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The politics of contempt


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To be fair, at this point the only reason to roll SF/XX again is simply out of contempt. To think that SF/XX are any actual threat is laughable. Hell you can  barely imagine them to be a threat anymore. So, yes for the most part any war against SF/XX is simply a hate-filled maneuver pure and simple.

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Because the OP hopes to paint any agenda to kill his bloc as a new paradigm of acting on contempt. The purpose is to subtly say to the fringe alliances, "If SF-XX is the target of the next war, it is a hate filled maneuver that you should not support."



If you think the grudge that exists between C&G and SF-XX is a matter of painting the target on someone else, then you are a fool. The justification for that rivalry is quite simple... you exist.


The OP is pointing out that contempt is a large factor, not that it is the only factor. And you as the self-appointed speaker for C&G (as shown above) verified it in the other thread a couple of days ago. So either you speak confidently about authority and knowledge you do not possess, or you're running the spin cycle on high right now in this thread.


Edit: And actually the OP was VERY VERY clear in the fact that when he referred to contempt he was specifically not talking about hate. In fact he actually says "I would argue that it is contempt, not hate, that drives politics"


-1 Reading Comp

Edited by Alex987
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2 pages later, and I'm still yet to find anyone from an alliance complaining of being treated with contempt offering any reasons not to be. Attacks on the quality of opposition posters, sure, but nothing concrete to suggest that alliances such as Fark, RnR, RIA and MHA are anything but incompetent at best and downright mediocre at worst. Consider it a callout or something, whatever floats your boat.

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Well that's not how it works, the onus of proving incompetence is on you. I've been answering the obviously faulty charges, so if you want to explain why R&R is incompetent then feel free to do so. But what I've seen a lot of is consistent chucking of everything including the kitchen sink at the wall so that 20% of it can stick - to the point where definitions of "incompetence" have directly conflicted another. One person says that we're incompetent because we are sheep that need to be herded, while another says that we're incompetent because we have too many conflicting interests that collapsed the coalition. One person says that SF is inert and useless while others bring up the old Xiphosis-pulls-all-the-strings-for-evil scare. The irony of incompetence in proving incompetence.


So keep chucking, because it does show the quality of the posters where a sizable amount of accusations are so obviously wrong that an elementary school student could see them. When you make that many accusations and are wrong that often you deserve the questions to your (the irony is thick) competence ("you" referring to those that make the faulty accusations).

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Yes, I'm the one spewing bullshit. Many people have claimed the war on Umbrella was a failure, yet some still believe they got rolled. That's the average person who thinks GOONS got "rolled."

Yes, you don't see where NPL getting tonked comes in to play. Good job on being blind. Do you do anything besides take the little things that support your argument while dismissing anything against it? GOONS took in a lot of new nations recently. That lowers ANS. GOONS obviously wasn't built the best in the first place. And yet, we fucked NPL up. We were demolishing Trash Can nations, as they were on average built even worse than NPL. Saying anyone else fought GOONS is really laughable, as I think maybe two or three other alliances barely got out of single-digit wars against GOONS. LoSS and NPL are the only alliances you could say "fought," and LoSS was done after the initial wave.


Mate I don't know if you paid much attention but we had the best post war exit in our 2 year history... in fact we exited with more NS then we started some previous wars with (for example we ended the Eq war against GOONs higher then we started the Grudge war against you with). Our mission was to tie your nations up and keep them busy and that's what we did. Stats wise that meant us throwing predominantly newer non wondered or low wondered nations at your MP/WRC guys as they fell down under 10K NS. It was enough to keep the bulk of your top teir in Peace mode hiding while the rest of your war mode crew sat down under 10K and kept off Eq's back. Your SA invasion crew kept our noobs entertained and gave them war experience at the ultimate bottom end. At wars end we only took marginal damage and rebuilt it nearly instantly.  


At the end of the day we did what we sought out to do, we took you to the dance and kept your eye's off the other pretty ladies at the ball. Given both of our ANS and culture neither of us were going to cause long term damage to each other, just fight like mongrels for a couple months have some fun and move on. If either I or yourself tried to draw much more of a conclusion from the war I think we'd be spinning the reality of it. 

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Mate I don't know if you paid much attention but we had the best post war exit in our 2 year history... in fact we exited with more NS then we started some previous wars with (for example we ended the Eq war against GOONs higher then we started the Grudge war against you with). Our mission was to tie your nations up and keep them busy and that's what we did. Stats wise that meant us throwing predominantly newer non wondered or low wondered nations at your MP/WRC guys as they fell down under 10K NS. It was enough to keep the bulk of your top teir in Peace mode hiding while the rest of your war mode crew sat down under 10K and kept off Eq's back. Your SA invasion crew kept our noobs entertained and gave them war experience at the ultimate bottom end. At wars end we only took marginal damage and rebuilt it nearly instantly.  


At the end of the day we did what we sought out to do, we took you to the dance and kept your eye's off the other pretty ladies at the ball. Given both of our ANS and culture neither of us were going to cause long term damage to each other, just fight like mongrels for a couple months have some fun and move on. If either I or yourself tried to draw much more of a conclusion from the war I think we'd be spinning the reality of it. 

I'm not saying NPL are bad fighters. But we, from what I generally gathered (which was our IRC-active nations), won a good majority of those bouts. Whether it was due to nukes or not is irrelevant. Yet you have people in here saying GOONS got rolled, which is a false statement.  I wouldn't say we rolled NPL this war, because the damage done on both sides was easily rebuilt. But we gutted your nations of anything worthwhile.  Whether that was your objective or not is irrelevant.


That said, I'm done with this thread. Some people here drone about how I'm dumb yet miss the talking points completely, or are salsabeast. At least Wally can entertain an argument.

Edited by Neo Uruk
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I'm not saying NPL are bad fighters. But we, from what I generally gathered (which was our IRC-active nations), won a good majority of those bouts. Whether it was due to nukes or not is irrelevant. Yet you have people in here saying GOONS got rolled, which is a false statement.  I wouldn't say we rolled NPL this war, because the damage done on both sides was easily rebuilt. But we gutted your nations of anything worthwhile.  Whether that was your objective or not is irrelevant.


Winning and loosing bouts is a subjective thing.


The NPL was given the task the cleaning up the bottom NS range in a war where our coalitions mid teir was beating everything down out of sight. It doesn't take a mathematician to realise that you end up with a hell of a lot of previously mid teir armed up dudes then all congregating in the bottom teir and you have to push existing low teir non / low wondered nations onto them to handle the follow up war waves. That's where we came in. To pick up the baton from the mid teir and keep you well entertained.


No its not easy being the newer nation fighting the beat down larger nation but your overlooking the fact that the "gutting" you did was in such a low NS range that everyone has already rebuilt. Check in game if you don't believe me... all those crazy NPL dudes that threw themselves at your WRC's are now back where they were prewar. Gutted.... I think not


We got in we had a mission to do and we did it.

Edited by King Wally
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I'm perfectly fine rolling SF/XX out of contempt....I just ran out of it a few wars back. Now I'll just do it for fun.


con·tempt  (kschwa.gifn-tebreve.gifmptprime.gif)n.

1. The feeling or attitude of regarding someone or something as inferior, base, or worthless; scorn.
I don't know how you get off feeling superior to anything enough to have contempt, the crap you routinely spew in public is considered by both your friends and enemies alike as a liability and embarrassment to C&G.
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con·tempt  (kschwa.gifn-tebreve.gifmptprime.gif)n.

1. The feeling or attitude of regarding someone or something as inferior, base, or worthless; scorn.
I don't know how you get off feeling superior to anything enough to have contempt, the crap you routinely spew in public is considered by both your friends and enemies alike as a liability and embarrassment to C&G.


The verbatim definition pretty accurately describes SF/XX to be honest. Sparta... Inferior. MHA... Worthless... SF.. base.....

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Oh hey welcome back Rush, that was a pretty quick response, you're on the ball there with the 5 minute gap. I do like this tag team that's been going on where the front continually switches so that no substance can be delved into too deeply; instead we've been maintaining a comfortable level of sweeping generalizations. My main concern is that I've yet to see how R&R is incompetent, but I guess that accusation will be buried as well.

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Oh hey welcome back Rush, that was a pretty quick response, you're on the ball there with the 5 minute gap. I do like this tag team that's been going on where the front continually switches so that no substance can be delved into too deeply; instead we've been maintaining a comfortable level of sweeping generalizations. My main concern is that I've yet to see how R&R is incompetent, but I guess that accusation will be buried as well.

You're not exactly incompetent, just bland and without direction.

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con·tempt  (kschwa.gifn-tebreve.gifmptprime.gif)n.
1. The feeling or attitude of regarding someone or something as inferior, base, or worthless; scorn.
I don't know how you get off feeling superior to anything enough to have contempt, the crap you routinely spew in public is considered by both your friends and enemies alike as a liability and embarrassment to C&G.

Seems you have some contempt for the likes of me. You should do something about that. I heard holding it in can cause even more neurological problems down the road.

Also Rush never mentioned RnR and with good reason....RnR is by far the best alliance in SF/XX....you're just guilty by association. A tragic side effect I guess. That's your choice to make though.

Also, as a regular joe...(until 6 days ago at which time I shut it down a fair few notches)...I shouldn't have any bearing on how people feel about CnG. I haven't really ever made any kind of policy even when I was MoD....That's for the AC and MoFA of GATO who have always been pretty decent folks and never a position I've held while we were in CnG. My rantings are my own...there shouldn't be any reason I'm held to account for an entire bloc. I'm pretty much the exception...well there is Rush too I guess. All that said I've always told the truth and I am above reproach and pretty much everything you said was bullshit. Edited by magicninja
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I'm perfectly fine rolling SF/XX out of contempt....I just ran out of it a few wars back. Now I'll just do it for fun.

I remember you saying you were done fighting us... changed your mind again? :P

You're not exactly incompetent, just bland and without direction.

Please, keep us entertained. Edited by Garion
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Oh hey welcome back Rush, that was a pretty quick response, you're on the ball there with the 5 minute gap. I do like this tag team that's been going on where the front continually switches so that no substance can be delved into too deeply; instead we've been maintaining a comfortable level of sweeping generalizations. My main concern is that I've yet to see how R&R is incompetent, but I guess that accusation will be buried as well.


When you defend and associate with incompetence, you get lumped in with the fluff. You could be the finest , most coordinated alliance in this history of Planet Bob. But because you have people who can defend the ineptitude of your allies , stay in close proximity to those same allies,  then you will , without a doubt be dragged down by those allies. It really is not a complicated set of happenings that lead to this. You are who you associate with.

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The verbatim definition pretty accurately describes SF/XX to be honest. Sparta... Inferior. MHA... Worthless... SF.. base.....

When you defend and associate with incompetence, you get lumped in with the fluff. You could be the finest , most coordinated alliance in this history of Planet Bob. But because you have people who can defend the ineptitude of your allies , stay in close proximity to those same allies,  then you will , without a doubt be dragged down by those allies. It really is not a complicated set of happenings that lead to this. You are who you associate with.


This is merely rhetoric disguised as objectivity. I don't see how your assessment of particular alliances reflects the reality. At the end of the day these common perceptions you referred to, serve your agenda -- to further isolate the XX/SF sphere ( not that I blame you for playing the game. ) It was not too long ago that ODN/GATO had a certain stigma and certain labels attached to them, and it is arguable that the two alliances have not changed much since then in real terms... they simply happen do not have a target on their backs at this moment in time, hence not being the targets of propaganda/ridicule/disinformation on their perceived ability or perceived value as allies.
Edited by Robster83
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I remember you saying you were done fighting us... changed your mind again? :PPlease, keep us entertained.

Not really...just saying the contempt is gone. If we do fight again, for me, it will be just for the sport of it...not because I hate you or because I would like to see you worse off than you already are. There may be other elements who will try to make the fight happen for their own reasons. I don't begrudge them their reasons. I used to have reasons and feel they are a great motivator so if they feel the need to isolate and roll you all and certainly we won't be on the same side of that one....I guess them's the breaks.
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2 pages later, and I'm still yet to find anyone from an alliance complaining of being treated with contempt offering any reasons not to be. Attacks on the quality of opposition posters, sure, but nothing concrete to suggest that alliances such as Fark, RnR, RIA and MHA are anything but incompetent at best and downright mediocre at worst. Consider it a callout or something, whatever floats your boat.

Need a plug?
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Not really...just saying the contempt is gone. If we do fight again, for me, it will be just for the sport of it...not because I hate you or because I would like to see you worse off than you already are. There may be other elements who will try to make the fight happen for their own reasons. I don't begrudge them their reasons. I used to have reasons and feel they are a great motivator so if they feel the need to isolate and roll you all and certainly we won't be on the same side of that one....I guess them's the breaks.

Now... when you say fight... do you mean how GATO 'fought' last war?
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Can't even be somewhat nice.....but its nice to know contempt is seeded on the other side....perhaps they'll do something soon.

Also, yeah if we have to just beat up big nations all war we'll beat RnR down to a ceiling of 60k NS again if that is the right move....as it was last war.

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Contempt =/= pointing out hypocrisy/falsehoods


And as an aside, the idea that we need to be publicly foaming at the mouth for conflict (like you) in order to be respected is monolithic. But you know that, you're just trying to provoke so that you have more than terrible justification to pursue us.


PS: (Still waiting for a Bob Ilyani cameo in this thread for an explanation. I guess accusations without support is the modus operandi. And no Rush, he was very clear to mention R&R specifically, we weren't getting "lumped in" with anything)

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Contempt =/= pointing out hypocrisy/falsehoods
And as an aside, the idea that we need to be publicly foaming at the mouth for conflict (like you) in order to be respected is monolithic. But you know that, you're just trying to provoke so that you have more than terrible justification to pursue us.
PS: (Still waiting for a Bob Ilyani cameo in this thread for an explanation. I guess accusations without support is the modus operandi. And no Rush, he was very clear to mention R&R specifically, we weren't getting "lumped in" with anything)

I'll take more than terrible if it comes to it. I've seen and partaken in terrible....it was overrated. That said I thought I made it clear I have no contempt for SF/XX anymore and have no interest in pursuing yet another war with your nice grouping. If it happens anyway...well I'll just have to do my best to enjoy it.
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