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GATO Election Results

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I was torn between "kept in" and "put in."  Figured it was a 50/50 shot.  Anyway, it certainly helps explain WAE's performance.  Or lack thereof.
Seriously, when are you coming out of hippie?  Other alliances are making big sacrifices, are you just going to sit in peace mode and let them burn?  At this point it becomes a matter of honor.  Are you going to let your friends and coalition mates burn around you without contributing yourself?

Change the record. This one is broken.
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I'll stop pointing out that you are cowards when you stop being cowards.

It would count for something if you had a clue. You don't. If anyone in our coalition said we need you guys out now...we would not hesitate. As it is we have a plan and your petty crybaby act has no bearing on it. So sit back...relax...and be patient....or at least shut up.
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It would count for something if you had a clue. You don't. If anyone in our coalition said we need you guys out now...we would not hesitate. As it is we have a plan and your petty crybaby act has no bearing on it. So sit back...relax...and be patient....or at least shut up.


Except your plan is "hide in peace mode until the war is over."  It clearly is not a coalition plan, as alliances like VE and even your little meat shields in EvU are giving it their all.  Spin all you like but that is the reality.  The numbers are quite clear.  Hard to misinterpret 70+% in hiding for the duration of the war.

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HoT, you're turning into a one-trick pony. And it's not a very pretty or clever trick. Trying to provoke GATO to disregard coalition planning in order to - what? impress you? shut your whining up for a minute? - is not going to work.

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Yes, put the delusional guy who thinks you are winning in MoD. I think our coalition is quite fine with that.


"Your coalition" is a delusion, one I cannot wait to shatter and crumble all around you. 


Congratulations to my brown brethren, Laserwolf is the best kind of wolf ;)

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I thought you were term limited this time Laser? My counting clearly leaves much to be desired. Big congrats anyway.


Try saying that a wolf toting lasers around. 

Congrats, everyone!

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Except your plan is "hide in peace mode until the war is over."  It clearly is not a coalition plan, as alliances like VE and even your little meat shields in EvU are giving it their all.  Spin all you like but that is the reality.  The numbers are quite clear.  Hard to misinterpret 70+% in hiding for the duration of the war.

Yeah, no. We actually will come out when the time is right. Also, we told EvU to not come in this war, except they chose otherwise. The spinning is on you and always has been. You can't convince anyone and never will.
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No Chim makes me sad, but a very solid government nonetheless. Congrats, GATO.


Verily.  Chim for GATO dictator!


But congratulations anyway to all those who won and/or continuing your service.

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Yeah, no. We actually will come out when the time is right. Also, we told EvU to not come in this war, except they chose otherwise. The spinning is on you and always has been. You can't convince anyone and never will.


To be frank, my goal hasn't been to convince you.  It's been to expose your cowardice.


If the whole of WAE was intended for reserves, why not just hold off on your entry?

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I thought you were term limited this time Laser? My counting clearly leaves much to be desired. Big congrats anyway.


This is my 3rd consecutive term. I will be unable to run for AC at the end of this term. Also thanks. :D

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To be frank, my goal hasn't been to convince you.  It's been to expose your cowardice.


If the whole of WAE was intended for reserves, why not just hold off on your entry?


Because the whole of GATO wasn't intended for reserves. Our 80k+ has been fighting the whole time we've been in and has done quite well. 

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Congrats to those elected, and well done to those who ran.

And shout outs to Saniiro for a good race, and also to ShamWOW, andy, salsa, Ogaden, Gibs, Kurdanak, and HoT for the love. :wub:

o/ Democracy


You are putting me in a group with HoT, Do you really hate me that much Dre4m?  xD

And in all seriousness, HoT, if you are going to complain about how GATO chooses to fight in the war then at least do it in a topic that is about the war.  Trying to bash them in a topic announcing election results isn't classy and isn't proving anything bud.

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Pffft. HoT is obviously the master planner of our coalition, so knows exactly what GATO has been asked to do.

oh wait...

That's ok, he probably would have still planned the war better then EQ did.... Alright, I won't go that far. That would be totally uncalled for and completely unnecessary. Sorry, EQ.
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