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A Post-Rehab Announcement

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I would like to respectfully submit my candidacy for dueling you when the appropriate time presents itself. buddy. I shall then chose someone to fight-in--my-stead via reliable proxy representative.

I would be happy to duel you if we're ever within NS range. I'll even go easy on you and avoid nukes, if you don't have them yourself yet.

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It's time to step away and take a deep breath, No one, and I mean NO ONE is on the same respect level as Rey.

You're right about that, maybe I was to hard on him. Rey is on a level of his own. To put someone else on the same list would diminish the accuracy of it.

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PaulTheSmall is hiding in peace mode like a toddler hiding behind his mother's skirt. The second he comes out, I'll shove a nuke where the sun don't shine. Stonewall is on his way down to nothing. You will soon be keelhauled through the entire alliance. You talk a big game about how this is just awesome and act like this was secretly your super special plan all along, but we can all see you're trying to save face after poking the bear and getting bit. Reap the seeds of your stoopid.

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Good. I will now ask around for players to dog-pile you so that I may claim victory. :)

I said I would be happy to duel you, if others duel me; then I can only claim victory over them. I need to duel you directly, as a follow up if anyone duels me on your behalf.

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I said I would be happy to duel you, if others duel me; then I can only claim victory over them. I need to duel you directly, as a follow up if anyone duels me on your behalf.


Nope. I'm going to get some shmuck to proxy battle you, Methrage. 

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PaulTheSmall is hiding in peace mode like a toddler hiding behind his mother's skirt. The second he comes out, I'll shove a nuke where the sun don't shine. Stonewall is on his way down to nothing. You will soon be keelhauled through the entire alliance. You talk a big game about how this is just awesome and act like this was secretly your super special plan all along, but we can all see you're trying to save face after poking the bear and getting bit. Reap the seeds of your stoopid.

Paul is in peace mode for a reason. Stonewall told him to be. He'll come out when Stonewall wants him to. I'm leaving Stonewall in charge of dealing with you small fries. Also Stonewall will keep getting aid, so he will keep sending nukes. No matter what damage you do to him, it will simply be rebuilt.

Edited by Methrage
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Paul is in peace mode for a reason. Stonewall told him to be. He'll come out when Stonewall wants him to. I'm leaving Stonewall in charge of dealing with you small fries.

Enemy of the Nexus is victorious as of this post. All enemy combatants available with a warchest have been deemed pussies.

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Enemy of the Nexus is victorious as of this post. All enemy combatants available with a warchest have been deemed !@#$%*^.


Did you win at being the least respected player in CN? As that seems to be the only thing people are in agreement on. If being the least respected player ever is a Victory for you, then that is pathetic. You will never achieve nuclear weapons in your nations existence and never earn anyone's respect.

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You lost with your callout thread and you've lost with everything you've done since. You claim to "protect" Kashmir, but instead you pull on their heart strings to cause them to make foolish decisions which are costing them greatly. They could of taken close a 100 million for letting stonewall go, but them feeling obligated to protect you has caused them to take massive damage instead; while getting nothing in return.


You'll never be able to return your debt to them and regardless of their efforts, you still won't be protected.


Is the close to 100 million mentioned here the large sum of money offered to Kashmir? Because I could swear they mentioned 200 million in stolen aid and several nuke rogue incidences. In which case the large sum seems to fall short for damages done by the former Kashmir member.

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Is the close to 100 million mentioned here the large sum of money offered to Kashmir? Because I could swear they mentioned 200 million in stolen aid and several nuke rogue incidences. In which case the large sum seems to fall short for damages done by the former Kashmir member.

Why would I pay for whatever dumb mistakes Kashmir made? If they gave him money and regret it now, that is their problem. They should be wiser on who they send their money to. I don't see how someone can "steal" 200 million, when the most you can take in a raid is $1m and the most you can fit in an aid slot is $9m if both nations have FAC.


So the only way someone could have such a large sum stolen from them is extreme incompetence on a level that doesn't even make sense to me. They've been attacking him for 2 months or so, but had stopped by the time he applied to join my alliance. The only reason I offered them $90m was so they would stop attacking him, so he could focus his attacks soley on Rey. The offer to give them any money is gone now, since they rejected the offer and were primarily interested in Rey being released as an Enemy of Nexus.


When they wanted me to remove Rey from the Enemy of Nexus list, when having Stonewall attack Rey was the main reason I wanted their attacks on him to stop; that removed any incentive for me to pay them anything. This $200m figure doesn't make sense to me, but I offered them $90m so they could walk away with some money and avoid war. They thought protecting Rey was at least as important as the money, so we couldn't come to a deal. Although the money I offered was out of respect of some members of Kashmir and wanting to see if they were willing to stop protecting Rey.


Also war is always damaging, you can never really fit enough money in slots to cover damages done in war. The damage they'll receive for choosing to protect Rey will probably far exceed this $200m figure in damage they claim stonewall caused them in the past. They say they don't favor PZI, but wanted to be able to attack Stonewall for a limitless period of time.


Quite the coincidence they suddenly decided to start new wars against stonewall, after they had ceased; when stonewall joined my alliance and attacked Rey for me. Seems like they're just using their previous war with Stonewall as an excuse to try protecting Rey. This stolen aid figure doesn't make sense, since you can't really steal aid. What kind of alliance dedicates the slots required to pump $200m into a nation and then expects them to pay it back? 


They would of had to use ~33.3 aid slots to send him that money and then he would of had to use ~33.3 aid slots to send that much out. Maximizing slot usuge, you can only have 6 active slots per 10 days. So it would of taken about 55 days to send him that money maximizing slot usage and they would of needed to expect him to be in their servitude with all his slots for another 55 days to pay it back, if that was the plan. So these claims of stolen money seem very dubious, you can't force a nation into servitude while maximizing their slot usage for over 100 days and not expect it to backfire.

Edited by Methrage
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Enemy of the Nexus is victorious as of this post. All enemy combatants available with a warchest have been deemed !@#$%*^.




I've got the belt and the time to wait.





You think you can stop me from making it a "Three Time, Three Time, Three Time, Three Time World Champ'en!"?

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So for all the bravado Cockrage is throwing around here about how his nation can be rebuilt and immortal, but Rey's nation is being so utterly destroyed and yada yada yada ..... Are you forgetting where you mentioned a couple pages ago in surprise that Rey has friends too? Do you not realize this means his nation is just as .... "Immortal" ... As yours?

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So for all the bravado Cockrage is throwing around here about how his nation can be rebuilt and immortal, but Rey's nation is being so utterly destroyed and yada yada yada ..... Are you forgetting where you mentioned a couple pages ago in surprise that Rey has friends too? Do you not realize this means his nation is just as .... "Immortal" ... As yours?

Personally I don't think he can see past the end of his nose with all the BS he is sprouting.

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So for all the bravado Cockrage is throwing around here about how his nation can be rebuilt and immortal, but Rey's nation is being so utterly destroyed and yada yada yada ..... Are you forgetting where you mentioned a couple pages ago in surprise that Rey has friends too? Do you not realize this means his nation is just as .... "Immortal" ... As yours?

Come at me bro. You sure like to talk a lot, but aren't very strong. You and Rey have that in common. You two were made for each other.

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Come at me bro. You sure like to talk a lot, but aren't very strong. You and Rey have that in common. You two were made for each other.

I'm almost certain at this point that you think someone's intelligence, courage, whatever also comes from their NS. There's no other way for you to keep talking about inane bullshit like this every post.
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I'm almost certain at this point that you think someone's intelligence, courage, whatever also comes from their NS. There's no other way for you to keep talking about inane !@#$%^&* like this every post.

Moldavi had zero NS, yet he is one of the greatest leaders CN has ever seen. So you have no idea what you're talking about. You don't know how I think, since you are incapable of thinking on the same level.

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Moldavi had zero NS, yet he is one of the greatest leaders CN has ever seen. So you have no idea what you're talking about. You don't know how I think, since you are incapable of thinking on the same level.

You're right, I don't get frequent nosebleeds when I try to solve basic math.
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