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The Lannister Factor Radio Program

The Zigur

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...How is a merger Francoist, inherently? Why do you think you need to implicate that ideology with every act within CN?

Why do you think he only contains it to CN?

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Because before Francoism "in that other realm" there was never a reason for war and no one ever made agreements to defend each other ... You can thank Francoism for these revolutionary concepts .. 


Where did I ever say war was always bad? I quite vocally supported war against your Neo-Imperialist regime last year.

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Where did I say you said it was bad? I think your delusions are blocking your view again.


Not sure what exactly your point was, because "wars" in that other realm bear little resemblance to the combat of this one. It was Francoist thought which really made concepts like the MDP, Casus Belli, and Hegemony not just popular, but also dominant on Planet Bob.

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You are !@#$@#$ moron if you think that 'Francoism' led to those real-life concepts being applied to cybernations. They're products of game mechanics, and inspired by reality. There is no ownership over such things. There are simply conventions and while normative, are not by any means something to write essays on.



Unless you're studying human behaviour within a closed system.

Edited by RevolutionaryRebel
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You are !@#$@#$ moron if you think that 'Francoism' led to those real-life concepts being applied to cybernations. They're products of game mechanics, and inspired by reality. There is no ownership over such things. There are simply conventions and while normative, are not by any means something to write essays on.



Unless you're studying human behaviour within a closed system.


How different would history be if NPO never existed in this realm? If the /b/tards won Great War III and became dominant? If Ivan Moldavi successfully seized power back from Moo? We find that the early history of this world has invariably revolved around decisions made in Francograd, and thus that Vladimirist-Francoist thought had a very important role in the foundation of the Hegemony. Only with a strong ideology and leadership can a Hegemony again be restored.

Edited by Tywin Lannister
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What you mean to be saying - seeing as the dogma you speak of was and is entirely a contrived excuse for keeping and defending supremacy at the time, is that the art of using drivel as a pretence for controlling world politics  was encouraged by NPO.


Without NPO, there would have been others in a similar mould and in fact, there were similarly-driven alliances. The problem with your entire frame of mind is that you are making a false correlation between the nebulous pretence of 'hegemony/stability' and the vibrancy of earlier times. The relationship was anything but causal, and I recall distinctly the manner in which folk were driven from the game even back then by ridiculous policies of conquest, extortion and avarice. The world prospered in spite of NPO, not because of it, and if anything, NPO's slide from supremacy inspired a period of fleeting cosmopolitan freedom. Policies are a product of their times, and ultimately, as the world shrinks, so too must we reject concepts encouraging stagnation, which is the true end product of 'stability'.


The way to salvation comes through acceptance of oblivion; by recognising and accepting chaos as a force essential to quality of life. Through chaos comes change, action, life and pleasure. Without these gifts, the world itself would stand still forever, trapped in its own hubristic mantras. By reviling chaos and entropy, we deny the truth. We deny ourselves the freedom to be happy and to experience everything the world has to offer.


Even back then, the very existence of chaos and the efforts to suppress it gave the world meaning. Nowadays, we see another wave of attempts to stifle creativity and diversity. As diversity is lost, so too is culture and the joy it brings. Without joy, there can be no pleasure and without pleasure, all things die.


Embrace chaos, mortal

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Awesome radio show, If you need some songs I'd be happy to contribute, here's a sample of my work:


We can raid if we want to
We can leave allies behind
Cause your ally don't raid
And if they don't raid
We'll they're no ally of mine
we can grow how we want to 
A place where they will never climb
and we can act like we come from outta this Bob
Leave the real Bob far behind
We can raid
[old school electro music pause]
We can grow how we want to,
the game was bored and so was I
and we can act real sweet
though they say we cheat
then surprise'em with a doombird cry
We can act how we want to
If we don't nobody will
And you can act real rude
and totally removed
And I can act like an imbecile
I say, we can raid
We can raid
Everythings outta control
We can Raid
We can Raid
We're doing it from pole to pole
We can Raid
We can Raid
Everybody look at your lands
We can Raid
We can Raid
Everytime we're taking a chaa-a-a-ance
Safety Raid
Is it safe to raid, Oh is it safe to raid
Is it safe to raid......
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Awesome radio show, If you need some songs I'd be happy to contribute, here's a sample of my work:
We can raid if we want to
We can leave allies behind
Cause your ally don't raid
And if they don't raid
We'll they're no ally of mine
we can grow how we want to 
A place where they will never climb
and we can act like we come from outta this Bob
Leave the real Bob far behind
We can raid
[old school electro music pause]
We can grow how we want to,
the game was bored and so was I
and we can act real sweet
though they say we cheat
then surprise'em with a doombird cry
We can act how we want to
If we don't nobody will
And you can act real rude
and totally removed
And I can act like an imbecile
I say, we can raid
We can raid
Everythings outta control
We can Raid
We can Raid
We're doing it from pole to pole
We can Raid
We can Raid
Everybody look at your lands
We can Raid
We can Raid
Everytime we're taking a chaa-a-a-ance
Safety Raid
Is it safe to raid, Oh is it safe to raid
Is it safe to raid......

I now want a dancing midget in a jesters outfit
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What you mean to be saying - seeing as the dogma you speak of was and is entirely a contrived excuse for keeping and defending supremacy at the time, is that the art of using drivel as a pretence for controlling world politics  was encouraged by NPO.


Without NPO, there would have been others in a similar mould and in fact, there were similarly-driven alliances. The problem with your entire frame of mind is that you are making a false correlation between the nebulous pretence of 'hegemony/stability' and the vibrancy of earlier times. The relationship was anything but causal, and I recall distinctly the manner in which folk were driven from the game even back then by ridiculous policies of conquest, extortion and avarice. The world prospered in spite of NPO, not because of it, and if anything, NPO's slide from supremacy inspired a period of fleeting cosmopolitan freedom. Policies are a product of their times, and ultimately, as the world shrinks, so too must we reject concepts encouraging stagnation, which is the true end product of 'stability'.


The way to salvation comes through acceptance of oblivion; by recognising and accepting chaos as a force essential to quality of life. Through chaos comes change, action, life and pleasure. Without these gifts, the world itself would stand still forever, trapped in its own hubristic mantras. By reviling chaos and entropy, we deny the truth. We deny ourselves the freedom to be happy and to experience everything the world has to offer.


Even back then, the very existence of chaos and the efforts to suppress it gave the world meaning. Nowadays, we see another wave of attempts to stifle creativity and diversity. As diversity is lost, so too is culture and the joy it brings. Without joy, there can be no pleasure and without pleasure, all things die.


Embrace chaos, mortal


When I first heard of Francoism, I thought the idea of a specialized ideology for this realm was absurd. In fact, throughout most of 2007, I was bombarded with notions of how "bad" NPO was by my libertarian confederates. But curiosity got the better of it, and after reading "The Meaning of Freedom" and talking to Vladimir I began to appreciate just how special it was, and I found a desire to replicated it in IAA and elsewhere. It is only drivel if you neglect to put forward the effort to understand it.


Francoism is partially a study of material conditions, so you are correct that if there was no NPO, others would have fit the mould... somewhat. However, lacking a good understanding of material conditions means others would have been less efficient and more barbarian in nature. Thus I highly doubt that the Hegemony at its peak would have thrived without the Francoist leadership of the early NPO, which still retained the revolutionary characteristics brought over from that other realm.


In the latter Hegemony, during which time NPO transferred to raw Imperialism, you are correct that there was corruption and poor leadership. This, however, was not a failure of Francoism, it was a failure of NPO which had departed Francoism. The inherent contradictions between Imperialism and Hegemony began to manifest which were exploited by Vox Populi, among others. If the Hegemony had remained Francoist in nature, the Hegemony would never have fallen.


Thus in the eternal struggle between Order and Chaos, we have, on the one hand, those who would return us to a period of enlightened Hegemony, and in the other, those who would push us over the precipice and break down the borders of alliances. We all might have our preferences in this matter, but the population of this world has declined in the post-Karma period. It is much harder to thrive in the chaotic, patronism induced environment of philosophies like friends > infra, than it is in a lawful, stable period where all can reach their full potential and pick the winning side. Francoism contributes to the latter.

Edited by Tywin Lannister
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Because before Francoism "in that other realm" there was never a reason for war and no one ever made agreements to defend each other ... You can thank Francoism for these revolutionary concepts ..

You are mistaken, comrade. There was war in that other realm, and there were agreements of mutual defense.
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You are mistaken, comrade. There was war in that other realm, and there were agreements of mutual defense.

That was a completely facetious response to Tywin directly above it, I'm quite aware the concepts existed before francoism ..
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How different would history be if NPO never existed in this realm? If the /b/tards won Great War III and became dominant? If Ivan Moldavi successfully seized power back from Moo? We find that the early history of this world has invariably revolved around decisions made in Francograd, and thus that Vladimirist-Francoist thought had a very important role in the foundation of the Hegemony. Only with a strong ideology and leadership can a Hegemony again be restored.


The biggest impact that /b/ had on GW3 was to make the boards and game go down for a few days :P

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