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Thank you BigWoody and Doitzel for joining me tonight. Next week we have New Reverie and 1 guest yet to be determined. File will be hosted as soon as Jeoh wakes up to do it. THANK YOU to the 26 people who tuned in.

I will be free next thursday *cough cough*

I am also smart and interesting :awesome:

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Airme, I enjoy the show greatly. I have a question, near and dear to my heart, that I'd be interested in hearing you and the guests discuss.

Where is the OOC/IC line? Both Bigwoody and Doitzel referenced OOC events as some of the worst moments in CN history (Doitzel mentioned the Moldavi rebellion where folks took things personally (i.e. OOC)) and Bigwoody mentioned the 404 incident.)

I joined this community right after the Unjust War/Great War 4, and frankly, I have seen very few IC reasons for major wars. As I'm an observer first and foremost I have developed a theory. Call it the 'Cops and Robbers' theory.

From my research of events in the cyber wiki, it appears that initially wars were fought for mostly IC reasons. As time has gone on, under my Cops and Robbers theory, alliances have gotten more careful IC, resulting in less reasons for them to be attacked. It reminds of the situation that Cops and Robbers face, i.e., Cops develop new technologies to solve crimes, which result in Robbers finding new ways to commit crimes in a way that nullifies the technological advances. The Cops react and develop new technologies and round and round they go. By the way, I am assigning no one as 'Cops' or 'Robbers,' just using that paradigm to explain a proliferation of OOC reasons for IC attacks.

What is your opinion on the phenomenon of OOC reasons having IC consequences? Is it an unwelcome development in the game in your opinion? If so, is there any way to stem the tide? What do you and your guests think that we, as average players, can do to keep the OOC stuff just that, OOC?

I appreciate your time, and I really enjoy the shows. I thought the guest segment was great. I have to admit, I was totally thrown by Doitzel's accent.

Once again, thanks, and keep up the great work, Airme.



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Great show.

What's your opinion on neutral alliances?

Do you feel that diplomacy / allies has replaced combat proficiency in terms of who becomes successful and retains power in CN?

Does PR matter anymore, or is communication with impact confined to IRC / forums?

Why is there few breaks in the treaty web? (nearly everyone is aligned either directly or indirectly)

What is it about this game that keeps you interested?

Are Cybernation's best days behind us or ahead of us? (this was asked to ES, I wondered what you think).

Edited by Black Death
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I haven't listened to Ep. 3 yet, but I greatly enjoyed Ep. 2. Word of caution though, try not to make it too ranty otherwise it'll just come off as propaganda. I think you are being honest and I appreciate that, but there were a few times when I thought maybe you were just a bit bitter. I'm firmly in the MK camp and think you guys are all class acts and amazing fighters so I hope I can stay these things without sounding like a troll.

Downloading Ep. 3 right now. Thanks!

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I haven't listened to Ep. 3 yet, but I greatly enjoyed Ep. 2. Word of caution though, try not to make it too ranty otherwise it'll just come off as propaganda. I think you are being honest and I appreciate that, but there were a few times when I thought maybe you were just a bit bitter. I'm firmly in the MK camp and think you guys are all class acts and amazing fighters so I hope I can stay these things without sounding like a troll.

Downloading Ep. 3 right now. Thanks!

Over 2 years in the game....Im bound to be bitter over something :P I am being as fair as I possibly can. And I always am honest. I answer every question to the best of my abilities.

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