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[quote name='berbers' timestamp='1357852414' post='3074077']
Isaac, please just stop. You aren't doing yourself, KoH or us any favours posting like this. If you wanted to be involved you had a chance, don't hide on a protected AA and fling mud.

Called it! I knew someone else would come in and tell Isaac to shut up XD

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[quote name='BrJLa' timestamp='1357851205' post='3074068']
I think a couple things don't change here. NPO/NSO, together, can't do any more to Kaskus than NSO could have done themselves. Victory is no more (or less) inevitable now than when we joined. And Kaskus isn't going to respond to these circumstances any differently than what they were going to do anyway. It's still not clear at what point either side is going to decide they've had enough, or how they (we) otherwise work out an ending to this conflict.

The only thing that's changed is now any outside attempt to keep Kaskus fighting will be explicitly deemed an aggressive act against NPO.

Come now. I'll believe that Bill Clinton didn't have sex with that woman, I will believe that Fred Flintstone went to college, but I will not believe that even YOU believe your post.

NPO/NSO, together, can't do any more to Kaskus than NSO could have done themselves? Then why even enter? Just let NSO win the PR victory by beating them.

Victory is no more (or less) inevitable now than when NPO joined? You add 10M NS to one side of a war that had less than 4M NS on both sides and you think that won't make a difference? Then what hope could NEW's paltry 200M of aid possibly have given Kaskus?

The only thing that's changed is now any outside attempt to keep Kaskus fighting will be explicitly deemed an aggressive act against NPO. Well, that and you entered the war with 10 times the NS of NSO's opponent. Really, if you think about it, the only thing that really changed after that drive through Dallas in 1963 is that the President was dead.

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1357848139' post='3074051']
Nobody said you couldn't fight, the point is you are hiding behind a weak CB to defend the fact that NSO needs you.
[/quote]I love how you ignore us every single time we've explained to you, in detail, why you are wrong. Still not sure why you're defending the same guys who kicked you out for being such a retarded MoFA.

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[quote name='Walshington' timestamp='1357853250' post='3074083']
Come now. I'll believe that Bill Clinton didn't have sex with that woman, I will believe that Fred Flintstone went to college, but I will not believe that even YOU believe your post.

NPO/NSO, together, can't do any more to Kaskus than NSO could have done themselves? Then why even enter? Just let NSO win the PR victory by beating them.

Victory is no more (or less) inevitable now than when NPO joined? You add 10M NS to one side of a war that had less than 4M NS on both sides and you think that won't make a difference? Then what hope could NEW's paltry 200M of aid possibly have given Kaskus?

The only thing that's changed is now any outside attempt to keep Kaskus fighting will be explicitly deemed an aggressive act against NPO. Well, that and you entered the war with 10 times the NS of NSO's opponent. Really, if you think about it, the only thing that really changed after that drive through Dallas in 1963 is that the President was dead.

Kaskus' average NS is 16,000, and they average four wars per member. They've only got two nations over 30,000 NS, and one of them is in peace mode. Our mighty horde of 20,000 NS nations will keep chipping away at Kaskus' warchests, but we're not going to do it any quicker than NSO could have, and it's not going to make Kaskus respond any differently.

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[quote name='berbers' timestamp='1357852414' post='3074077']
Isaac, please just stop. You aren't doing yourself, KoH or us any favours posting like this. If you wanted to be involved you had a chance, don't hide on a protected AA and fling mud.

I am not hiding behind anything, in fact someone spied on me today. I am simply voicing my opinion which I will continue to do with or without peoples approval. Call it a persona Non Grata. Though if you want to bring up our treaty I refer you to IV. 1, please do have a query with me at your earliest convenience.

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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[quote name='USMC123' timestamp='1357851608' post='3074072']
Yea NSO! Why would you utilize as much over whelming force as possible to destroy your enemy quicker when you could fight a longer, more expensive war?! >:|

After reading this thread you summed up my thoughts perfectly.

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We really have some idiotic posters here. My 2 cents...

It really is amusing to hear all the harping that NSO needs help for little Kaskus. Seriously, Kaskus had already lost. Oh, they can keep fighting at the lower tier and chest thump about how great of fighters they are fighting new low-wonder nations. Truth is that they are a shell of their former selves. Now, NSO leadership would be idiots to allow these new nations to be pummeled. That will only result in planet bob losing members who never had a chance to grow. An alliance leader has an obligation to reduce his alliances damage as much as possible. You use every resource at your disposal to protect your members... even if it means you call in friends... or friends jump in on their own because they are tired of the crap. I'm saying that Kaskus has/had no chance to beat NSO, but could definitely rape an alliances lower tier. Thats not what I call being a great warrior. That's being opportunistic in a losing war. I'm not trying to say I'm a fan of setup curbstomps either... but Kaskus were the instigators of this entire mess by accepting and shielding a !@#$% on another AAs ZI list. They deserve a beat down.

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1357853770' post='3074094']

I am not hiding behind anything, in fact someone spied on me today. I am simply voicing my opinion which I will continue to do with or without peoples approval. Call it a persona Non Grata. Though if you want to bring up our treaty I refer you to IV. 1, please do have a query with me at your earliest convenience.

What does Non Grata have to do with this?!?

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[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1357852493' post='3074078']
Its simple folks:

If someone hit NEW that would put NPO/NG vs CnG or NPO/NG vs DR or even NPO/NG vs DR & CnG. Why would I do that? Add to that because INT was absolutely drilled for trying to work with their allies in the Dave War and were thrown under the bus they would have no choice but to respond to a hit on NEW. NEW KNOWS THIS (and if they don't they are stupid little pawns and everyone should leave them in the woodshed). Every political party knows this so lets cut the crap. Instead of allowing this to expand, I am giving NEW a chance to step back and away. And if NEW doesn't, may their allies realize they are being used.

So not only did NEW put their nose in business that isn't theirs, isn't a treaty party, but they are additionally abusing the nature of INT, TORN and BFF. Shameful.

you act like you know NEW and Kaskuses relationship. We are blood brothers we need no treaty. its well known knowledge to everyone that we are beyond and above any words t'hat can be typed into a cute litle post. to denounce this as non existant is for me to say you have no ODAP with NSO and you have no right warring Kaskus. your memberships warchests are worse then NSOs were at the start of this. and now you send 10k nations against former 60k nations with nukes and fulk wonders and still prolly 200mil warchests. welcome to the fight and good job on sending new nations to the slaughter youre a real good leader.thanks for the 6mil your membership gave me to continue fighting. you think we will activily aggresivly fight NPO? no youre just making us want to push harder against NSO. you think youre making this better ? no.

Edited by KenoCore
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[quote name='USMC123' timestamp='1357853933' post='3074097']
What does Non Grata have to do with this?!?

As soon as I read this, I thought "that's pretty funny, but I bet at least one person takes it the wrong way". And here we are.

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[quote name='KenoCore' timestamp='1357854152' post='3074100']
you act like you know NEW and Kaskuses relationship. We are blood brothers we need no treaty. its well known knowledge to everyone that we are beyond and above any words t'hat can be typed into a cute litle post. to denounce this as non existant is for me to say you have no ODAP with NSO and you have no right warring Kaskus. your memberships warchests are worse then NSOs were at the start of this. and now you send 10k nations against former 60k nations with nukes and fulk wonders and still prolly 200mil warchests. welcome to the fight and good job on sending new nations to the slaughter youre a real good leader.thanks for the 6mil your membership gave me to continue fighting. you think we will activily aggresivly fight NPO? no youre just making us want to push harder against NSO. you think youre making this better ? no.

You are correct I don't know that relationship. I can only go off the standards you follow but have conveniently not followed in this case. As you have treaties with others, yet you have non with Kaskus (or vice versa) so we return to the mix messages you have been sending at large. My ODoAP with NSO is actually something announced and thereby put the world on notice so your argument is invalid.

You will find this is not about my nations and their warchests as I very directly expressed the reasons in my post which you quoted yet decided to ignore as a whole. By all means react to my lack of understanding of the NEW Kaskus relationship while ignoring the very detailed explanation I gave you.

Oh no you made a crack on NPO warchest... /rolls eyes.

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[quote name='USMC123' timestamp='1357851608' post='3074072']
Yea NSO! Why would you utilize as much over whelming force as possible to destroy your enemy quicker when you could fight a longer, more expensive war?! >:|

[i][b]A legitimate question, since over the course of a 45 page thread NSO members (to be fair, not necessarily gov't) indicated that that is exactly what they would not do.[/b][/i]

[quote name='Trigger' timestamp='1357853864' post='3074096']
We really have some idiotic posters here. My 2 cents...

It really is amusing to hear all the harping that NSO needs help for little Kaskus.

[i][b]I can see that. Although, if my house doesn't need paint, I don't paint it. If my car doesn't need gas, I don't put gas in it. If I don't need NPO....[/b][/i]
[i][b]What I find more amusing is the reasons I get for why NPO did enter. We've been told:[/b][/i]

[i][b]NPO entered the war to keep it from expanding.[/b][/i]
[i][b]NPO is fighting Kaskus to stop NEW.[/b][/i]
[i][b]NPO is fighting Kaskus because NSO victory was inevitable.[/b][/i]
[i][b]NPO is fighting Kaskus because the addition of 10M NS will absolutely NOT effect any change in the war.[/b][/i]

[i][b]All excellent reasons to fight a war nobody wanted or needed you to fight.[/b][/i]

An alliance leader has an obligation to reduce his alliances damage as much as possible. You use every resource at your disposal to protect your members... even if it means you call in friends... or friends jump in on their own.

[i][b]This is exactly what I figured. And I totally get it. And if NSO had never crowed about how good their paint was, I'd never question it. Or if they'd have said all along that if this doesn't end soon, we're going to paint our damn house. Instead I've been hearing how great the damn paint is, that stuff will last forever, and we'll see whose house needs painting first. And then NPO showed up in coveralls with ladders, paint and a sprayer.[/b][/i]

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[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1357855255' post='3074115']
You are correct I don't know that relationship. I can only go off the standards you follow but have conveniently not followed in this case. As you have treaties with others, yet you have non with Kaskus (or vice versa) so we return to the mix messages you have been sending at large. My ODoAP with NSO is actually something announced and thereby put the world on notice so your argument is invalid.

You will find this is not about my nations and their warchests as I very directly expressed the reasons in my post which you quoted yet decided to ignore as a whole. By all means react to my lack of understanding of the NEW Kaskus relationship while ignoring the very detailed explanation I gave you.

Oh no you made a crack on NPO warchest... /rolls eyes.

well i hope one day you do take the time to learn it. so that similar events like these wont be escalated as you have made them. you have have just caused things to spiral into a world war maybe not but you did do an action that will not be forgotten and will not be forgiven in the hearts and minds of a few (not nessecarily me or kaskus members)(just in a very undirect way jokingly bringing up the past)

and i cracked the warchest joke simce its wrong for kaskus to run the wzy it does might as well join the majority and act like you :) ( notice how i flip flop alot? yeah you all do as well) wait am i making any sense o.o....

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The worst part about this is that this is exactly what UnkownSmurf wanted. He so painfully wants to be relevant. He wants to be able to say, "I started a global war!" Well, this is the best outcome to smack him in the Jimmy and put him in a corner.

(I thought that Kaskus would wisen up before this happened. Damn! Razor and Tan have thoroughly been duped! Where was he when he was talking all that crap? Not in Kaskus. He ran to Kaskus when he knew he pushed too far. Of course they'd bail him out... Idiots.)

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[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1357856344' post='3074123']
I think that Brehon is too scared to declare on NEW directly.

[size=1]did not read thread will come back and read it later. [/size]
Shut up before I choke you. He at least has respect for NEW enough to keep them out You keep trying to draw more and more in.

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[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1357856344' post='3074123']
I think that Brehon is too scared to declare on NEW directly.

[size=1]did not read thread will come back and read it later. [/size]

No Smurf if you had basic reading comprehension you would see Brehon plainly said, any more outside influence on this conflict, including NEW aiding Kaskus would count as an act of aggression against the NPO. We will not allow our allies to be pushed around so we declared war to help them out.

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[quote name='Walshington' timestamp='1357850282' post='3074060']
I never said Kaskus was winning, if you read my post.

What I do keep reading is that NSO victory was inevitable/clear/would only not happen in an alternate universe. Only it never got proven. If the victory was so obvious, so ineveitable, and so clear.... why did NSO call in 10M extra NS to help? They seem to have played right into Kaskus' hands, and just when they were on the cusp of an obvious, easy victory.

Not delusional. Just a question that I haven't heard a good answer for.

Honest to Admin, do you just ignore what is told to you in black and white? Let me go REAL slow for you....


Do you get it yet?

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[quote name='Trigger' timestamp='1357853864' post='3074096']
We really have some idiotic posters here. My 2 cents...

It really is amusing to hear all the harping that NSO needs help for little Kaskus. Seriously, Kaskus had already lost. Oh, they can keep fighting at the lower tier and chest thump about how great of fighters they are fighting new low-wonder nations. Truth is that they are a shell of their former selves. Now, NSO leadership would be idiots to allow these new nations to be pummeled. That will only result in planet bob losing members who never had a chance to grow. An alliance leader has an obligation to reduce his alliances damage as much as possible. You use every resource at your disposal to protect your members... even if it means you call in friends... or friends jump in on their own because they are tired of the crap. I'm saying that Kaskus has/had no chance to beat NSO, but could definitely rape an alliances lower tier. Thats not what I call being a great warrior. That's being opportunistic in a losing war. I'm not trying to say I'm a fan of setup curbstomps either... but Kaskus were the instigators of this entire mess by accepting and shielding a !@#$% on another AAs ZI list. They deserve a beat down.
You forgot to say how they have been trying to get Kaskus to realize this and to end the conflict without having to fight Kaskus itself too much. That they have been trying to make Kaskus do what is right and once they had their previously agreed to 3 rounds with UnknownSmurf(the agreement was with US) to end the hostilities. Kaskus' egos became inflated because they felt they were doing so well, not realizing that NSO was not hitting them as hard as they could have trying to avoid crippling nations. My Indo brothers have been duped by an outsider and at some point I have to assume realized this and said screw it. They deserve every lump they get.

Edited by Judge X
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[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1357856344' post='3074123']
I think that Brehon is too scared to declare on NEW directly.

I'm pretty sure he explained his decisions earlier; I'm also pretty sure also did so in a relatively rational manner, including no mention of fear.

Seriously, I'm all for free speech, but please refrain from being moronic when you open your mouth.

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[quote name='KenoCore' timestamp='1357856474' post='3074124']
well i hope one day you do take the time to learn it. so that similar events like these wont be escalated as you have made them. you have have just caused things to spiral into a world war maybe not but you did do an action that will not be forgotten and will not be forgiven in the hearts and minds of a few (not nessecarily me or kaskus members)(just in a very undirect way jokingly bringing up the past)

and i cracked the warchest joke simce its wrong for kaskus to run the wzy it does might as well join the majority and act like you :) ( notice how i flip flop alot? yeah you all do as well) wait am i making any sense o.o....

I want you to stop, put your emotional response on hold and look at the details I provided to you. And while you may want me to take the time and understand the relationship between you and NEW, both of you need to stop and attempt to understand the elements of this community.

When you point at spirals, you may point instead to an untreatied alliance jumping into a world affair situation. But even before you do that, you should look at your own house and wonder why you instigated this bs to begin with.

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