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The Ordinance of Rebirth

Farrin Xies

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RV - you need to do a few things before you continue this spiral of stupid years old rhetoric:

1. Get with the times and at least attempt to find out what the NPO is about, does and believes. You will find we are, and I certainly am, 100% against PZI/EZI. Now instead of just saying it, let me tell you why I am that way. Its not about power, its about the harm it does to this community. When we as a community run off people that want to play, eventually there will be no playground to play in. I understand it sounds really good and hard core for you to stand ground, but your white elephant doesn't exist. If you must continue your quest Ahab, you must at least get off dry land.

2. Again you need to look around the world and find out where are these people you hated so much in NPO, those that made those policies, and see where they are. Here is a short list: dead, in other alliances, not active in CN in three years. You called me a joke when I was a new member; notice I didn't care. I didn't care because they had policies I didn't believe in. Because of this I and many others like me fought tooth and nail to make it right and make it better. Don't like how it is now.. .np, argue with about what it is now.

3. How many examples would you like of where we could have done ezi/pzi and yet we didn't. Not because we couldn't but because of our belief I stated in #1. In fact I have both enemies and allies where we have talked about exactly this issue and they will tell you I have been nothing but consistent about it and my absolute distaste for it on every level.

4. Even your ally and I have via the boards talked about this issue because I believe they have an ezi program; because imo having some lay prostrate for your enjoyment, delete or re-roll isn't some great thing for CN (I do admit it gives an identity to a group) its still ezi. Why because if they don't want to reroll, don't want to delete and don't want to do some lulz or similar = constant attacks.

5. Do you even know the internal or even external events of the NPO? Have you even tried, or do you have such little integrity instead of finding out you just pop in a battery and then put yourself on 2006,7,8 repeat.

6. What do you know of the NSO/NPO relationship over the past 2-3 years?

Don't worry I'll wait as you hunt that elephant and whale good Cpt. Ahab.

Edited by Brehon
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[color=#0000ff]What do I know about the NSO/NPO relationship? More than you think, Brehon. Do not forget I was in the leadership of the NSO (usually as a high level adviser, and privy to more information than official government). Furthermore, I have seen the posts of your members in the MK membership. Recently Litha was talking about how we need to take more proactive measures to ensure no one goes rogue on. One person gone rogue makes us a threat to your security, it seems.[/color]

[color=#0000ff]I've seen that rhetoric before. It was used to justify your assaults on GATO, GPA, FAN, ONOS, need I go on? You have not changed. You think exactly as you did four years ago. You failed to silence me then, you will fail to silence me now. I am not intimated by you, Brehon. You are a small man riding a small alliance. You will be crushed like the vermin you are.[/color]

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RV - as you continue to prove you can spout words yet you lack absolute content. Tell me, don't be shy, what do you know about the NPO / NSO relationship of the last 2 years. Since you know so much we should be able to have this conversation.

So while I am here addressing these things, you are going to point to Litha, a member, who was upset and discussed an issue IC and I handled and are taking her words seriously yet you don't want MK member[i]s[/i] words taken seriously. Goose and Gander. If you feel there was more to it than that, go run along and talk to IC because you are ill informed again. Look up the old phrase about assume, it will do wonders for your posts.

RV while I know the "your" you are doing refers to the NPO, you have again stepped aside from my comments. Where are those people now RV? One more time: dead, in other alliances in CN and/or haven't been active in 3 years. But hunt Ahab hunt. You are actually having trouble staying in today for one post.

You are correct when you say "You have not changed" if you are referring to me directly, because indeed I have not. I hold my same beliefs, part of which I outlined in the post above which you are by and large ignoring. You and I had 1... ONE discussion in the NPO private IRC in the open where I told you to stop trying to be martyr or similar to which you freaked the hell out about. Didn't try to silence you, I gave an opinion. Considering I was a new to the NPO at that time, you should have ignored it.

You are correct, you don't know me at all - thank you for coming straight out and admitting that and destroying your own tirade. So perhaps before you run off at the mouth some more you should do yourself the courtesy of fact checking or self education, it will go a long long way.

Small man riding a small alliance - while a cute personal dig, here is the fact - I am another patron of this world, nothing more nothing less. I hold myself above no one and perform my duty with pride and dedication. If that makes me vermin, then so be it. If that means I am to be crushed, then so be it. I long ago stopped worrying about what this world could take away from my nation, my alliance or my members. But where ever we go, we will do it without being ashamed of that person in the mirror. You don't believe that, that is fine, it doesn't require that you do.

Last but not least, its okay to hate the NPO. There are a nice handful of alliances on Bob that fit that description of being strong of size, strong of belief and strong of ability; the NPO is one of those. So sling mud, its okay, but we already know the truth. The NPO hurt you at some point and you still want vengeance or feel the need to preach on it. The truth is your dogma is old and dis-proven.

Still and A for effort

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[color=#0000ff]I know of the frustrations NSO had with your alliance. You were always cowardly, and when we were targeted by our enemies you slithered away and made excuses. You are using NSO as a tool for your goals. They will get nothing in return. Those who ally to you never do. You use them, and then expend. So quite your self-righteous nonsense. I know your playbook. I was there when it was written.[/color]

[color=#0000ff]I feel for those who have allowed themselves to be deluded into believing there is a different NPO. They're in for a rude surprise.[/color]

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1355535116' post='3063926']
[color=#0000FF]What do I know about the NSO/NPO relationship? More than you think, Brehon. Do not forget I was in the leadership of the NSO (usually as a high level adviser, and privy to more information than official government). Furthermore, I have seen the posts of your members in the MK membership. Recently Litha was talking about how we need to take more proactive measures to ensure no one goes rogue on. One person gone rogue makes us a threat to your security, it seems.[/color]

[color=#0000FF]I've seen that rhetoric before. It was used to justify your assaults on GATO, GPA, FAN, ONOS, need I go on? You have not changed. You think exactly as you did four years ago. You failed to silence me then, you will fail to silence me now. I am not intimated by you, Brehon. You are a small man riding a small alliance. You will be crushed like the vermin you are.[/color]

You really are living in a fantasy world. Has the rest of MK shoved thier heads as far in the sand as you have? It is like you think it 2007 or something. Is this the best you can do? [color=#0000FF] Hey its me RV, lets just forget what MK and company have done lately so I can bring up things by people who are no longer around from several years ago.[/color] Pathetic. Almost as Pathetic as the scum you now run with.

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[quote name='The Big Bad' timestamp='1355537986' post='3063947']
You really are living in a fantasy world. Has the rest of MK shoved thier heads as far in the sand as you have? It is like you think it 2007 or something. Is this the best you can do? [color=#0000FF] Hey its me RV, lets just forget what MK and company have done lately so I can bring up things by people who are no longer around from several years ago.[/color] Pathetic. Almost as Pathetic as the scum you now run with.

I'd like to remind everyone, especially RV, that relations between NSO/NPO (at least to my knowledge) have never been at a point where they would blatantly demand outrageous reparations, threaten war when the response was not what they wanted and then would trot out their "noble" leader in Archon to brush everything under the rug and "fix" the issue. If you want to talk about NPO being Hegemony again, then you should look to your own alliance RV. MK and co. have done more things similar to the Old Hegemony than NPO has done since it got off sanctions a few years ago.

Since when did you forget about the reaming they gave us when you and I were Sith Lords trying to deal with that debacle of an issue?? That for me has to be the biggest surprise, that you have forgotten the reaming they wanted to give you for airing the dirty laundry of their attempts to extort us...

EDIT: Typos

Edited by Longshadow
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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1355537092' post='3063941']
[color=#0000ff]. They will get nothing in return. Those who ally to you never do. [/color]

[color=#0000ff]You and I have had vastly different experiences with NPO then, because the NPO I am familiar with goes out and pro actively aids it's allies, even when it's not expected and they are within their right to walk away.[/color]

[color=#0000ff]o/ NPO[/color]

[color=#0000FF]Edit: I would burn every pixel I own for NPO :P[/color][color=#0000FF] RV sucks.[/color]

Edited by berbers
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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1355537092' post='3063941']
[color=#0000ff]I know of the frustrations NSO had with your alliance. You were always cowardly, and when we were targeted by our enemies you slithered away and made excuses. You are using NSO as a tool for your goals. They will get nothing in return. Those who ally to you never do. You use them, and then expend. So quite your self-righteous nonsense. I know your playbook. I was there when it was written.[/color]

[color=#0000ff]I feel for those who have allowed themselves to be deluded into believing there is a different NPO. They're in for a rude surprise.[/color]

RV, just for clarity please let us know the year you are referring to when you post it will help avoid confusion.

As for 2012, 2011 and 2010, stop, drop and read a bit. Nothing you have said matches those years at all. Pretty sure (tho I am sure someone will bring up DH/NPO for justification) that information you have tossed out has not been true in three Emperors (Cortath roughly just after Karma - 2011 Mary 2011 and Myself 2012) so what, four years?

Oh well, carry on.

For the record, I want to again thank Dilber and Rayvon, I have enjoyed our often brief but blunt communications o/

o/ NSO
o/ NPO

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1355488396' post='3063715']
[color=#0000ff]For all MK's problems, they have never sentenced entire alliances to PZI or chased people out of alliances on a regular basis. I assure you, allow NPO back into power and you will quickly remember why those were unpleasant years. I see the same arrogance and madness that led to those past abuses in the words and actions of NPO's present leadership. Nothing has changed.[/color]
Awww, I love you too sweetums.

[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1355524992' post='3063854']
[color=#0000ff]I've made by views on GOONS' mercy board clear multiple times. Let us face a reality here. MK and GOONS will be rolled. NPO will win. If you're so concerned about PZI you ought to be worrying about the ones who will have the power soon, and the ones who are going to abuse it. Mark my words. They will.[/color]

[color=#0000ff]I know that I will be among the first to be lined up. I know that will make you happy.[/color][/quote]
Insightful for a change, but you fouled up two points. One, there will be no PZIs handed out. You can quote me on that if it makes you feel better. Two, you won't be singled out for anything. I don't see what you get out of your persecution complex, but it's time to give it a rest.

[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1355535116' post='3063926']
[color=#0000FF]You have not changed. You think exactly as you did four years ago. You failed to silence me then, you will fail to silence me now. I am not intimated by you, Brehon. You are a small man riding a small alliance. You will be crushed like the vermin you are.[/color]
No one's trying to silence you, dude. Why would we? You're digging a deep enough hole already.

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[quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1355549606' post='3063991']
I could've had so much fun with you guys when I didn't like both of you. Back when alliances managed over 500 members, when no one carried spies, when nukes actually meant something.

edit: Can we finally bring back forced disbanded though?

Dude.....your sig......

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As to the big bad NPO. Times have changed and so has the NPO. If anything they probably need to be a little MORE evil. :awesome: If the ebb and flow of the politics of Digiteria puts them on top I don't fear it all.

But congratulations to both the NSO and our ally NPO.

Edited by Taget
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[quote name='HalfEmpty' timestamp='1355602502' post='3064167']
As usual RV is correct. NPO hasn't changed a bit and will take us back to 2008 when the air was clean an sex was dirty. Please?

I like the sound of these. Where do I take the booze?

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[quote name='bakamitai' timestamp='1355550108' post='3063994']
No one's trying to silence you, dude. Why would we? You're digging a deep enough hole already.
[color=#0000ff]Ah, funny. Koona, Umbrae, and all your other buddies said this to me when I started calling them out on the nonsense they pulled. The more things change the more they stay the same. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm not quite done digging.[/color]

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