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Never bring an Umbrella to a gun fight


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[quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1358663066' post='3080760']
Have you seen us when we aren't fighting off high tier nations who dropped into our range? We're pretty monstrous in an even fight!

[url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/GOONS-MONGOLS_War"]I do beg to differ.[/url]

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[quote name='Sweeeeet Ronny D' timestamp='1358663531' post='3080766']
I understand that its strategdy, its the same one you used last war when you guys used 1000 nations to fight VE. But bragging about how awesome you are is pretty sad when it involves outnumbering an opponent by more than 10-1.

Yet your own alliance compatriot just pointed out that the scales are even where it counts? There is no 10-1 ratio in the top-tier, which is according to you guys, all that counts.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1358662384' post='3080748']
I guess so? I mean I haven't seen any wars from TOP declared yet... Don't get mad at me about it though, I'm not in charge of your nations.
We not !@#$%*^ like you who needs to call on various others to deal with a fight, carry on, enjoy, after a month fighting then you can talk, otherwise you're full of !@#$ as always.

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[quote name='Amossio' timestamp='1358663915' post='3080777']
We not !@#$%*^ like you who needs to call on various others to deal with a fight, carry on, enjoy, after a month fighting then you can talk, otherwise you're full of !@#$ as always.

Woah, You mad or something? Dont get your flaps in a bunch buddy. I battled 75% of the OWF on my own for well over a month.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1358663410' post='3080764']
Aww, Are they bullying you little fella? Tell us about it. :( Im pretty sure in Karma war the stats were somewhat amongst the same as they are here.

Honey, the big boys are talking here, but dont worry you will get to fight Umbrella in 2-3 months if your "mighty colition" can actually manage to drop some Umbrella nations that low.

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In all honesty, the GOONS nations I have fought in the past were competent and I will not disparage their efforts. But I am disappointed that I was frozen out of the Kaskus conflict and now am left sitting with no wars, while those around me increase their casualites. I know you don't owe me any favors, but if you would please declare on us I would be greatly appreciative.

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[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1358663521' post='3080767']
After a while, it becomes a question of warchests. I guess we will see which ones run out first, right?
Thank you. We haven't had a high tier war in a quite some time (thanks XX/SF!). Maybe people are forgetting about the #1 most important thing in war.

The days of next-day/same-day counters is a relic of a heroic, but stupid past.

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[quote name='Turin' timestamp='1358663600' post='3080769']

I have not seen you fight an "even" war without interference from allies, no. As such, I can not believe you. Feel free to prove me wrong this war.

Classic "no u". You can do better.
I guess you'll see the meatgrinder in action.
And TIO is and has always been a joke.

[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1358663844' post='3080774']

[url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/GOONS-MONGOLS_War"]I do beg to differ.[/url]
You didn't even try to read my post. GOONS is not a top-heavy alliance. We admit that freely. Kaskus had help from NEW in the upper tiers, as well as their nations with wonders being in our mid-lower tiers. You could hardly call it even.

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[quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1358664354' post='3080789']
You didn't even try to read my post. GOONS is not a top-heavy alliance. We admit that freely. Kaskus had help from NEW in the upper tiers, as well as their nations with wonders being in our mid-lower tiers. You could hardly call it even.

Quit trying to convince the cat to not be a cat,

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[quote name='Sweeeeet Ronny D' timestamp='1358664026' post='3080780']
Honey, the big boys are talking here, but dont worry you will get to fight Umbrella in 2-3 [b]days[/b] if your "mighty colition" can actually manage to drop some Umbrella nations that low.

Fixed a typo, but thanks... I sure do hope so :)

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[quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1358664354' post='3080789']
I guess you'll see the meatgrinder in action.
And TIO is and has always been a joke.

You didn't even try to read my post. GOONS is not a top-heavy alliance. We admit that freely. Kaskus had help from NEW in the upper tiers, as well as their nations with wonders being in our mid-lower tiers. You could hardly call it even.

So Kaskus-GOONS was uneven because Kaskus got aid from NEW.... but [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=109975"]GOONS didnt get aid from Umbrella[/url], Amirite?

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[quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1358664354' post='3080789']
I guess you'll see the meatgrinder in action.
And TIO is and has always been a joke.

I look forward to experiencing your "war prowess".

The irony in your second statement is overwhelming.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1358664546' post='3080798']

Fixed a typo, but thanks... I sure do hope so :)
I'm really unsure where the confidence is coming from. If you haven't realized the ass kicking being handed to your coalition yet, you will soon.
[quote name='Turin' timestamp='1358664876' post='3080805']

I look forward to experiencing your "war prowess".

The irony in your second statement is overwhelming.
The irony of? You were literally in Synergy. Your greatest achievement as an alliance is being treatied to NPO and trying, and failing miserably, to tackle Umbrella.

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[quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1358664888' post='3080806']
I'm really unsure where the confidence is coming from. If you haven't realized the ass kicking being handed to your coalition yet, you will soon.

Maybe Umbrella will give them a fight now that GOONS isnt getting it's deals from them. What is GOONS gonna do without that check every 10 days? They can't pay without infra :(

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[quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1358664888' post='3080806']
I'm really unsure where the confidence is coming from. If you haven't realized the ass kicking being handed to your coalition yet, you will soon.

The irony of? You were literally in Synergy. Your greatest achievement as an alliance is being treatied to NPO and trying, and failing miserably, to tackle Umbrella.
[/quote]Rey there are 1193 posts in this thread before this one. Half of them are you whining and complaining about the same things over and over again.

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[quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1358664888' post='3080806']
I'm really unsure where the confidence is coming from. If you haven't realized the ass kicking being handed to your coalition yet, you will soon.

The irony of? You were literally in Synergy. Your greatest achievement as an alliance is being treatied to NPO and trying, and failing miserably, to tackle Umbrella.

I'm really unsure where the confidence is coming from. If you haven't realized the ass kicking being handed to Umbrella yet, you will soon...

See, I can do that too. 2 days into the war, neither side should be confident given the nations involved. I am amused at the amount of !@#$-talking you are doing while telling others they should not predict Umbrella's doom.

Frankly, I stated this before, regardless of who wins, this war will be a pyrrhic victory. Neither side is going to come out ready to war within a week.

As for GOONs, really should not be talking considering GOONs greatest achievement is being a glorified tech farm mate. That is all GOONs is and all GOONs will ever be. The only reason you guys have any sort of voice (or had really) was your allies. If GOONs had at any point lost your allies, you would have been ground to dust and then washed away forgotten. So please do not talk about joke alliances when you are part of GOONs, who truly and honestly cannot do !@#$ on your own despite your talk otherwise.

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[quote name='threefingeredguy' timestamp='1358665283' post='3080812']
haha people think we actually need to bring in counters against this attack?
I know. It's mind blowing.
[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1358665346' post='3080814']

I'm really unsure where the confidence is coming from. If you haven't realized the ass kicking being handed to Umbrella yet, you will soon...

See, I can do that too. 2 days into the war, neither side should be confident given the nations involved. I am amused at the amount of !@#$-talking you are doing while telling others they should not predict Umbrella's doom.

Frankly, I stated this before, regardless of who wins, this war will be a pyrrhic victory. Neither side is going to come out ready to war within a week.

As for GOONs, really should not be talking considering GOONs greatest achievement is being a glorified tech farm mate. That is all GOONs is and all GOONs will ever be. The only reason you guys have any sort of voice (or had really) was your allies. If GOONs had at any point lost your allies, you would have been ground to dust and then washed away forgotten. So please do not talk about joke alliances when you are part of GOONs, who truly and honestly cannot do !@#$ on your own despite your talk otherwise.
And yet, you're the one stuck in a coalition punching far, far above its weight. Who do you think made a better niche for itself? GOONS, who is still sitting in the winners circle? Or poor pitiful TIO, who has as many people looking at them as a threat to Umbrella as NATO or? NSO

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[quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1358664888' post='3080806']

The irony of? You were literally in Synergy. Your greatest achievement as an alliance is being treatied to NPO and trying, and failing miserably, to tackle Umbrella.

The irony of this comment coming from a member of a weak reformation of the actual GOONS. A member of a glorified tech farm that has not done a single thing other than prey on those weaker than them, using the strength and influence of their masters as a shield to pretend having a semblance of power. Your barking is hilarious at best, as everyone but you knows that it only takes one yank on the leash from your masters to shut you up, as without their military and financial aid...you would be unable to cary out any significant operation. Yet here you are, calling out others on their supposed failings w[b]hile boasting with the stats of your masters.[/b]

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[quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1358666186' post='3080821']
And yet, you're the one stuck in a coalition punching far, far above its weight. Who do you think made a better niche for itself? GOONS, who is still sitting in the winners circle? Or poor pitiful TIO, who has as many people looking at them as a threat to Umbrella as NATO or? NSO

Unlike GOONs, our entire identity is not centered around Umbrella mate. I know it is inconceivable that in some way, shape, or form, most alliances do not care much about Umbrella. Yes, TIO wanted a shot at DH and for various reasons, but that does not make us. So, TIO not being considered a threat is a moot point as we simply don't give two !@#$% what you or Umbrella thinks of us.

As for winners circle, we shall see mate. The future is not foretold to anyone mate so only time will actually tell the truth. Just remember, at one point NPO once thought the same thing, that no one will ever take them down. Then, Karma.

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[quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1358666186' post='3080821']
I know. It's mind blowing.

And yet, you're the one stuck in a coalition punching far, far above its weight. Who do you think made a better niche for itself? GOONS, who is still sitting in the winners circle? Or poor pitiful TIO, who has as many people looking at them as a threat to Umbrella as NATO or? NSO

Even if we punch above our weight - something which is yet to be seen -, At least we had the guts to stand up and do so, that seems like a positive to me, if anything. Your statement on TIO not being a threat.... You're in GOONS. You can't be serious here?

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1358666541' post='3080827']

Unlike GOONs, our entire identity is not centered around Umbrella mate. I know it is inconceivable that in some way, shape, or form, most alliances do not care much about Umbrella. Yes, TIO wanted a shot at DH and for various reasons, but that does not make us. So, TIO not being considered a threat is a moot point as we simply don't give two !@#$% what you or Umbrella thinks of us.

As for winners circle, we shall see mate. The future is not foretold to anyone mate so only time will actually tell the truth. Just remember, at one point NPO once thought the same thing, that no one will ever take them down. Then, Karma.
Our identity isn't centered around Umbrella. DoomHouse is a dynamic and a family as much as it is a bloc, yes. But each alliance is capable of forging its own path. As far as not caring about being a threat....you just oA'd into an unnecessary war. What the $%&@ do you mean you don't care?
[quote name='Turin' timestamp='1358666567' post='3080828']

Even if we punch above our weight - something which is yet to be seen -, At least we had the guts to stand up and do so, that seems like a positive to me, if anything. Your statement on TIO not being a threat.... You're in GOONS. You can't be serious here?
No. See. You aren't punching above your weight on purpose. And that's the funny part.

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