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A Message from the Emperor of the New Pacific Order

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You are giving too much credit to our ability to roll people. We weren't really that capable.

Centurius described in detail the effect your neo-imperialist ambitions has had on events. It is not just the actions, it is the thought itself that must be defeated. Edited by Tywin Lannister
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It is not just the actions, it is the thought itself that must be defeated.


Paranoia Alert!


People who experience paranoia think that other people are trying to do them harm, even though there is no convincing evidence for that to be the case. Paranoia is the unfounded fear that something bad is going to happen, and that other people are responsible for this.

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This war is not punitive, it is preemptive defensive. The thought is not a crime, it is a threat. It is being defeated by this war.

Except you can't read my thoughts. If you did, you'd be blushing too much to make any coherent post.
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This war is not punitive, it is preemptive defensive. The thought is not a crime, it is a threat. It is being defeated by this war.


It is a preemptive aggressive war with the goal of neutralizing competition. The NpO/TOP side are the imperialist aggressors working to create a power bloc that cannot be easily contested.

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I think whatever terms NPO might of mentioned to Umbrella were likely a stalling tactic rather than serious terms as well. If you offer white peace as soon as the war starts, it ends before it began almost. Although just mentioning terms earlier on in a war, but not actually implementing them shouldn't be reason to receive such terms from that alliance when they get the chance. If they're not implemented in the final peace, they don't count imo.
If NPO really wanted to impose those terms Umbrella keeps mentioning, they could of. Especially if Umbrella agreed to them like they claim.

Not only are you misktaken on all accounts, but badly so. Shock of shocks I know.
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Not only are you misktaken on all accounts, but badly so. Shock of shocks I know.

Most on the Equilibrium side thought that war should of went on longer, even me who is always for white peace was annoyed with NPO for pushing through peace to soon. So I don't find it unlikely it was something like that. Although since you seem to think you know all about it, why weren't the terms enforced on Umbrella despite them claiming to of agreed to them? I didn't even hear about these terms Umbrella were offered until this thread.

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Most on the Equilibrium side thought that war should of went on longer, even me who is always for white peace was annoyed with NPO for pushing through peace to soon. So I don't find it unlikely it was something like that. Although since you seem to think you know all about it, why weren't the terms enforced on Umbrella despite them claiming to of agreed to them? I didn't even hear about these terms Umbrella were offered until this thread.

The "terms" were a continuation of the war on Umbrella alone for a few weeks (which whilst NPO did agree to, I should note we argued for a lower length than the rest), and they weren't enforced because there weren't enough alliances with nations in range willing to go along with it. Edited by Letum
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Except you can't read my thoughts. If you did, you'd be blushing too much to make any coherent post.


Your thoughts don't matter, it is the collective thought which matters, which is expressed through the Emperor. The collective thought has been analyzed and found wanting. It should be replaced by a constructive, forward marching thought, not the neo-imperialist drivel hungering for the glory of the past.

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Your thoughts don't matter, it is the collective thought which matters, which is expressed through the Emperor. The collective thought has been analyzed and found wanting. It should be replaced by a constructive, forward marching thought, not the neo-imperialist drivel hungering for the glory of the past.

So you can't read individual thoughts, but you can read collective ones?
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You should hire out your services for tech.  Start a new side business of sorts.  People reading 56 58 pages into this probably fall into the category of possible clientele.

Edited by Crownguard
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That is the gift of material analysis, comrade.

But thoughts are, by definition, intangible and immaterial (except if you count electrical neural impulses in people's brains) so no amount of material analysis will allow you to "read" them.
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Most on the Equilibrium side thought that war should of went on longer, even me who is always for white peace was annoyed with NPO for pushing through peace to soon. So I don't find it unlikely it was something like that. Although since you seem to think you know all about it, why weren't the terms enforced on Umbrella despite them claiming to of agreed to them? I didn't even hear about these terms Umbrella were offered until this thread.

NPO traded their long time allies in IRON for a block that is !@#$ at war and is about to disband and a alliance who use to puff out its chest a lot and its favourite quote was "do something about it then." NPO attempts to strengthen its power sphere and fails epicly.

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You should hire out your services for tech.  Start a new side business of sorts.  People reading 56 58 pages into this probably fall into the category of possible clientele.


If people want to send me tech my nation is always open for it

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But thoughts are, by definition, intangible and immaterial (except if you count electrical neural impulses in people's brains) so no amount of material analysis will allow you to "read" them.


That's not true at all, everything that has a basis in reality can be read and analyzed. A collective thought is by definition based in reality, as it is a thought shared by many thinkers, each with their own individual concerns.

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That's not true at all, everything that has a basis in reality can be read and analyzed. A collective thought is by definition based in reality, as it is a thought shared by many thinkers, each with their own individual concerns.

It cannot be read, it can merely be guessed at by looking at the same base reality and intimating what the other person could be thinking. But the thing about "guessing" is that you could be dead wrong.
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