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World Map of CNRP2


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alright i gotten an reply from him but he said no, but there is an upside to this he said i could have part of the Ukraine.

In order to have your new nation added to the map, you must RP its declaration of existence and link to it in this thread, along with your territorial claims.
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The map looks good but just two things, Bio also has those parts marked as Cirenaica on the map.


Also would it be possible to get a different colour? The way it looks now Carthage has a colour very similar to the Northlands which has land just north of it and not that dissimilar from Alexandria? Perhaps Royal Blue(#002366) or Maroon(#800000)

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The map looks good but just two things, Bio also has those parts marked as Cirenaica on the map.


Also would it be possible to get a different colour? The way it looks now Carthage has a colour very similar to the Northlands which has land just north of it and not that dissimilar from Alexandria? Perhaps Royal Blue(#002366) or Maroon(#800000)

don't complain. She is mapmaker, and you are not a critic.

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I'd like to claimSouth Africa, Angola, Zambia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Madagascar, and all islands associated with those claims.


I'll have a DOE up as soon as possible. I'm currently at work.


I'll be the Dominion of Draka.

Edited by Malatose
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Draka is old. I've been there and done that.
I'd like to re-roll into Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, and the rest of Kazahkstan.
Label me as the Persian Empire.
The Draka will return to white land.
I'll post a DOE soon.

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Knights, mogar will get to it when he gets to it, kindly stop bothering him.


Vek, next time perhaps be a little more humble with your claims. That'd be nice. You could've had a nice empire without most of the -stans.


Update seen here, Clicky

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Not sure if this needs to be posted here for record purposes, but North Ontario (i.e. the part of Ontario that isn't in the Federation) is now a Federation protectorate.

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Please remove Great Britain from the map. My deepest apologies to those whom I have ongoing or forthcoming RPs with, unfortunately I no longer have the time to spare for CNRP2 for the rest of the summer due to a number of reasons. I may return later in the year but we'll see.


Also, Mogar I would very greatly appreciate it if Northern Ireland could be granted to King Timmy on my way out. The relevant RP is [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/122132-the-peace/]here[/url] and while it's not strictly speaking a finished article, the relevant posts have already been made. Sorry I didn't give it more effort Tim.


Bye guys and gals.

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