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3 strikes, and you're out

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[quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1340252811' post='2991278']
NPO has no MDP with CSN, you can attempt to e-lawyer(you're terrible at it) as much as you'd like, it doesn't change the fact NPO has no MDP with CSN.
Since when does MK care about who has an MDP with who?
NPO should just activate the 'MK doctrine' and pre-counter you.

Edited by James Dahl
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[quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1340252811' post='2991278']
NPO has no MDP with CSN, you can attempt to e-lawyer(you're terrible at it) as much as you'd like, it doesn't change the fact NPO has no MDP with CSN.
Ah, you are the one that is trying to elawyer our 3 strikes rule. I thought it was pretty clear.

It's an oA. Get over it.

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[quote name='Lusitan' timestamp='1340252568' post='2991267']
We can wait for your nations NATO, it's not like we have anything better to do :)

Most of our top tier would weep at the thought of nuking you :(

To bad it worked out like this.

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[quote name='Sunny Side King' timestamp='1340251976' post='2991235']
Lolol your upper tier fled to hippie mode awfully fast. What's a matter, afraid of a little Umbrella?
[/quote]Are you kidding me? A peace mode insult? Every goddamned alliance at war has a large portion of it's membership in peace mode, including Umbrella and your alliance. You should be embarassed. :facepalm:

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[quote name='Sir Humphrey' timestamp='1340252900' post='2991284']
Ah, you are the one that is trying to elawyer our 3 strikes rule. I thought it was pretty clear.

It's an oA. Get over it.
And on the same day your poor MDoAP parter LSF was attacked again. Makes u think...

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[quote name='berbers' timestamp='1340252907' post='2991285']
Most of our top tier would weep at the thought of nuking you :(

To bad it worked out like this.

Me and Lenny had a 1on1 arranged in case something like this would happen ;)

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[quote name='Ryan Greenberg' timestamp='1340252930' post='2991286']
Are you kidding me? A peace mode insult? Every goddamned alliance at war has a large portion of it's membership in peace mode, including Umbrella and your alliance. You should be embarassed. :facepalm:

War finally comes around and the opposition in range is in peacemode.. so yes you can expect some peacemode insults.

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[quote name='Quiziotle' timestamp='1340253083' post='2991292']
I do like that you chose to optionally join in here when another of your treaty partners was directly attacked earlier today.
Wow no. Only INT is evil for not supporting LSF.

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[quote name='Ryan Greenberg' timestamp='1340252930' post='2991286']
Are you kidding me? A peace mode insult? Every goddamned alliance at war has a large portion of it's membership in peace mode, including Umbrella and your alliance. You should be embarassed. :facepalm:

This man speaks the truth. Peace Mode jokes were so 2006.

Besides, shouldn't we all just settle down? You're all beautiful peacocks; you have wondrous plumage. We have many people in this thread that simply won't listen to what the other side says, and it's just all for nothing to even discuss it if that is so.

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[quote name='Quiziotle' timestamp='1340253083' post='2991292']
I do like that you chose to optionally join in here when another of your treaty partners was directly attacked earlier today.

Well we were going to go in for LSF, but you and C&G made such good arguments for Int not helping, that we decided we should probably just oA in with R&R.

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[quote name='rsoxbronco1' timestamp='1340253049' post='2991288']
And on the same day your poor MDoAP parter LSF was attacked again. Makes u think...
[/quote]...that LSF did too many stupid things and handled themselves too poorly(IRON) to get help from other alliances that have more important issues at hand than LSF getting rolled because of themselves.

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[quote name='rsoxbronco1' timestamp='1340253049' post='2991288']
And on the same day your poor MDoAP parter LSF was attacked again. Makes u think...
Thank you for your concern for our allies, particularly given how terrifying the political implications of LSF's actions apparently were to you.

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[quote name='Ravnica' timestamp='1340251796' post='2991227']
Also, serious question, why all the hatred for MK?
Serious reply. Please bear with me.

1) Your alliance acts essentially as a giant bully in the world,
2) They curbstomp the same parties every 6 years simply because they can,
3) They have no respect for the rights of other players,
4) There was no CB this war (at least, there was only a very thin one that MK openly acknowledges was a joke),
5) The CB-less Doomhouse-NPO war spearheaded by MK,
6) General oppression and mayhem, like the extortion of NSO for I forget how much, because some guy in a trade circle deleted or something dumb,
7) Other extortion practices, typically at the end of BS wars,
8) Ghosting other alliances, including alliances within their sphere of power, without permission, to achieve... Well, to achieve nothing really, it was just to be a dick, and otherwise not having respect for the boundaries of [i]anyone[/i]
9) The "bio-dad" incident, where Hoo and Kait, two well known alliance leaders, also married IRL, were literally run out of the game via endless OOC and IRL harassment, threats, and the like - all while [i]their daughter was missing and they were scared for her life[/i] - to which Archon turned a blind eye to, until legal threats were leveled, at which point his response was to delete the incriminating evidence and do nothing else. More information on this event is available [[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?app=blog&module=display&section=blog&blogid=655&showentry=3458"]Here[/url]], and I highly recommend it because this is one of the more important reasons,
10)The bros 'hacking' incident. Bros runs a hosting service, which a number of alliances used, and bros then probed those alliance databases for intel. MK did nothing to rectify the situation, another case of "we can do whatever the hell we want because we own the world."

There is a multitude of other things that I am forgetting, including MK's general hostile and abusive attitude towards... Well, just about everything. The list could go on for miles if I really had time to do research, this is just stuff off the top of my head.

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[quote name='berbers' timestamp='1340252785' post='2991275']

Our reasons for attacking you are outlined in a numerical format at the beginning of this thread, bringing NPO in is not in that sequence. (Well the way you treated them is partially responsible for item #3, but that's splitting hairs)
no but who were the people on our side begging you not to enter.

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[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1340251147' post='2991188']
You know the NPO cannot support you on one side and TLR/GATO/NG on the other. This is why I asked you to stay out. I understand your want, but this is the wrong move. We, NPO, put out our statement. This would allow our allies to stay on a side, even if it meant staying out.

Simply put, as you already know, I am disappointed. Not because you are doing what you want, but because you are falling into a death trap that could be avoided. Directly you have caused us to have two M levels in the same conflict.
If you didn't want to get into this circumstance, you probably shouldn't have posted what you did. That, or maybe you should have managed your treaties a bit more carefully so that you didn't get into this position. I feel no pity for you when you dug the hole yourself.

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[quote name='Matthew Conrad' timestamp='1340252558' post='2991264']
Desperate plea from a desperate man.
To the contrary. As soon as people figure out that they can protest your antics and simply sit out and not chain in to support you, your unchecked power goes away. That's been a large theme of my recent posting, in case you didn't notice.

[quote name='rsoxbronco1' timestamp='1340252796' post='2991276']
You're not even allied and you can't accept their position...what does that make you?
hurr durr u r so clevar

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