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Tom Riddles Membership


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I accepted Tom Riddle into Dark Templar, in the hope that we could rehabilitate him, and help him develop his nation.  I negotiated with NoR for us to take him on.   Unfortunately, things didn't go too well, because he decided to leave Dark Templar.   I'm not too sure what his problem is, but everyone on CN should at least try and help him out from time to time, for his own good!  


He does seem to be displaying this continued pattern of strange behavior of 'joining an Alliance or Ghosting an Alliance, erratic outbursts, and then running to another Alliance, when things don't go his way.   When you try and explain things to him, he sees it as "everyone having it in for him"!    I would like to see him succeed in becoming a responsible player.


Personally I like him and think that he is an interesting character, and he does entertain us.  Also instead of everyone wanting to punish him for is bad behavior; we should just ignore it, and reward his good behavior.   I think that we should all pull together and offer him as much support as we possibly can, in the hope that we can help him.   


I'm prepared to offer my help, it would be nice if there are some more players out there willing to offer their help as well!

Edited by andrewds
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An announcement was made for something as stupid as this, my gosh the standards are lowering at a faster rate than I thought. 

I couldn't possibly say it better myself. FFS do you people think posting something like this will earn you browny points or positive PR? Because if you do you are sorely mistaken.
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Let me respond to this. What me and The Fallen where conspiring to do was take the Lower Tier Revolution to the next level. The goal was not to overthrow the government, although that was a alternative plan PROPOSED BY THE FALLEN, we felt that the NAO could be the transportation to the top for me and him.


But look, the NAO is a great allaince, I want people to join. They may have overreacted, conducted espionage against there own members but I feel worst of all, they still havent uploaded a Harlem Shake video.

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Tom, we never spied on our members. 
The Fallen was testing your loyalty.
On another note, if you people dont like my post, dont read it.
Problem solved.
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Let me respond to this. What me and The Fallen where conspiring to do was take the Lower Tier Revolution to the next level. The goal was not to overthrow the government, although that was a alternative plan PROPOSED BY THE FALLEN, we felt that the NAO could be the transportation to the top for me and him.


But look, the NAO is a great allaince, I want people to join. They may have overreacted, conducted espionage against there own members but I feel worst of all, they still havent uploaded a Harlem Shake video.

Please. For the Love of Sanity. Listen. 


You will NEVER get anywhere if you think of others as owing your anything. Be it giving you protection, or bowing down to be your footstool on the way up, no one owes you a damn thing. 


People will not be used. You are not some great manipulator. You have to give people something in return. 


What value did you actually bring to the table here? What tangible gain would they have had from having you? You are not a great diplomat. You are not a great nation builder. You are not a great warrior. Sorry, but its true. We have all seen your posts around here. 


Currently, you bring nothing to an alliance. 


If you want to get somewhere you have to find something you can bring to an alliance. And finding that something is very simple. 


Sit down. 

Shut up. 




Learn how a nation works. 

Learn how the diplomatic world works

Learn how an alliance actually functions. 


Then you can begin to add things. 


Until then we owe you NOTHING. The community will give you nothing until you become someone that will give us a return. Give us something back. 


Of the alliances you have been in not one has been better off as a result. Not one. And you still think you can get somewhere. The only way people get anywhere in this game is by people feeling that they are better off for having you work with them. Currently, people will not feel that about you because you always cost people more. And that is why you fail. 


OOC: Having seen your posts around the rest of the forum this is a lesson you need for real life as well. Whilst normally a comedy site, this cracked article is right on the money about you. 


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Can we make this a sticky so the next ten alliances to disassociate themselves with him don't need to make their own?

People want their 15mins of fame, just like ToaSithe here.

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Please. For the Love of Sanity. Listen. 
You will NEVER get anywhere if you think of others as owing your anything. Be it giving you protection, or bowing down to be your footstool on the way up, no one owes you a damn thing. 
People will not be used. You are not some great manipulator. You have to give people something in return. 
What value did you actually bring to the table here? What tangible gain would they have had from having you? You are not a great diplomat. You are not a great nation builder. You are not a great warrior. Sorry, but its true. We have all seen your posts around here. 
Currently, you bring nothing to an alliance. 
If you want to get somewhere you have to find something you can bring to an alliance. And finding that something is very simple. 
Sit down. 
Shut up. 
Learn how a nation works. 
Learn how the diplomatic world works
Learn how an alliance actually functions. 
Then you can begin to add things. 
Until then we owe you NOTHING. The community will give you nothing until you become someone that will give us a return. Give us something back. 
Of the alliances you have been in not one has been better off as a result. Not one. And you still think you can get somewhere. The only way people get anywhere in this game is by people feeling that they are better off for having you work with them. Currently, people will not feel that about you because you always cost people more. And that is why you fail. 
OOC: Having seen your posts around the rest of the forum this is a lesson you need for real life as well. Whilst normally a comedy site, this cracked article is right on the money about you. 

^Not as nice as I would have put it, but yes. This is completely true.
As for the insistent nagging about my thread, why are you posting here then?
A good question to ask ones self after realizing you hate my thread and that I couldn't care less.
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Zach, you're obviously missing the point of why I let him in.


Please elaborate. All I've seen is you tried to "change" him by giving him another chance. There's a point where you need to stop giving him chances, and that point was crossed on his last nation. I've tried to help him on two different occasions, and I'm sure everyone here can tell that couldn't of failed worse.

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Toa, can you release ALL of the talks between me and the Fallen? Including our final Chatbox talk about running for elections in the NAO, hoping that we would eventually get the Trium majority? Yes, see, I said we needed to go the Marxist way, multiple times, from the Inside Out. I did not want war, I wanted us to complete the LTR and Operation Overlord. That is all. Just release all of the transcripts.

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its just people dont want this guy in their allaince because all he does is try to take over, trolls, make false accusations, trys to manipulate, fails to win, talks alot of bull, trys to be awesome and the worst of all, hes a traitor. does anyone want a traitor in their allaince..................... honestly.

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its just people dont want this guy in their allaince because all he does is try to take over, trolls, make false accusations, trys to manipulate, fails to win, talks alot of bull, trys to be awesome and the worst of all, hes a traitor. does anyone want a traitor in their allaince..................... honestly.

When i'm not in a alliance, I will do anythign for a little tech or cash. While I am in a alliance, I never have been a traitor and only once have I incited a violent revolution(Let me remidn you it was succesful, I did win, I got our Emporer to Ragequit). In this case, I wanted to get tot he Triumvirate via rising through the ranks, not through violence.

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