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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1358553180' post='3078813']
Not the world where he was smuggled back into peace mode to stock up on nukes [u]twice[/u].

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[quote name='Masterof9puppets' timestamp='1358552948' post='3078808']
Why would I only buy 10? No worries, I'm done after this round.
Haha, well done. Nice valedictory effort there: go rogue, start a global war, then leave.

Edited by Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz
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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1358553180' post='3078813']
Not the world where he was smuggled back into peace mode to stock up on nukes [u]twice[/u].

By my count, just once.

[quote name='Da DreadLord' timestamp='1358554638' post='3078927']
I love you puppets

I do what I can. The war has been started, my purpose is complete. This war (apart from my other reasons for leaving the game ofc) was my reason for going rogue.

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[quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1358548642' post='3078771']
Are you saying that alliances haven't dictated their own policies onto the rest of CN? You certainly have an interesting view of history.
They have done that in the past, yes indeed. But, that almost always depends on the power an enforcing alliance has.

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[quote name='Roadie' timestamp='1358544106' post='3078726']
The problem is that it is AI's stagger to break, not Umbrella's, and yet Umrella coordinated with the rogue to break the stagger.
It's ours to do as we please as well. He is our rogue.

[quote name='Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz' timestamp='1358553650' post='3078828']
Haha, well done. Nice valedictory effort there: go rogue, start a global war, then leave.
That's part of the reason we didn't feel any remorse. puppets had made it known that he wasn't even going to stick around for a third round. Maybe kicking off a global war will keep him entertained enough to stay, and at this point it seems, help with the war effort? But otherwise, he was gone anyway, so while we helped AI ZI him, some of us could try to regain some of that land and tech. Meanwhile, he spent all of his warchest on infra after his first round since he has no intention of returning for another.

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[quote name='JoshuaR' timestamp='1358576956' post='3079681']
It's ours to do as we please as well. He is our rogue.

That's part of the reason we didn't feel any remorse. puppets had made it known that he wasn't even going to stick around for a third round. Maybe kicking off a global war will keep him entertained enough to stay, and at this point it seems, help with the war effort? But otherwise, he was gone anyway, so while we helped AI ZI him, some of us could try to regain some of that land and tech. Meanwhile, he spent all of his warchest on infra after his first round since he has no intention of returning for another.

Puppets has made 2 points

1. Filling his slots to block a stagger by Ai was planned by Umbrella

2. The reason for Umbrellas plan was to enable him to get back into peace mode so he could rebuy his nukes and hit Ai again fully stocked.

He is not your rogue he is your agent just like Dave93 was DH agent in the last war.

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Was the twice not on the count that Mo9P defensive slots were filled, which could lead to a second time.

Also, unless Umbrella reached an agreement with every alliance about BIBO (lol) then you have no defence. But again I will continue to let everyone else have their "no u" thread. As it is rather pathetic to even be associated with such.

Mo9P :wub:

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[quote name='Masterof9puppets' timestamp='1358614329' post='3079993']
Then your DoW is wrong. I am only in my second round of wars right now, would be hard to have escaped into peace mode twice already, no?

Your own post fully refutes your position. Congratulations.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1358553180' post='3078813']
Not the world where he was smuggled back into peace mode to stock up on nukes [u]twice[/u].

[quote name='Bob Sanders' timestamp='1358620291' post='3080064']
Your own post fully refutes your position. Congratulations.

Are you dumb? Notice the word that Alterego himself underlined.
I have been in peace mode once. I will not be in peace mode again.

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[quote name='Masterof9puppets' timestamp='1358561170' post='3079334']
I do what I can. The war has been started, my purpose is complete. This war (apart from my other reasons for leaving the game ofc) was my reason for going rogue.

Except that I don't buy you going totally rogue. I think you were probably on your way off Planet Bob anyway, so you did one more mission for Umbrella. Even if you were pulling a Kirk Douglas in "In Harm's Way" and deliberately going on a suicide mission on behalf of Umbrella without their prior knowledge, they've handled things since so poorly they handed AI and its allies a solid CB and made Umbrella the center of the fight--and the center of the fight is not the best use their capabilities.

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[quote name='Masterof9puppets' timestamp='1358614329' post='3079993']
Then your DoW is wrong. I am only in my second round of wars right now, would be hard to have escaped into peace mode twice already, no?

Your second attempt to avoid the stagger has been successful. Peace mode is merely a click away.

I honestly thought you were referring to this second round of wars when you said Umbrellas plan has been achieved once. Now I know you see the original duck into peace mode as Umbrellas plan. That means the stock pile of nukes you came out with are the result of Umbrellas plan. How anyone can question a DoW that solid is beyond me.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1358626260' post='3080172']
Your second attempt to avoid the stagger has been successful. Peace mode is merely a click away.

I honestly thought you were referring to this second round of wars when you said Umbrellas plan has been achieved once. Now I know you see the original duck into peace mode as Umbrellas plan. That means the stock pile of nukes you came out with are the result of Umbrellas plan. How anyone can question a DoW that solid is beyond me.

Lol, what? I'm not even quite sure what you're talking about anymore, but I suppose I should have stopped trying to make sense of your posting a while ago. I was allowed to enter peace mode after my first round of wars because DT, MK, & some other alliance declared on me. Umbrella had nothing to do with that round, therefore it was part of my plan, not Umbrellas. With this latest round of wars, my slots were taken not to break the stagger (I've now said multiple times that my plan ends after this round of wars, I'm not going into peace mode, rebuying nukes, or etc), but to fulfill BIBO/take piss off AI into declaring.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1358594601' post='3079833']
Puppets has made 2 points

1. Filling his slots to block a stagger by Ai was planned by Umbrella

2. The reason for Umbrellas plan was to enable him to get back into peace mode so he could rebuy his nukes and hit Ai again fully stocked.

He is not your rogue he is your agent just like Dave93 was DH agent in the last war.
[quote name='Masterof9puppets' timestamp='1358628554' post='3080207']
Lol, what? I'm not even quite sure what you're talking about anymore, but I suppose I should have stopped trying to make sense of your posting a while ago. I was allowed to enter peace mode after my first round of wars because DT, MK, & some other alliance declared on me. Umbrella had nothing to do with that round, therefore it was part of my plan, not Umbrellas. With this latest round of wars, my slots were taken not to break the stagger (I've now said multiple times that my plan ends after this round of wars, I'm not going into peace mode, rebuying nukes, or etc), but to fulfill BIBO/take piss off AI into declaring.
Even puppets posted the refutation to your post, Alterego. Yes his roguery was planned... by puppets. And yes Umbrella did ruin a stagger on this second set of wars (not the first), but it's a stagger that doesn't matter, and puppets is getting beat down by Umbrella as much as by MK Applicant, DT, and FOK nations.

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