or 8 and I yelled to the cabbie “Yo, holmes smell ya later” I looked at my kingdom, I was finally there to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air.


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[quote name='Justinian the Mighty' timestamp='1353375303' post='3054739']
This reminds me of when the RUSSIAN Pact was at odds with the Nords. All I could think about how I could bring them down. I wanted so desperately to destroy first Martens then Vektor’s Germany. I stayed up many nights wondering how I could bring the Martencist menace to its knees. I got so involved in destroying the Nords that my girlfriend got fed up and dumped me, then I quit talking to my friends finally I just stopped eating and my mom got scared and said “You’re moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air” Anyway I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said “fresh” and had dice on the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare, but I thought “Nah forget it, ho holmes, to Bel-Air!” I pulled up to a house about 7 or 8 and I yelled to the cabbie “Yo, holmes smell ya later” I looked at my kingdom, I was finally there to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air.

This was awesome.

The rest of you suck.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1353334909' post='3054506']
Honestly you people like attacking Gloval over this but he's just the whistleblower here. What these screenshots show is organized harassment, corruption of the GM's court and OOC hostility exceeding the limits of the game by far. Especially the proposed corruption of the GM seat is perhaps the worst crime of all in it. I for one am happy Gloval showed us the lengths AUP members will go to.

Organized harassment? Corruption of the GM's court? OOC hostility?

You were witness to logs showing the AUP members' continued concerns of the IC actions of the only true force that could hope to challenge its hold on Africa. Nowhere do we call for Triyun's OOC blood - quite frankly, I'd assume its common sense one would refer to nicknames or user names in place of IC states.

The corruption of the court is hardly that. TBM dislikes the nuke shield rule, and wanted to become a GM to push for reform. Had he become a GM, he most certainly would have that right. As for the reasoning behind this desire, I think it's pretty obvious that nuking subtle was something made in jest... an unresponsible comment, but justifiable considering it was made behind closed doors, in the presence of friends.

[quote name='Poseida' timestamp='1353347060' post='3054551']
Am I the only one who thinks that Executive Minister "resent[ing]" Sarah Tintagyl is ridiculously overboard and kind of mental? What kind of thought process goes from, [i]oh this other person doesn't do the same RP I do, let's literally dislike them as a person[/i]?

The whole GM thing (I still don't understand that but I digress) aside, the most worrying part of this entire revelation is that people here are actively disliking and, apparently, hating one another over fiction. What the hell goes on that makes you people get so personal? I can get trying to make some fictional megapower crystals to get an advantage, I can get trying to rig the rules in your favor (it is a game, after all), but ... just, why all the personal crap?

I most certainly hope no one else is as dense as you're being right now with this comment, so I'm going to go ahead and believe that you are in fact the only one who believes this. I will not explain anything to someone as new as you, but I will most certainly let you know its nothing as base as '[i]oh this other person doesn't do the same RP I do[/i]'. I simply do not abide a traitor, and resent losing neutrality. That is simply unfabulous.

[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1353348516' post='3054562']
But its not like that specific time and place was preceded by like [i]any[/i] systematic aggression on Africa. Most of Africa's history prior had Voodoo and Lavo dominate protectorates and there wasn't really much of a push at all beyond the very edge of the continent to take over that role even though it could've easily been done. So you cannot really make any argument that Africa was deserving the sort of obsession that you're showing here. [/quote]

Wrong. I mentioned a time and place in which the AUP was formed, and I will explain it to you now, since you have obviously forgotten or failed to read the timestamps issued with those posts. You and Sarah were on the cusp of invading Vedran and took Natal, a historically rich territory from him. You held military trials specifically targeting the possibility that I sneeze and crush Sarah's invasion attempt - a direct hostile act to counteract the defense of African soil. You held, and continue to hold a number of military bases in and around mine and other mutually concerned parties' territories.

You often decry others for showing hostile intentions to your state, your actions were so hostile that they prompted the formation of the AUP.

Like it just strikes me that this is unique in its single minded and yes anti-community attittude. Its not actually backed up by much historical provocation and maybe Sarah pushed you to view the UFE as something that needed to be opposed. Maybe your alliance with Cochin at first started you having a hostile view of the UFE, I don't know. But in both those cases, like neither actually took it to the degree you seemed to IC, and the reason you have people who are 'traitors' as seems to be your view of Sarah is simply because we talked and ended up finding we had a lot in common. With Cochin we talked IC and came to some sort of detente and then friendship because again its a community. [/quote]

This is not an anti-community attitude, this is NATO discussing the current moves of the Warsaw pact. Historical IC provocation is indeed a factor. Sarah's influence when I still affiliated myself with her was years past, you've done enough yourself to justify my state opposing you IC'ly. As for opposing you OOC'ly - i've said it once and I'll continue to say it. In order to enjoy the freedom of RP, you must first ensure the security of it. You are again the only possible thing that could threaten my position, of course I will keep tabs on you and prepare for the theoretical big one that is simply inevitable when two of the biggest boys on the block are situated so close to one another. Mind you, this position is present thanks in no small part to your continued advance westwards.

I don't seek to make sure I am the utmost prepared for a future conflict because of your notion that i'm somehow spurned by Sarah's departure from her anti-triyun ways. On the contrary, I act to preserve what I have, and make sure myself and those around me are not easy targets.

There really isn't an argument that says this type of behavior on your part is justified, and if you're plotting way beyond what most people consider the bounds of IC, I got to say thats a big problem. You're not counterbalancing anyone, [i]you're the problem[/i].

You are a big target, when the day comes that you place boots on the ground in my vicinity, or mine in yours, there will need to be a massively planned campaign to secure victory against your girth, and those of your allies. Surely such a military mind such as yourself would see the need for protracted preparation and planning. On the contrary, my continued existence outside your circle of friends and in such close proximity to your sphere of influence are a testament to my counterbalance of you. I care only of Africa, after all.

There's the small matter that Sarah has never [u]been[/u] in Africa. Kankou went to Asia twice and has RPed the same character group across nations, whose primary political intentions have been in Asia. Sarah hasn't brought her characters with her over rerolls except in the same geographic areas or overt RPing of those characters. There's never been a secret shadow government. Its undeniable Kankou's done exactly that which is OOC in and of itself. I do not think you can actually equate the two on a factual basis. I mean it looks like her RP with Patrick is a continuation of this Shadow govt.[/quote]

Sarah began rping the slaughter and systematic targeting of indigenous South Africans by Transvaalers - an act that goes against the IC doctrines of what the AUP stands for. I most certainly had IC justification for coming down as hard as I did on her and her characters. Fortunately for her, she got the message fast that the AUP does not abide by the IC deaths of the citizens of Africa.

Really again I go back to what I said to EM Eva. Respect actually does exist we've seen examples of it. The only time respect does not exist is when one group decides its such a victim that ends always justify the means. I mean not only is there plenty of OOC examples of getting along, I've fought IC wars with Martens, Sarah, Centurius, Impy, Justinian, JED, Frost, Cochin the list goes on only to sign alliances with them later. No offense Eva but I think that you're the one who is being naive when you say people can't get along and be respectful after some slight in game. Its easily done, all you have to do is make an effort to talk to people and act chill.

I do not disrespect you by my refusal to ally with you Triyun. I'm sorry if i've hurt your feelings. We do not justify the means by the end because we feel victimized, we ensure that the means we use are all that can be possibly done to ensure we are not victims.

[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1353354608' post='3054596']
You guys can try and make things equivalent all you want, but frankly it just seems like its excuses to justify a pathological hatred which seems to exist over a [i]computer game[/i]. If you guys can't see how out of whack that is, and how harmful that is, then I just plain feel sorry for whatever happened in your lives that made you look at the world this way, because its really not shared on the "other side".

There is no hatred here for you Triyun, perhaps your methods and actions, but not the you you. That being said, Gloval hasn't made any friends in these parts.

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[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1353391184' post='3054884'][b]...traitor...[/b][/quote]

[b] trai·tor[/b]
[trey-ter][color=#333333] noun[/color]
[color=#333333]1.[/color][color=#333333] a[/color] [color=#333333]person[/color] who [color=#333333]betrays[/color] [color=#333333]another,[/color] [color=#333333]a[/color] [color=#333333]cause,[/color] or any trust.
2. a [color=#333333]person[/color] [color=#333333]who[/color] [color=#333333]commits[/color] [color=#333333]treason[/color] by betraying his or [color=#333333]her[/color] country.

Gloval betrayed a trust, that's true. There is not an argument there. I posted the definition just because I wanted something to start off with.

That does not stop the fact that all of the screenshots I've seen are nothing more than high school !@#$ talking between a bunch of people taking a forum RP way too seriously. That goes for a good lot of you on either side of the story. Surprisingly though, I don't see Triyun as someone who takes CNRP too seriously. As much as I hate the fact that he's a landhog, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Seriously, Triyun, why do you keep responding to Kankou? She does nothing but antagonize you. Kankou, same goes for you, Triyun only serves to cause you a headache, and yet you keep initiating dialogue instead of just ignoring people!

Seriously, it is possible to just you know, ignore other people. Causing all that crap to just bubble up inside and dedicate half of your free time and brainpower to causing harm to that person who probably unknowingly wronged you is extremely adolescent.

But, we're a bunch of people playing Twilight Forum RP, except instead of vampires and werewolves, it's empires and "rebels".

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I don't get a headache because of Triyun: He's more of an energizer for me, since he gives me a reason to stick around CNRP. Besides, CNRP takes very little of my brainpower and time, given I dedicate those to work, anime, and WoT side-work (Japanese tank research).

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[quote name='Vidarr the Terrible' timestamp='1353395744' post='3054917']
[b] trai·tor[/b]
[trey-ter][color=#333333] noun[/color]
[color=#333333]1.[/color][color=#333333] a[/color] [color=#333333]person[/color] who [color=#333333]betrays[/color] [color=#333333]another,[/color] [color=#333333]a[/color] [color=#333333]cause,[/color] or any trust.
2. a [color=#333333]person[/color] [color=#333333]who[/color] [color=#333333]commits[/color] [color=#333333]treason[/color] by betraying his or [color=#333333]her[/color] country.

Gloval betrayed a trust, that's true. There is not an argument there. I posted the definition just because I wanted something to start off with.

That does not stop the fact that all of the screenshots I've seen are nothing more than high school !@#$ talking between a bunch of people taking a forum RP way too seriously. That goes for a good lot of you on either side of the story. Surprisingly though, I don't see Triyun as someone who takes CNRP too seriously. As much as I hate the fact that he's a landhog, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.[/quote]

I'm seeing Triyun and a whole lot of people calling this whole thing 'taking CNRP too seriously' sensationalists. A whole bunch of confidential messages posted out of order, without the contextual events taking place on the boards to explain what they mean. I'm getting tired repeating myself and can only summon up a hearty $%&@ you to Gloval for being the cause of this annoyance.

Edited by Executive Minister
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[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1353391184' post='3054884']

Anybody so dense that he hasn't realized that what happens in a fictional campaign and what happens in real life are separate shouldn't be calling anybody else dense. The underlying message here is that "if you threaten Africa, you're dead to me both in and out of characters"; alternatively, "if I feel a false sense of victimhood over a group writing game I'm going to become a petulant child".

This entire debacle just screams of childishness, from everybody involved, but I'm most disappointed in people like you who will literally go out of their way to specifically mention other people and how much you personally dislike them because of their actions over a game. I'm glad you're in Africa - I think the amount of toxicity radiating from people like you would be detrimental to the game if more than a handful of people ever picked it up.

I honestly don't know who Zoot Zoot is but he's got the right idea - if you simply can't bear to play with Triyun or Sarah Tintagyl or whoever the hell else, why not just pull your big boy pants up and distance yourself from them, instead of make in and out of character conspiracies to try to bring them down, subsequently throwing all this negativity and discord around. It's absolutely ridiculous.

Edited by Poseida
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So I want to say something...

(Mmmm...girl then you better say it.)

Thank you gospel-singer black woman in my head.

I skimmed through the arguments in the OOC thread and have seen my name thrown around a bit and I'd like to share my perspective on the recent happenings and what I honest think about them. Firstly, Gloval giving Triyun those screenshots really changes nothing about the game. No one was really surprised by this and as Eva said, the same thing happens on all sides of the board, the only difference is this is dirtry laundry out in the open. Am I or should anyone be personally surprised by this? Not at all. I remember when I went to Africa, when spy rolls started to happen I figured, I was really that welcome. This stuff really just confirmed what I was already thinking, but in going to Africa I had the following revelation.

I don't really know what I did to Executive Minister, I guess I abandoned him and did something along the lines of what I did to Vektor in the Nordic War of 2009. From what I remember it was a private channel that was supposed to foster Character-RP and then was involved in trying to curtail Triyun's rising influence. Then I quit the game for a bit and when I came back, Triyun offered me an RP to do with one of my Princesses. I'm not sure what I should have done, but since there is such vehemence I do honestly apologize, but its offered a new perspecitve.

If you look at the forums now, most people RP in separate camps, Africa, Eurasia, Kankou/Eva/Horo, and then a few independents like Shammy who bridge the gaps. This is nothing new and CNRP has always been this way, where most people RP by themselves or their 'close friends' and then you have a few others bridging gaps. This OOC fighting goes on, not because there are problems with the games, but because people like drama. Its not really needed in my mind, part of me would like to see a lot of people just go their separate ways and stop aruging. I wouldn't want Eurasia to fight Africa or KEH because people hate each other too much and its annoying. Personally, I'd want to fight someone like Cent or Shammy who will RP war the way I'd want to RP war. Going out on a limb here, I'd say EM would rather fight Mara, as they both have an affinity for tech warfare, then slugging through a !@#$%*fest with himself and Vektor/Cent.

What Gloval did was just continue to confirm my thoughts that no, we can't get along, and honestly, why should we? Personally, I would never want to even talk to EM, let alone RP with him and if there was a war, that means I'd have to speak with him. I'm pretty sure this is a sentiment around the forum as well. I look at the various wars with Kankou and how much OOC there is and then having to listen to her say about how much of a genius she is (or have Vektor say how much of a genius he is) in #cnrp, no one wants that.

I know this is a bit rambling, and I love what Poseida has written and I agree, its a fictional game, why take it seriously. I don't think I ever did, but after yesterday and being told to go $%&@ myself in talking about a GM rule I just don't really care about them anymore. People just can't get along. So again, EM, sorry for whatever I did to you from abandoning you, from leaving you out to dry, to being a manipulative !@#$%*. Have a good one.

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[quote name='Poseida' timestamp='1353419281' post='3054972']
Anybody so dense that he hasn't realized that what happens in a fictional campaign and what happens in real life are separate shouldn't be calling anybody else dense. The underlying message here is that "if you threaten Africa, you're dead to me both in and out of characters"; alternatively, "if I feel a false sense of victimhood over a group writing game I'm going to become a petulant child".

No, I'm pretty sure the underlying message here is, "You speak of that which you know nothing about Poseida," coupled with a lot of "Gee Poseida, you really lack reading comprehension skills when you get worked up about being so shocked and appalled at something you somehow feel the need to be shocked and appalled about."

Sarah was never a threat to Africa because we were quick to take steps to ensure her IC actions were dealt with promptly. We had every reason to quash her attacks on Africans. The fact that I might have taken personal relish at such an act is trivial - the only reason we talk about this now is because of private conversations being leaked. Everyone is entitled to their own, inner thoughts, just as much as you are entitled to this bear-baiting session with me now. I do not feel victimized - that would defeat the purpose of forming a military bloc to prevent such victimization from occurring.

This entire debacle just screams of childishness, from everybody involved, but I'm most disappointed in people like you who will literally go out of their way to specifically mention other people and how much you personally dislike them because of their actions over a game. I'm glad you're in Africa - I think the amount of toxicity radiating from people like you would be detrimental to the game if more than a handful of people ever picked it up.

I did not go out of my way to call out Sarah. That mantle belongs to Triyun and Gloval. Had I had my way about the matter, I would have kept the status quo and the skeletons in the closet and as minimal interaction as necessary to prevent conflict. Your indignation and continued lack of comprehension of the situation is astounding.

I honestly don't know who Zoot Zoot is but he's got the right idea - if you simply can't bear to play with Triyun or Sarah Tintagyl or whoever the hell else, why not just pull your big boy pants up and distance yourself from them, instead of make in and out of character conspiracies to try to bring them down, subsequently throwing all this negativity and discord around. It's absolutely ridiculous.

My big boy pants have been firmly wrapped around my ankles as I take a proverbial dump in my own territory, as I have done, and will continue to do now and in the future. I do not reach out to Sarah and Triyun, nor do I leave my African territory unless under special circumstances. Had you been here longer, you would have seen my tendency to RP either internal developments or attend a scant few public gatherings every once in a while and would realize how retarded you sound now.

I do not throw negativity and discord around, that initiative was taken by, again, Triyun and Gloval. The fact that people like you are so distressed at these conversations being posted is a testament to the fact that they should not have been posted at all, especially with the lack of context.

[quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' timestamp='1353422905' post='3054981']
I remember when I went to Africa, when spy rolls started to happen I figured, I was really that welcome.

Your actions were not welcome. Starting up racially motivated violence in anyone's backyard, especially a backyard he or she has taken up to protect, is a clear IC threat that needs to be locked down IC.

This stuff really just confirmed what I was already thinking, but in going to Africa I had the following revelation.

I don't really know what I did to Executive Minister, I guess I abandoned him and did something along the lines of what I did to Vektor in the Nordic War of 2009. From what I remember it was a private channel that was supposed to foster Character-RP and then was involved in trying to curtail Triyun's rising influence. Then I quit the game for a bit and when I came back, Triyun offered me an RP to do with one of my Princesses. I'm not sure what I should have done, but since there is such vehemence I do honestly apologize, but its offered a new perspecitve.

You have a funny memory. No apology is needed or asked for. I simply saw a side to you that not very many have in CNRP, and have made my choice regarding how much interaction i'd like to have with you based on that. I have made it perfectly clear where my loyalties and boundaries lie, and take active steps to ensure they are not violated. Everyone is entitled to this if they are willing to take the steps to ensure this.

What Gloval did was just continue to confirm my thoughts that no, we can't get along, and honestly, why should we? Personally, I would never want to even talk to EM, let alone RP with him and if there was a war, that means I'd have to speak with him. [b]I'm pretty sure this is a sentiment around the forum as well.[/b]

I doubt that.

I do not take steps to ensure others do not interact with you or show hostility to you. And even that leaked log made it perfectly clear that I did not want others to distance themselves from you or be hostile to you just because I do. The AUP is not a focus group, nor is it my personal therapy session. Everyone is entitled to their own thoughts about anyone else, and that privacy should be respected. I do not brainwash others to follow in my footsteps no matter how much Triyun or Gloval seem to want to portray that.

I know this is a bit rambling, and I love what Poseida has written and I agree, its a fictional game, why take it seriously. I don't think I ever did, but after yesterday and being told to go $%&@ myself in talking about a GM rule I just don't really care about them anymore. People just can't get along. So again, EM, sorry for whatever I did to you from abandoning you, from leaving you out to dry, to being a manipulative !@#$%*. Have a good one.

All the best to you and those who associate with you.

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[quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' timestamp='1353422905' post='3054981']
If you look at the forums now, most people RP in separate camps, Africa, Eurasia, [b]Kankou/Eva/Horo[/b], and then a few independents like Shammy who bridge the gaps. This is nothing new and CNRP has always been this way, where most people RP by themselves or their 'close friends' and then you have a few others bridging gaps. This OOC fighting goes on, not because there are problems with the games, but because people like drama. Its not really needed in my mind, part of me would like to see a lot of people just go their separate ways and stop aruging. I wouldn't want Eurasia to fight Africa or [b]KEH[/b] because people hate each other too much and its annoying. Personally, I'd want to fight someone like Cent or Shammy who will RP war the way I'd want to RP war. Going out on a limb here, I'd say EM would rather fight Mara, as they both have an affinity for tech warfare, then slugging through a !@#$%*fest with himself and Vektor/Cent.
Well, first, I'd rather not say Kankou/Eva/Horo. And if you say so, I think the best way is to see it as that. Kankou and Horo only have one tie through me. For better or worse, Horo keeps out of OOC affairs and I'd appreciate that people don't just throw him into a camp with Kankou and me, as it could create certain problems for Horo that he doesn't deserve at all.

Which however brings me to the next point...
[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1353423627' post='3054989']

besides we all know the only person in Kankou's camp is Kankou, which is the way she likes it.
Seemingly, there is not even a KE. I don't know what to say. Because I'm not Africa, I'm not Eurasia (or no longer), I'm not a bridge. Seemingly I'm without ties. I don't know, but I do get the feeling, to the community at large, I'm just a bit of dust, ignored, unimportant and swept away every now and then to clean the land of my presence. Maybe I brought it upon myself, maybe my assessment is wrong (I base it on the replies), maybe I should be happy to be ignored, looking for a corner noone ever cares about enough to sweep me out.

Also, KEH? Just because people don't own a continent, they get a lousy name. :(

Otherwise, I agree with you, Sarah.

Also, I like Justinians post.

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I had a nice little reply up to you, Executive Minister, but all you had to do was trot out this gem:

[quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] I simply saw a side to you that not very many have in CNRP[/quote][/font][/color]

[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]And it showed me just how obsessed you are. Get over it, get over yourself, and stop making this roleplay an exercise in how to alienate people over a game. And go ahead, call me a retard again. It [i]really[/i] reinforces your argument you don't personally go after people because they disagree with you.[/font][/color]

Edited by Poseida
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[quote name='Poseida' timestamp='1353429302' post='3055008']
I had a nice little reply up to you, Executive Minister, but all you had to do was trot out this gem:

[color=#282828][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif]And it showed me just how obsessed you are. Get over it, get over yourself, and stop making this roleplay an exercise in how to alienate people over a game. And go ahead, call me a retard again. It [i]really[/i] reinforces your argument you don't personally go after people because they disagree with you.[/font][/color]

I will do no such thing... retard. :P

Seriously though, you have no right to dictate who I will and will not associate with (even after my repeated attempts to explain to you that I do not, infact seek to alienate anyone). I do not go after people, especially because they disagree with me. I simply choose not to associate myself with people if I feel I do not wish to do so. It's really quite a simple concept to grasp, Poseida.

In any case, you have fire, if not misguided. Keep it up in CNRP and you will do well.

EDIT: Just a thing I noticed with your repeated comments at me about 'going after people that disagree with me'. I never called YOU retarded, I said your comments sounded retarded or were retarded because they could not be any farther from the truth regarding this image you've developed of me going out to attack Sarah OOC, or making pains to ensure our RPs cross so I can bully her or whatnot.

That being said, I still disagree with your comments and views heartily.

Edited by Executive Minister
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[quote]My big boy pants have been firmly wrapped around my ankles as I take a proverbial dump in my own territory, as I have done, and will continue to do now and in the future. I do not reach out to Sarah and Triyun, nor do I leave my African territory unless under special circumstances. Had you been here longer, you would have seen my tendency to RP either internal developments or attend a scant few public gatherings every once in a while and would realize how retarded you sound now.

No good visual imagery comes from this.

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