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Just now, DeathAdder said:


I'm still waiting for evidence of your nations being under PZI. Been waiting for months.


Errr...  Evidence of nations under PZI


Holding my alliance in a permanent state of war without providing any form of conversation to discuss terms of surrender apart from a comment of LoD to Burn our Warchests.  Yeah to me that's PZI...

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1 minute ago, Stewie said:


Errr...  Evidence of nations under PZI


Holding my alliance in a permanent state of war without providing any form of conversation to discuss terms of surrender apart from a comment of LoD to Burn our Warchests.  Yeah to me that's PZI...


Actual PZI would be keeping the people who go inactive at war when they return, instead of cutting them loose when they surrender, as we have been doing.

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5 minutes ago, Stewie said:

Holding my alliance in a permanent state of war without providing any form of conversation to discuss terms of surrender apart from a comment of LoD to Burn our Warchests.  Yeah to me that's PZI...


And covering the staggers like mad, at least on me. I've been at war since 7/31/19. I could've slipped away a few times, maybe, if I held out. But, getting out of nuke anarchy and being able to launch 4 more wars on FTW is too tempting.


I still have not launched a war on any nation outside of FTW.

Edited by Thrash
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2 minutes ago, Thrash said:

But, getting out of nuke anarchy and being able to launch 4 more wars on FTW is too tempting.


The fact that both CLAWS and IRON are on this front and signed the Declaration of War and the fact that you want to keep their ally at war isn't going to convince them to come to the table, nor does it convince me/anyone else in NPO that you aren't going to just continue the previous rogue wars that this World has witnessed from NG for over a year.

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13 minutes ago, DeathAdder said:


The fact that both CLAWS and IRON are on this front and signed the Declaration of War and the fact that you want to keep their ally at war isn't going to convince them to come to the table, nor does it convince me/anyone else in NPO that you aren't going to just continue the previous rogue wars that this World has witnessed from NG for over a year.


Errr...  FTW isn't a rogue war.


It has one of the best CB's in years...  Hence why People like Thrash, Rabonnobar and RV joined NG

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5 minutes ago, Stewie said:


Errr...  FTW isn't a rogue war.


It has one of the best CB's in years...  Hence why People like Thrash, Rabonnobar and RV joined NG


It was declared by Caustic, before you returned, while NG still claimed it was roguing out. The fact you decided to reactivate doesn't retroactively change that fact. I don't care why others joined your Alliance, or whether or not they agree it was a justifiable CB.


I know this because Caustic attempted poaching members, all the way up to Imperial, with the incentive of roguing out with a last bang on a top AA.

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10 minutes ago, DeathAdder said:


It was declared by Caustic, before you returned, while NG still claimed it was roguing out. The fact you decided to reactivate doesn't retroactively change that fact. I don't care why others joined your Alliance, or whether or not they agree it was a justifiable CB.


I know this because Caustic attempted poaching members, all the way up to Imperial, with the incentive of roguing out with a last bang on a top AA.


And caustic is no longer NG leadership...

This would be like one of us going after Brehon or Red for their actions.

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1 minute ago, Stewie said:


And caustic is no longer NG leadership...

This would be like one of us going after Brehon or Red for their actions.


Caustic was the one who threatened IRON which activated Oculus to intervene, after the war had started on FTW and had been going on for ~a month.


Claiming neither front was NG roguing out is invalid.

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4 minutes ago, DeathAdder said:


Caustic was the one who threatened IRON which activated Oculus to intervene, after the war had started on FTW and had been going on for ~a month.


Claiming neither front was NG roguing out is invalid.


As I said












Non Grata





If you had beef with Caustic - could have had a discussion.  Not gone all World Police.




War was declared by BloodFury not by Caustic.  Get it right Scrub.

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That's one way to get post count up...🏋️‍♀️ Never Surrender NGers!!!! :war:

At least not until after I have to jump out of any range for wonders!

Peace is a Lie and all that mumbo jumbo brochachos!!! 🍌💧Ya'll look thirsty!!!🗿NGers4lyfe and all that!?! 🤘🖕

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7 minutes ago, Stewie said:


As I said












Non Grata





If you had beef with Caustic - could have had a discussion.  Not gone all World Police.




War was declared by BloodFury not by Caustic.  Get it right Scrub.


Caustic, as leader at the time, did speak for NG.


Caustic, as leader at the time, organized the poaching.


I don't care which puppet he got to post the DoW. Over 60% of the community agreed that


1. He was leading NG.

2. NG was roguing out.

3. He was the mastermind behind organizing the FTW attacks/poaching members from Sovereign AAs

4. He was the one who directly threatened IRON, as leader of NG, and activated Oculus.

Edited by DeathAdder
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17 minutes ago, DeathAdder said:


Caustic, as leader at the time, did speak for NG.


Caustic, as leader at the time, organized the poaching.


I don't care which puppet he got to post the DoW. Over 60% of the community agreed that


1. He was leading NG.

2. NG was roguing out.

3. He was the mastermind behind organizing the FTW attacks/poaching members from Sovereign AAs

4. He was the one who directly threatened IRON, as leader of NG, and activated Oculus.


So why didn't you just make your terms the removal of Caustic? Ya know, like it was done in the old days.

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2 minutes ago, Thrash said:


So why didn't you just make your terms the removal of Caustic? Ya know, like it was done in the old days.



Because I came back probably.  And i masterminded a lot of shenanigans back in the early days of NG


Poor Arrnea

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Just now, Stewie said:



Because I came back probably.  And i masterminded a lot of shenanigans back in the early days of NG


But you did none of the things claimed in the DoW and here we are. Go figure.


Just now, Stewie said:


Poor Arrnea


I have absolutely zero sympathy for Arrnea.

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33 minutes ago, DeathAdder said:

Circular arguing isn't going to get you anywhere.


You know where to find us when you're ready to get serious and admit to the mistakes of the leader you inherited the war from and move on.


Until then, enjoy the casualties.


I've already spoken with Joseph Black and said we would do so.




But I guess the message never got delivered

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4 hours ago, DeathAdder said:


Most of our newbs apply via the recruiting messages that get sent out to new nations. Very few come from other [ooc]games/sites[/ooc], unless they learned about CN on them. The advertising for the [ooc]game[/ooc] is very lacking. You're lucky if you get 20 NN's a day now.



P. sure Ivan is disgusted with CN in general, not Pacifica. Last I heard, he still plays NS.

That's a lie if I've ever heard one.

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12 hours ago, Stewie said:

[...] many of your leadership have been [busy] until recently..


Since this is beyond the game I don't have to be neutral about it. CN is plagued and has long been plagued by this sort of stuff.

Those heavily involved* into it should totally be ashamed for what they did and continue to do, which is a large, decisive part of what led countless players - some of which had developed much much better, interesting and entertaining characters than most, e.g. Shattenmann - and whole communities to lose interest into the game. This game has been killed by multiple factors, one of which is undoubtedly the rampant cheating that has almost always remained unaddressed... Which last thing leads to the necessary corollary, that the admin and the moderators haven't been doing - definitely not well enough, at least - what they had declared was their job, i.e. policing the game to try keep it as fair as possible. TBH I don't wish to complain too much about them, the admin gave us a free game and it's his to take care of, after all - it's his right to let it collapse and he is definitely entitled to spend his time on something else! - and the mods have always been unpaid volounteers which too often had to do with childish crap put forth by whiny, rude and toxic players.

Talking of which, Stewie, my friend, I am afraid that, before complaining about others, you should think a bit about the people you and your friends supported for that many years in this game. On April 6th 2019 the top nation in this game, Jerel, lost almost 60k tech, that (evidently) had been received from multies. To provide some perspective, I'll have you notice that only a 55-ish nations currently have 60k total tech levels or more, i.e. of the over 600k nations simulated this far one out of maybe 7,000 or 9,000 (or more) ever had an overall tech level that matched what has been removed from Jerel only. Furthermore, Jerel probably received (much) more tech - and in unknown quantities - from multies, but the evidence collected by the mods didn't allow them to identify all of it.

Since DBDC nations used to receive tech from the same tech farms, and did so for years, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that Cuba, "unstoppable" (I'll let you figure out his in-game name) and others also received tens of thousands of tech levels from illegal sources. Then, let's take into account the tech raided from other nations thanks to that illegally hoarded firepower. Let's talk of the immense quantity of land raided as well. Let's talk of the huge money reserves also collected thanks to that land. Let's talk of the incessant and annoying harassment of other players - in and outside the game - for and about suggestions posted in the Suggestion box forum to try address the imbalance that had been introduced into the game by such cheating on top of flawed game mechanics.

Was all of this visible and clear to the casual observer? Heck, yes! It's several years that I only pay some marginal attention to this remnant of a game and it has always been crystal clear to me. Obviously I didn't and I don't know the fine details, I hadn't hard evidence (it wasn't my job to collect it and I didn't have the means either), but the general picture is totally there and evident to be seen by anyone, which incidentally and as said above can also explain why people continued to leave in disgust.

Back to you, Stewie, how have you been aligned, and where has your in-game friendship been, with regard to the DBDC and affiliates, all these years? Can you really point your finger to the NPO? These are honest questions, for all I know your answers may surprise some, and me too.


In general, to you massive cheaters out there, I honestly and sincerely shake my head, you sad losers. You don't win anything by cheating in CN and you forever lose the opportunity to demonstrate, foremost to yourself, what you could have done and achieved by playing fair. Try work on your lack of self-confidence because your human prospects don't look good, otherwise.

In your current state, all an honest person could do with you is to fart in your general direction.


* And yes, players that lead the New Pacific Order, I'm totally talking of you too - you don't need to figure it out -  and calling you out. And I mean all of you in the Pacifican leadership all the way back to several years ago, since those at the top - even if not directly involved, and honestly I seriously doubt it, anyway - would have had to be beyond dumb not to realize what was and is going on under their nose.




10 hours ago, Stewie said:

Poor Arrnea

Side issue but: what has Arrnea to do with anything, now?

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8 minutes ago, jerdge said:


Since this is beyond the game I don't have to be neutral about it. CN is plagued and has long been plagued by this sort of stuff.

Those heavily involved* into it should totally be ashamed for what they did and continue to do, which is a large, decisive part of what led countless players - some of which had developed much much better, interesting and entertaining characters than most, e.g. Shattenmann - and whole communities to lose interest into the game. This game has been killed by multiple factors, one of which is undoubtedly the rampant cheating that has almost always remained unaddressed... Which last thing leads to the necessary corollary, that the admin and the moderators haven't been doing - definitely not well enough, at least - what they had declared was their job, i.e. policing the game to try keep it as fair as possible. TBH I don't wish to complain too much about them, the admin gave us a free game and it's his to take care of, after all - it's his right to let it collapse and he is definitely entitled to spend his time on something else! - and the mods have always been unpaid volounteers which too often had to do with childish crap put forth by whiny, rude and toxic players.

Talking of which, Stewie, my friend, I am afraid that, before complaining about others, you should think a bit about the people you and your friends supported for that many years in this game. On April 6th 2019 the top nation in this game, Jerel, lost almost 60k tech, that (evidently) had been received from multies. To provide some perspective, I'll have you notice that only a 55-ish nations currently have 60k total tech levels or more, i.e. of the over 600k nations simulated this far one out of maybe 7,000 or 9,000 (or more) ever had an overall tech level that matched what has been removed from Jerel only. Furthermore, Jerel probably received (much) more tech - and in unknown quantities - from multies, but the evidence collected by the mods didn't allow them to identify all of it.

Since DBDC nations used to receive tech from the same tech farms, and did so for years, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that Cuba, "unstoppable" (I'll let you figure out his in-game name) and others also received tens of thousands of tech levels from illegal sources. Then, let's take into account the tech raided from other nations thanks to that illegally hoarded firepower. Let's talk of the immense quantity of land raided as well. Let's talk of the huge money reserves also collected thanks to that land. Let's talk of the incessant and annoying harassment of other players - in and outside the game - for and about suggestions posted in the Suggestion box forum to try address the imbalance that had been introduced into the game by such cheating on top of flawed game mechanics.

Was all of this visible and clear to the casual observer? Heck, yes! It's several years that I only pay some marginal attention to this remnant of a game and it has always been crystal clear to me. Obviously I didn't and I don't know the fine details, I hadn't hard evidence (it wasn't my job to collect it and I didn't have the means either), but the general picture is totally there and evident to be seen by anyone, which incidentally and as said above can also explain why people continued to leave in disgust.

Back to you, Stewie, how have you been aligned, and where has your in-game friendship been, with regard to the DBDC and affiliates, all these years? Can you really point your finger to the NPO? These are honest questions, for all I know your answers may surprise some, and me too.


In general, to you massive cheaters out there, I honestly and sincerely shake my head, you sad losers. You don't win anything by cheating in CN and you forever lose the opportunity to demonstrate, foremost to yourself, what you could have done and achieved by playing fair. Try work on your lack of self-confidence because your human prospects don't look good, otherwise.

In your current state, all an honest person could do with you is to fart in your general direction.


* And yes, players that lead the New Pacific Order, I'm totally talking of you too - you don't need to figure it out -  and calling you out. And I mean all of you in the Pacifican leadership all the way back to several years ago, since those at the top - even if not directly involved, and honestly I seriously doubt it, anyway - would have had to be beyond dumb not to realize what was and is going on under their nose.




Side issue but: what has Arrnea to do with anything, now?


When NG first formed we went after some of IFOK and SLCB's enemies 


IE UPN, SoSBrigade etc


RE; my past allies


Cuba got his initial tech boost from winning some rounds of TE then realised that land raiding was a thing so a load of upper tiers who were up for raiding started raiding and they got their stupidly high levels of land.  The tech came afterwards from a load of lower tier nations who were organised by Ghost and Lord Hershey after certain Doomhouse alliances and TOP disbanded.  Were they multis?  I always suspected some of them may have been but I never had any proof.  The tech I recieved from them aftet I left GPA was always from nations I was in IRC channels with and at the time I was more interested in using them as a hammer to hit alliances damaging me and mine or as a form of MAD for upper tier warfare


Whether Doomhouse for a longer period of time used GOONS nations as multis to feed TOP, Umb and MK.  I have no idea.  I was neutral up until PB-Orders.


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