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Letters from the front


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I always find interesting what happens between 2 rival nations during war time. You may agree that non only battle reports arrive in your message list, maybe you've received a sign of respect from the other side of the line. Or maybe something else.


Ok let's start with this:


To: Kite80 From: Captain Jack Sparrow Date: 2/11/2013 9:06:52 AM

Subject: War
Message: Wtf are you guys doing I'm not part of this war and you will be getting destroyed by my alliance if you keep this &%$@ up. Rediculous no class



I put this in the "hilarious" cathegory for many reasons. First, even stones know that VE and AI are fighting since weeks. Second, if you're a nation in an alliance in war, how can you expect not to be attacked if you stay in war mode?
But I can understand him, in 2 days he lost a lot of what he did for his nation, and it's just the beginning.
Guys from TENE were decisively cooler than this guy, I met two of them and they deserve my respect. I wish I had not deleted their messages. 
Last one: a guy from Pirates of the Parrot Order(TM) decided to attack my nation: he could see I had MP and a couple of nukes, but he decided to fight anyway. I say ok bro, welcome, but don't complain if you are nuked daily for half a week, saying that it's not fair. I wish I hadn't deleted that message too...
That's all for now :-)
PS: no one should get mad about this, we are here to enjoy all that CN can offer us, this stuff included
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Doesn't look like you're at war with a PPO nation? I take it its from before?


Exactly, I fought with Jose Cuervo of Rammmstein. In the end, I didn't use many nukes on him. The invitation in our forum's embassy is still available, come anytime :-)



@ Mogar: seems that I'm already out of your range, sorry. Try to sell some infra and reach me  :P

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my guys havent been very talkative. all but 1 of my INT have been turtles. 1 ODN nations has fought back  having a good ol time :)   had 1 GOON nation who was active and fought back. that was the best war in this whole shitfest

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my guys havent been very talkative. all but 1 of my INT have been turtles. 1 ODN nations has fought back  having a good ol time :)   had 1 GOON nation who was active and fought back. that was the best war in this whole shitfest

That's a real shame.  Depending on your NS, you could have had the choice of me spouting O Brother Where Art Thou? references and talking about being classy, or else our delightful Rancho Brado the King of Aspartame and his undying hatred of non diet-cola drinkers.  So far the NATO folks were hit or miss....one guy was quite fine to discuss things with, the other wanted to brag about his sexual appendage as he got nuked into the ground.


From the Dave War, fighting one of NPL's government members (and I like NPL by the way):



To: Avakael    From: Crownguard    Date: 7/24/2012 5:25:04 AM

Subject: Why Hello There Good Sir

Message: I do hope you are enjoying your war quite as much as I am. My citizens rejoice for providing much-needed illumination at night; Dear Leader is able to cut back on energy bills.

I might tender the observation that perhaps your soldiers should stop frolicking in my cash a la Scrooge McDuck; perhaps then they might win some ground assaults against my elite rock thrower special forces.

Hope you're enjoying the war quite as much as I am. I suppose it's only fair since I've wrecked several other nations to have my own in turn. Of course I'm hardly worried that much about it, but there you go.

Stay classy,


To: Crownguard    From: Avakael    Date: 7/24/2012 7:27:24 PM

Subject: RE: Why Hello There Good Sir

Message: Not even gonna try and reply to that. Well played good sir. :P


(I just saw the post title and figured I'd post my standard response to actually getting a message like that.)

To: Rancho Brado    From: Broughto    Date: 7/26/2012 8:08:54 AM

Subject: Accept the Inevitable!
Message: Lads I take minimal pleasure in stomping on people who don't put up a fight, so without further ado;

These are NPL's surrender terms:

1. Change AA to "NPL POW"
2. Decom all tanks/CM/aircraft
3. Decom all military improvements(excluding the required ones for SDI)
4. Remain on the AA "NPL POW" until the current conflict ends, and do not re-engage in any further wars

Post in this thread saying you surrender to NPL : [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=213&st=0]http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=213&st=0[/url]

If you accept these and break any of the agreements, your nation will be attacked again.

o/ War!
o/ Int!
o/ NPL!



To: Broughto    From: Rancho Brado    Date: 7/26/2012 4:51:24 PM

Subject: RE: Accept the Inevitable!
Message: If you take minimal pleasure in stomping on people who don't put up a fight then don't declare on nations less than a month old...

I swear, all you cola drinkers are completely caffeinated!
I'm not going to surrender... Especially to a nation like yours who places actual sugar in their soft drinks! You willingly let your people drink that poison? Blah!
I shall not surrender to a cola drinking nation! NEVER!
Besides, why would you want me to surrender? Your militaristic and morally moot nation of cola drinkers don't want to stop raping and pillaging my NutraSweet paradise...
They know. The people of Daydreaming Inc prefer the taste of diet cola. Admit it you coward!
And what is this message anyway? Do you feel better for your cola drinking ways now? You're not only smug but insulting.
The Diet Cola of Nations will fight to the bitter end in hopes of freeing your people from a bad diet in part to surgery soda.

We believe in Diet Dr. Pepper!

Good day,


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To: CubaQuerida From: Matasumouri

Date: 1/31/2013 11:35:09 PM

Subject: sooo... Message: I MAY have been given the wrong link and accidently declared on you... you willing to call peace since it was a bit of a misclick?

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I have had many good communications with almightygrub and darklink and other combatants.  We had great fights and banter throughout. My latest is somewhat disturbing.


Date: 2/10/2013 12:15:15 AM
Subject: Greetings

Message: Welcome to war son :D


Date: 2/10/2013 9:34:21 AM
Subject: RE: Hello
Message: Queer


Date: 2/10/2013 12:27:28 PM
Subject: RE: Hello

Message: No worries mate..Its good to get it off your chest. I wont tell anyone your secret

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So far this guy has been quite fun to chat with.  


To: hornguard    From: Bobtheflea    Date: 2/10/2013 11:53:48 AM

Subject: RE: Nuclear Attack


Message: "Sarg. it's to dark to see the enemy!"
"Nuke em till they glow."[quote]
[quote]To: hornguard    From: Bobtheflea    Date: 2/10/2013 11:07:24 AM

Subject: RE: Nuclear Attack


Message: Sad bob is sad :(


To: hornguard    From: Bobtheflea    Date: 2/13/2013 2:09:27 PM

Subject: RE: Nuclear Attack


Message: STAHP :[
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